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Nov 2024 HbA1C 129, today did repeat - nervous about result!


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all,

Hope everyone is well. Sorry it has been some time since I last posted. Life has just taken over!

Those that know me I was first tested in November 2024 and had HbA1C result of 129! Been bit of a emotional rollercoaster since then more so than the usual prior to that!

Wanted to retest later than the 2 months advised as understand blood cells have 90 to 120 day turnover so had it finally yesterday, Wednesday. I held out as long as possible.

Really worried/nervous about the results. This time being tested for everything such as cholesterol, thyroid, vitamin D, folate etc. Want to hope results are ok and with HbA1C I have at least halved it from 129 and know will disappointed if not. However I know deep down anything lower than 129 is in right direction so at best less than 100 I should be happy.

With blood monitor fasting average in morning is generally under 6mmol now although I know that can be different thoughout the day so that’s where HbA1C more accurate.

Sorry now just waffling and woke up just now so thought I would post update as forgot to do earlier in day!

Praying for some positive!
Hello @Zaraah and hopes for a good result.
I never tested first thing so I don't know how your results might turn out - I tested at the 2 hours after starting to eat point so as to see if my food choices were good. With your HbA1c level being so high it would be best to exercise caution anyway - above a hundred indicates that you were used to some high BG levels and it would be best to plan a long slow reduction rather than drastic measures. Even so - fingers crossed for a pleasing result.
Hello @Zaraah and hopes for a good result.
I never tested first thing so I don't know how your results might turn out - I tested at the 2 hours after starting to eat point so as to see if my food choices were good. With your HbA1c level being so high it would be best to exercise caution anyway - above a hundred indicates that you were used to some high BG levels and it would be best to plan a long slow reduction rather than drastic measures. Even so - fingers crossed for a pleasing result.
Thanks @Drummer for advice. I started by testing for first couple of month upon waking and then after every meal. After about 2 months nurse told me to go to once a day as my levels went down as I had ado increased my steps as well as changed diet and they advised either upon waking or last thing at night. Yes I agree hopefully it had gone down just so know I going in right direction. Just worried for some reason I still might be quite high!!
Fingers crossed @Zaraah . Your story sounds similar to mine (i am waiting for that first test after 3m and lots of lifestyle changes and meds) . Fingers crossed for a good result!
Thank you @Lea123. What was your starting number? Also fingers crossed for you too!

I know stress is also factor for me as GP reminded me recently that can change diet and exercise however stress can affect numbers too so will see just hope it has gone down so least not triple figures anymore!
Thank you @Lea123. What was your starting number? Also fingers crossed for you too!

I know stress is also factor for me as GP reminded me recently that can change diet and exercise however stress can affect numbers too so will see just hope it has gone down so least not triple figures anymore!
Hi, thank you - was 75 in December, put on 3xmetformin(by a&e- long story - no gradual introduction) …….. lost 1.5st since and daily testing (various multiple times a day - before/after/early/late) showing no readings over 7mmol so fingers crossed. No idea when next hba1c test will be as had no correspondence from NHS on this and as yet no appointment to discuss diagnosis or further testing with GP. Booked to see diabetic nurse early april so can hopefully arrange next hba1c then.
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I was really worried about test results at first, then found I did not need to be.
Hopefully you'll be the same after your results come in over the next year or so.
Still waiting for all the other blood results however HbA1C in and it’s 41. From 129 to 41 in 4 months. Major lifestyle change and not going to lie had some chocolate along the way, however, I noticed on finger prick monitor my numbers were always better when I did steps so kept moving.

Whilst started on Gliclazide and Metformin came off Gliclazide after 3-4 weeks as my average readings were lower than the 8mmol which nurse said had to be before would take me off Gliclazide.

I cannot believe it. Waiting on other blood results to get overall picture. However to say I am relieved is understatement!!

Past 3 months just been on Metformin 2 x 1000mg in evening so hoping when other blood results in nurse will see me so can plan ahead for next blood test to monitor progress still in right direction.

Being diagnosed and sent A&E same day 4 months ago life just changed and was so daunting and worrying, I cannot thank you all for your support and advice for past 4 months and really hope I can continue to stay on this path! Been long time since I had some good news!
Wow! What an amazing result. I am delighted for you after all the hard work you have obviously put in..... even with the odd chocolate treat. Well done!! You have every right to be extremely proud of yourself.
Hope the other results all come back in range too.
Thats got to be a record drop in numbers! Congrats!
Wow! What an amazing result. I am delighted for you after all the hard work you have obviously put in..... even with the odd chocolate treat. Well done!! You have every right to be extremely proud of yourself.
Hope the other results all come back in range too.
Thank you @rebrascora!
Thats got to be a record drop in numbers! Congrats!
Thanks @Dave_Z1a! No idea however I am relieved. I was so nervous about first retest result after being diagnosed! 🙂
That's amazing @Zaraah so pleased for you, especially as you have also been able to reduce your medication as well. Your lifestyle changes have really paid off. Great to hear another success story. Gives me hope that I can get there.
congratulations on a fantastic result @Zaraah
sounds like you worked hard at changing your lifestyle so well deserved
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Still waiting for all the other blood results however HbA1C in and it’s 41. From 129 to 41 in 4 months. Major lifestyle change and not going to lie had some chocolate along the way, however, I noticed on finger prick monitor my numbers were always better when I did steps so kept moving.

Whilst started on Gliclazide and Metformin came off Gliclazide after 3-4 weeks as my average readings were lower than the 8mmol which nurse said had to be before would take me off Gliclazide.

I cannot believe it. Waiting on other blood results to get overall picture. However to say I am relieved is understatement!!

Past 3 months just been on Metformin 2 x 1000mg in evening so hoping when other blood results in nurse will see me so can plan ahead for next blood test to monitor progress still in right direction.

Being diagnosed and sent A&E same day 4 months ago life just changed and was so daunting and worrying, I cannot thank you all for your support and advice for past 4 months and really hope I can continue to stay on this path! Been long time since I had some good news!
Congratulations, that is a fantastic result even allowing for the chocolate treat. Carry on the good work
@Zaraah When I got 41 at the 6 month mark I didn't know if I should laugh or cry - so I did both.
Well done indeed.
That's amazing @Zaraah so pleased for you, especially as you have also been able to reduce your medication as well. Your lifestyle changes have really paid off. Great to hear another success story. Gives me hope that I can get there.
Thanks @silver minion. Fingers crossed I keep it at this level so will see how I go!