No insulin but i am on byetta!

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Byetta should be goo weight wise for you, and should help with the blood sugars too. Insulin tends to put on weight for people, so it's worth seeing if byetta works for you forst, so a good approach from your DSN in my opinion.

I moved to the 5mm needles a while ago and wouldn't go back.
Yeah I think so to Nikki

Well took it at 5 and after nearly causing my other half to throttle me haha, i kept saying count to 3 count to 3 he would and then id bottle it, but eventually i did it.nothing hardly happened tbh was all in my head.
Hope it works for you Steph.
How are you feeling - and did you feel just a little railroaded? Its not as if you had a chance to research and make your own decision.
Hope it works for you Steph.
How are you feeling - and did you feel just a little railroaded? Its not as if you had a chance to research and make your own decision.

yeah it has been mentioned to me before the byetta marg so i did look into it quite extensivly and knew about it, but yes i was a little surprised my head had got used to the idea of the insulin byt nevermind onwards and upwards x
Hope this works well for you Steff, it's been quite a battle for you hasn't it? The reason you've gotta have it before meals is because it can upset your stomach something horrible (as if metformin wasn't bad enough...), Byetta is supposed to encourage wieght loss as well as decreasing insulin resistance, and as somebody said, it was the new type 2 wonder drug, it's kinda been replaced by Victoza in the wonder stakes but they are related so it's still fairly super douper.. They put you on a small dose to start with so your body can get used to it before upping the dose, hopefully preventing too much belly acheing.
There's no reason why, if it works out for you, that you can't come off it again at a later date if your insulin resistance comes down. Good luck:D
Yes rachel has my ups and downs to say the least lol.Ty for explaining the need to take it before meals i was not to sure x
Hi Steff just catching up after a hectic week. Good luck with the Byetta (I have NO idea what that is, I'll look it up one of these days!), very daunting to have to stick a needle in yourself, I admire you lot who all have to do it on a daily basis.

I am only on tablets so have no experience of Byetta but just wanted to say good luck and hope it works out for you xxx
ty helen and caz x going good so far 2 jabs in 3rd one at 5pm
Good luck with the Byetta Steff, the 5mm needles are great very rarely feel them when I inject.
Good luck with the Byetta Steff, the 5mm needles are great very rarely feel them when I inject.

ty Phil im finding that already, onto my 4th injection this morning and so far so good
whoopsies forgot to take shot at 5 so took it 20 minutes later X naughty diabetic.
Hi Steff

Trust me to miss all the excitement! I have been away for the weekend and only just caught up with you - got your pm - will reply shortly.

Well, fancy you getting the old Lizard Spit after all - that is how we met on here wasn't it! I hope this works out for you Steff, I really do. I am now into my 7th month on it - can you believe it-seems like only yesterday. I know everyone reacts differently but it has been a real life saver for me. My BS levels have come down nicely and these past 3 weeks I have been reducing carbs inspired of our own dear Wallycorker and have seen another satisfying dip in the levels and some more shifting of weight. The initial weight loss slowed but I have not put any on in all the time I have been on it - that is a first considering it was over the Xmas period!

Still, back to you - hope you don't suffer too much with sickness etc- it should pass if you do and don't worry too much about changing your usual diet at this stage - get yourself settled on it first- I think I lived on toast some days (sorry you low carbers out there!);)

I have the 8mm needles by the way - they have to be to get into my ample fat! Watch it if you inject into your thighs - make sure you don't use the inner side - only inject within the span of your hand laid one the outside of your thigh with the little fingers along seam in your trousers- if that makes sense and inject under the line of your belly button when using the old tum:)
Hi Steff

Trust me to miss all the excitement! I have been away for the weekend and only just caught up with you - got your pm - will reply shortly.

Well, fancy you getting the old Lizard Spit after all - that is how we met on here wasn't it! I hope this works out for you Steff, I really do. I am now into my 7th month on it - can you believe it-seems like only yesterday. I know everyone reacts differently but it has been a real life saver for me. My BS levels have come down nicely and these past 3 weeks I have been reducing carbs inspired of our own dear Wallycorker and have seen another satisfying dip in the levels and some more shifting of weight. The initial weight loss slowed but I have not put any on in all the time I have been on it - that is a first considering it was over the Xmas period!

Still, back to you - hope you don't suffer too much with sickness etc- it should pass if you do and don't worry too much about changing your usual diet at this stage - get yourself settled on it first- I think I lived on toast some days (sorry you low carbers out there!);)

I have the 8mm needles by the way - they have to be to get into my ample fat! Watch it if you inject into your thighs - make sure you don't use the inner side - only inject within the span of your hand laid one the outside of your thigh with the little fingers along seam in your trousers- if that makes sense and inject under the line of your belly button when using the old tum:)

lol typical huh you go away and miss all the ho-ha, so far im only a little tired and tummy is abit unsettled, i will go back to the doc on the 18th may and then we will see if i have to go onto the 10mg, ty for the advice i was hoping you would be on at some stage hun as i know your one of the more regular posters that is on B.I did just forget to take a shot and was late by 20 minutes, would that cause major upset ??
Hey steff

Glad that your first few injections went well I used to have to prepare myself and would sit there ages before I finally would do it - I'm a big baby :rolleyes:

Hey steff

Glad that your first few injections went well I used to have to prepare myself and would sit there ages before I finally would do it - I'm a big baby :rolleyes:


That was like my first injection on Friday Emma like i said it took a while but as people have said the 5mm feel so gentle i hardly feel anything,
Hi all, just being nosey: what is Byetta? - or which previous thread should I be reading?
lol typical huh you go away and miss all the ho-ha, so far im only a little tired and tummy is abit unsettled, i will go back to the doc on the 18th may and then we will see if i have to go onto the 10mg, ty for the advice i was hoping you would be on at some stage hun as i know your one of the more regular posters that is on B.I did just forget to take a shot and was late by 20 minutes, would that cause major upset ??

Steff, you should take your shot so that you eat within an hour after having it- you don't have to take it an hour before eating - most people find 30 mins before a meal is best. However, don't worry about taking it just before you eat- I have sometimes forgotten and sat with my plate in front of me and just remembered in time! If you take it after you eat, it won't have time to do it's job though so a bit of a waste for that meal! If you take it and don't eat for over an hour, you may feel sick though so if your meal is delayed, try to grab something to eat even if it just a roll or some biccies.

Some say that 30 mins before is ideal - gives the shot a chance to work and avoids the chance of feeling sick as the hour draws near. My worry is eating out as we all know how you sometimes get a slow service and I would panic if I thought the food would be served late. So I tend to take the shot once I have ordered - if the food hasn't arrived within the hour I would walk out anyway!

Take care x
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