No insulin but i am on byetta!

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well got to the surgery had a wait of 45 minutes as the DN was stuck in traffic so great start lol, Anyway I go in there she says right I have been looking at your notes and the hospital have said insulin is your next step i said yeah thats right she then turns around and says right well how would you feel about byetta :eek: i looked puzzled as you would expect ive had my head u my !"?! last few days and got all geared for insulin, Apparently in the week my doctor at the hospital phoned my DN and they discussed the best course of action for me and i think the DN may have persuaded the doc to try me on byetta first so i said look if anything can help me ill take it and if byetta is a start then ill take it.

So at the moment im on 5 micrograms twice a day and after 30 days depending on how i get on i will be going upto 10 micrograms twice a day.I got a lesson on how to use it and got prescribed 5mm needles, i must take the byetta 1 hour before morning and 1 hour before evening meal:confused:

confused yeah i know i am.
Hi Steff, what a to do! Well, at least you know where you are (for now!). I don't know much about Byetta - what reasons did the nurse give for recommending that instead of insulin, as I presume there must be some advantages?

Hope things go OK with the injections - once you've got the first couple out of the way you'll be fine with it, I'm sure :)
isnt the byetta what you wanted ages ago ??? good luck with it all xxx
Good luck, I hope it works out for you. Let us know how you get on.
Oh goodness what a palaver. I really hope the Bayetta helps your levels and makes you feel better. I have to admit I know v little about it.
Hi Steff, what a to do! Well, at least you know where you are (for now!). I don't know much about Byetta - what reasons did the nurse give for recommending that instead of insulin, as I presume there must be some advantages?

Hope things go OK with the injections - once you've got the first couple out of the way you'll be fine with it, I'm sure :)

Hi she said because i have quite alot of weight to lose and the fact that she has another lady patcient that is very similier to me in age and weight and has been on it 2 years and lost 2 stone that she thought it would be good for me in that sense as well.
Only just noticed what you said about 5mm needles! :eek: I use 8mm ones, myself. Tom gave me a 5mm one to try, and the difference is so weird!

in what way ? do you dislike the 5? x
Not dislike, but it's a stranger sensation. I'm used to the needle being slightly longer, so I wasn't convinced that I'd injected properly. But if you start on the 5mm ones, you won't know any different ;)

well ive got plenty cushioning lol.
Hi Steph, my doc did say DSN may try me on that first, perhaps its the new wonder drug for type 2s! Do hp all goes well for u, will follow ur progress with interest! Take care, shirl x
Hey steff,

Sounds like a step in the right direction if they other lady has done well on it. It's good that they'll be reviewing it in 30 days. I got given the 5mm needels at the start because I wanted to try injecting in my upper arms and haven't got any meat on them according to the dsn so they gave me those to try - I loved them could barely feel the needle. I use the 6mm now have tried the 8mm and they hurt like hell. Let us know how you get on with the new medication xxx
Hey steff,

Sounds like a step in the right direction if they other lady has done well on it. It's good that they'll be reviewing it in 30 days. I got given the 5mm needels at the start because I wanted to try injecting in my upper arms and haven't got any meat on them according to the dsn so they gave me those to try - I loved them could barely feel the needle. I use the 6mm now have tried the 8mm and they hurt like hell. Let us know how you get on with the new medication xxx

Will do Emma, ill be injecting in the tummy for now my other options with byetta are my thigh or upper arm.x
Tummy is definately the best spot I think or arms.I get bruises in my thighs and it always bleeds there too xxx
Tummy is definately the best spot I think or arms.I get bruises in my thighs and it always bleeds there too xxx

I know my finger pricking experditions took me to my thigh and it bled as well.
What a carry on. Don't they do Byetta in pen form?
yeah its pen form you get two types 5mg has orange sticker on and the 10 has a yellow sticker.

Oh right, from what you were saying I thought it was syringes you had. For some reason I don't quite understand, they worry more than the pens. Perhaps because I'm supposed to carry an Epi-pen around with me and I'm used to the way they work.
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