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I will keep that in mind thank you. I might actually have a go even though yoga is now doable to be honest...I'm sure I can find a beginners video on good old youtube!

There are a lot.
I did a fair number in lockdown, when my local sessions were all cancelled.
There isn't really, a concrete definition of 'sanity' or '100% mentally healthy', so really I guess it's a question of trying to shift ourselves closest to that end of the 'sanity spectrum' that we can manage. And enjoying as much of life as we live it as we can.
There isn't really, a concrete definition of 'sanity' or '100% mentally healthy', so really I guess it's a question of trying to shift ourselves closest to that end of the 'sanity spectrum' that we can manage. And enjoying as much of life as we live it as we can.

There is "mental unhealth" though.
It's the same as any unhealth.
It's being ill, and "ill" is anything that makes you feel bad.
So you do the best you can.
It's not about "judgement" on either side.

If it's you, you take the help.
If it's not you, you give the help.
But it has to be a two way street for it to work.
Thank you 🙂

Sadly so many illnesses are not curable and that includes many mental health issues. But not curable doesnt mean cant be improved. I will always have to work really hard to maintain some kind of stability (I hurt my shoulder in the summer and had to stop the yoga for a few weeks...wasnt pretty lol). Its just the way it is, but it doesn't have to be all or nothing like I used to think. I used to feel like I would either always be a total wreck, or I would be cured and (hesitate to use the word) 'normal'. There is this fairly huge grey area in the middle too...and so many folk reside there (far more I think than what I previously thought of as normal...no issues, always happy, never angry or stressed, never make a bad decision...you know...superhuman lol

Every bit of progress along the way counts for something. Doesn't matter if you ever reach cured. A constant motion of slightly better is better than staying still. One day you look back and realise that whoa, my life has changed so much since a year ago, how'd that happen? You pick up so much along the way from strangers on the Internet to highly qualified psychiatric staff if you are looking hard enough (and holding a mirror up to oneself of course)

We all have our demons and battles. The world can be a tough classroom for everyone in it - But you can stick two fingers up to it, and keep moving anyway.

To the OP - if you can't get to see someone, write it all down. Get it out of your head and on to paper. Even burn it afterwards (though don't throw it in a plastic bin like I did once...for an allegedly intelligent creature sometimes I amaze myself...whoops)
Sometimes it can ease the pressure just to acknowledge it (whatever 'it' may be) and give it some air time rather than have it rattling inside your head like marbles in a washing machine. Hope you are feeling a bit better today x
The diabetes is hideously bad and has been for years so without the mental strength to cope it I will never be any good
You are coping with it though, in your own way, so you clearly have more mental strength than you think. It doesn't mean you have to like it (who does?) but you have managed for years and are still here, so you need to be a bit kinder to yourself and acknowledge that yes, you are coping. Cut yourself some slack @spell, you deserve it x
No, self treatment is not the answer, that is a NHS cop out
Perhaps as you have been told often enough, you need to help yourself instead of expecting everyone else to do everything for you.
You have been given the gift of life by having the heart surgery, so you obviously want to live, so make use of the 2nd chance you have been given.
The diabetes is hideously bad and has been for years so without the mental strength to cope it I will never be any good

Don’t let the b*@&#+* win @spell Any win against it is a good one. Try to see something positive, eg if your blood sugar is 12.8, tell yourself at least it’s under 13 and you haven’t got ketones. A simple thing to do is keep meals roughly the same. That removes some mental effort.
Perhaps as you have been told often enough, you need to help yourself instead of expecting everyone else to do everything for you.
You have been given the gift of life by having the heart surgery, so you obviously want to live, so make use of the 2nd chance you have been gi

Don’t let the b*@&#+* win @spell Any win against it is a good one. Try to see something positive, eg if your blood sugar is 12.8, tell yourself at least it’s under 13 and you haven’t got ketones. A simple thing to do is keep meals roughly the same. That removes some mental effort.
12.8! Sh*t it would be nice if it went that low
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Do you want to say some of them? You don’t have to if it’ll stress you out. Apart from the health reasons, i’d find it very hard to not correct a 24.5 because id be feeling like crap and have that unbearable thirst.

Do you make yourself endure it as some kind of punishment? (And you don’t have to answer that either)
Do you want to say some of them? You don’t have to if it’ll stress you out. Apart from the health reasons, i’d find it very hard to not correct a 24.5 because id be feeling like crap and have that unbearable thirst.

Do you make yourself endure it as some kind of punishment? (And you don’t have to answer that either)
Punishment yes, that's a good one, and tbh I don't feel it anymore, not till it's around 30
Punishment yes, that's a good one, and tbh I don't feel it anymore, not till it's around 30

You don’t have to punish yourself :(

Would you like to get better control? It would make you feel better, I think. You don’t realise how rubbish you’ve been feeling until you get back into a more normal range.
You don’t have to punish yourself :(

Would you like to get better control? It would make you feel better, I think. You don’t realise how rubbish you’ve been feeling until you get back into a more normal range.
Oh it's punishment for something I did
And does punishing yourself help? Help amend the thing you did, I mean.
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