Newbies - say hello here!

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Hi everyone

Hello everyone

I am a type 2 diabetic on metformin, Actos, lantus and nova radid. Despite being on massive doses of insulin I have sugars over 20 most of the time. They took me into hospital to try to get my sugars down, kept me in for 5 days and did nothing! My Hba1c is now 11.8 was 12.8 on diagnosis in 2002. I am getting nowhere I have lost a lot of weight but I am struggling with complications. I have permaant abscesses as I also have hidranitus suppative so have permanant infections.

hi 41 and have had diabetes for just over 4 currently on novamix 30 twice a day but as of next week will be going onto the basal bolus regime.will be happy for any advice about this regime.🙂
Hello everyone

Greetings all. I'm John aged 52 (nearly 53) and have only been diagnosed since May 2008 when I changed GP. Ironically, I only changed as the Surgery was within walking distance and I would save petrol. :confused:
Hello. Diagnosed type 1 at 37 in Jan '05. Did a DAFNE course a couple of years ago and haven't looked back since.
gog (Pete)
hello everyone, I'm Fran, 23 and from nottingham. I was diagnosed with type 1 almost 3 years ago.
I often feel i am quite alone with my diabetes and i can't always turn to doctors for help, but this had made me determined to work things out for myself and learn what i can from books, research papers and websites like this. So i think this site is fantastic for helping people connect and help learn from each other what they're going through!
I hope i can make lots of friends 🙂
Hi Catmac,

I was off work for 7 weeks when diagnosed earlier this year. You will know when you are ready to return. I am also on 2 injections a day, humalogue 25. nice to hear you are on two most people seem to be on 4-5. think they see how you go on with this regime first, but so far working for me.

Well me.. Hannah and been a diabetic since I was 6-so thats 9 years on 24th nov.
erm... went to the lobby day thing this week but failed to actually talk to any other diabetic kids (N)

thats the reason I joined this thing to get talking [well technically talking] to other diabetics and seeing if everything thats normal for me is for them cos you know how sometimes if I step back and look at my friends' lives or sisters its like a completely different world to mine...
so I need to see other people with the same world as me

Did any of that actually make sense?! haha
omg yes! def... i feel exactly the same way my life feels completley different to that of my only sibling michelle... she is only 2 years younger but it seems like we ae worlds apart because of my "condition"

Well this place is well over due! I've been looking for a British forum since I was diagnosed. So at last! And well done to those who brought this here forum to us.

Me, I'm 26 and was diagnosed type 1 three years ago. My blood sugar control, if I was being generous, could be described as sh... erm... pants. Actually, culminating my landing myself in hospital for ketoacidosis earlier this week (not quite the first time either).

So OK, OK, I guess you could say I'm having major problems with my diabetes right now; I'm rather all or nothing. I've tried to get support, but it doesn't seem to be available, cos well, I know what I need to do; I'm just not very good at doing it - which doctors/nurses dont really have much sympathy with ('well, if you know what needs done... why dont you just do it then?' '...errr... i dunno... i just... dont... cant... dont... i dunno *shrug*... sorry.').

Yesterday I bought myself a new glucose monitor in an attempt to improve things... (the OneTouch Ultra Smart)... and found myself rather excitedly telling my friends that it does graphs (it does graphs!), among other 'smart' stuff. This, I realise, was possibly one of the saddest conversations I've ever had, which considering the conversations I have on a regular basis, is tres uncool.

Anyway! Hello.. Hi... Pleased to meet ya
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Hi there and welcome
I use the same monitor system. Find the software great.
Hi i'm Sheryl and i'm 21. I've had type 1 diabetes for 7 years now. xxxx

Well this place is well over due! I've been looking for a British forum since I was diagnosed. So at last! And well done to those who brought this here forum to us.

Me, I'm 26 and was diagnosed type 1 three years ago. My blood sugar control, if I was being generous, could be described as sh... erm... pants. Actually, culminating my landing myself in hospital for ketoacidosis earlier this week (not quite the first time either).

So OK, OK, I guess you could say I'm having major problems with my diabetes right now; I'm rather all or nothing. I've tried to get support, but it doesn't seem to be available, cos well, I know what I need to do; I'm just not very good at doing it - which doctors/nurses dont really have much sympathy with ('well, if you know what needs done... why dont you just do it then?' '...errr... i dunno... i just... dont... cant... dont... i dunno *shrug*... sorry.').

Yesterday I bought myself a new glucose monitor in an attempt to improve things... (the OneTouch Ultra Smart)... and found myself rather excitedly telling my friends that it does graphs (it does graphs!), among other 'smart' stuff. This, I realise, was possibly one of the saddest conversations I've ever had, which considering the conversations I have on a regular basis, is tres uncool.

Anyway! Hello.. Hi... Pleased to meet ya

Well you can defintely have those conversations here, nothing sad about that! I've often caught myself having those sort of conversations with friends who glaze over very quickly ' but look at my new meter, it's pink!!!' etc Since the DAFNE course I've been even worse. even the smallest question from them will end in me giving them a diabetes lesson!

I can be like you in that I know what I should be doing, and I can do it, but I can find myself getting a bit lax every now and then, snacks are my worst enemy, if I'm having a busy day I always think, oh just one chocolate will be fine then find I'm way above target when it comes to my next blood test! I am really making an effort to take control of it all now and get it right most of the time now, still got a bit of work to do on my a1c but I'm getting there!

If you need any support or encourgement just shout- if you know what you should be doing that's a large part of the battle won!

I was diagnosed earlier today after nearly falling into a coma

Hello there

I'm a bit shell shocked as I was diagnosed earlier today.

For around 3 years I've had every classic diabetes symptom, and I have been to my GP asking for tests only to be told I was probably a bit stressed and should work less.

This morning, after feeling really unwell for around a week, I was convinced I was about to fit. I've had absences and petit mal type sensations that have been going on for months. I have a raging, unquenchable thirst, constant trips to the loo, lost three stone in around 9 months, horrendous headaches and pain behind my eyes and this morning and the last few days difficulty with words, cognitive reasoning et al - a bit disconcerting as I'm a Solicitor! I had a pretty bad car crash on Tuesday when I had an absence, I drove into a tree after losing control of my car.

In the A & E dept this morning, I was seen as an emergency and told I had a blood sugar level of 25.6 That meant nothing to me. I'd had a noral breakfast around three hours earlier. I was whisked into a unit, given a saline IV and simply told to see my GP tomorrow. I was also told I was nearly comatose so more than surprised I had been released... with no advice. This seem shocking to me.

After researching a little on the net, I'm horrified. I see I have retinoplasty ( I was told I had vessels growing behind the eyes by my optician probably because of prolonged contact lens wear (!) )

I'm pretty cheesed off as you can imagine, but strangely happy that there's been a diagnosis of sorts.

I'm sorry, but how thick are the medics that have seen me previously? I've gone with the specific intention of asking them to rule out diabetes.

Anyway, I'm glad to see there's a forum. I've been given absolutely no advice, I feel awful, don't know what food to eat / avoid etc. and pleased to see there's somewhere I can get advice.


Hello Paul

I find myself surprised that you have been discharged with no referral to the diabetes team or more importantly the normal discharge letter to your GP.

Beware of self diagnosis on the internet. Make an appointment to see someone at your local medical practice asap and have a few 'i's dotted and 't's crossed.
Hi John

I have the GP letter, I'm going into the surgery tomorrow. It relates the blood count and fact there were no keto's / HONK.

I was diagnosed by the attending surgeon. I'm the last to be an internet hypochondriac, but the info is really very useful I've come across.

I'll post a little more when I've been given more info. Still pretty muzzy headed, I'm hoping I don't get the usual urge for the loo mid early hours!

Thanks for the reply.

Good. Hope all gets sorted out and you return to controlled health and your midnight loo
strolls get less
John, just returned from seeing the Diabetic specialist GP. Confirmed I have Type II.

Levels are still high - 22.7 this morning. I've got Metaformin to start and have purchased a monitor. I'm surprised how cheap they are, and how expensive the paper testers are.

Just crossing fingers that I can control it all with diet and bring levels right down. Follow up planned in a few weeks.

I'm just a bit flustered about what to do to bring levels down with foods I should avoid / eat. I'll do a bit of research and look round the forum too.

Although I do not advocate a strict 'low carb' diet - I do recommend cutting down (not out altogether!) on your carbs - such as potatoes/pasta/bread/rice and replacing them with more vegetables which are not so carb heavy. Takes a little bit of getting used to but it is worth it. I would advise getting a book which can give you a rough breakdown (I never trust them completely) of carbs in food - Collins gem do one - and it's only ?3.99
Carb counting is very important for Type 1's - but I think Type 2's benefit just from having a bit of knowledge about it too! Best armed I say! I hope this isn't too daunting. It is second nature to me as I have been doing it my entire life.
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed type 2 diabetes last December. I'm now on tablets for the rest of my life. I've lost over a stone in weight and seem to be controlling the diabetese by eating the right foods.
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