New pumper!!

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Still really frustrated with the pump :( I'm seeing my dsn tomorrow but I feel like I'm newly diagnosed up and down like a yoyo! Not great infact I'm fed up of feeling poorly with it, I am experimenting with the multi wave and I've actually done ok with that tonight, 🙂 still no fasting tests done yet due to monthly appearing but hey ho hopefully as soon as I've finished I will crack on with that, readings have been bad these last couple of weeks will be glad to get these profiles sorted out then hopefully things will settle. I keep reading that things will improve with the pump, but at the moment it feels a long way off, sorry to be negative :-/
I hope that the appointment goes well tomorrow. It will be worth it once you have basal rates sorted then you can make adjustments to that for periods etc using Temporary Basal Rates, and once you have the amount sorted, you can set up a new profile for regular events.
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