New pumper!!

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Thanks, still a bit up and down but seems a bit more settled, having my profiles adjusted on Thursday so in mean time switching through the profiles and using tbr. So nice not having to inject though 🙂
Hi all sorry ive got to rant!! This flipping pump!!!! Grrrrrr only good thing about it so far is no injections!!!!!!!!I'm really fed up with it :-( sorry
Sorry about that I've calmed down now,I just feel so frustrated as I feel I'm taking 2 steps forward 3 back, my readings are up and fish like a yo yo so not feeling great. In know it's early days but it's very frustrating, think the problem I had this time was when I changed my cannula rechecked after an hour and was 17 changed it then down to 9 and dropping quickly. I've jumped down a couple of profiles, it will get easier won't it? x
Hi Marianne

I am glad that things settled down, and I hope that you have a successful appointment with the DSN soon. There is a lot to match to your particular needs but this needs to be done step by step.

It is indeed hard not to panic when things go haywire, but I try to work step by step to sort out the problems that arise. At the start I found a flow diagram that the DSNs had given me very useful as it was logical and saved me thinking what to do next.

Having said that I had a bad day today with levels ranging from 14 to 2.9. None of the usual logical reasons. We then checked our fridge!!! Not cool enough at all. So we ditched the insulin. An emergency call to the GP got me a new prescription and new insulin. Levels back on track. That wasn't on the flow hart!
Loops. We crossed posts. Things not so settled. YES it does get easier.

You will need to match the background insulin to your needs and this will take time.
Your background is now quick acting and no long acting so that is another change.

Give it time, keep having a rant if that helps and keep asking for help
Oh no how annoying glad you gave got sorted out and your levels stable, I like the idea of the flow chart, I will ask my DSN about it when I see her, it's just frustrating because I like to be able to run before I can walk! I just don't like these yo yo readings as it does make me panic especially when high. I will get used to it im sure. It does help having a rant, sometimes I just need to let off a steam lol☺ as always I appreciate the support and advice ☺
Hi Marianne

Sorry you've been having a bit of a tricky time with your pump start. Rest assured *everyone* goes through this. It's a massive change and everything feels really new and strange - how are you supposed to know whether this, that or the other 'feels' right.

You are doing really well though. Just keep at it and don't give up. There will def be ups and downs over the next few weeks and months so give yourself a chance to adapt and get to understand how you and the pump can get along together.

Even if you were a pretty proficient cyclist you would have to put in quite a bit of effort to learn how to drive a car. You wouldn't expect to be able to just jump straight onto the motorway. You are still essentially getting from A to B, but not all the things you knew how to do the 'old' way can be directly applied any more.

Hang in there - you will get it I'm sure.
I'm so sorry that you're having a tricky time with your pump. I'm going through a bad phase at the moment but keep reminding myself that if it wasn't for the pump that things would be a lot harder. Keep persevering with the pump. It is definitely worth it.
Hi Marianne

Sorry you've been having a bit of a tricky time with your pump start. Rest assured *everyone* goes through this. It's a massive change and everything feels really new and strange - how are you supposed to know whether this, that or the other 'feels' right.

You are doing really well though. Just keep at it and don't give up. There will def be ups and downs over the next few weeks and months so give yourself a chance to adapt and get to understand how you and the pump can get along together.

Even if you were a pretty proficient cyclist you would have to put in quite a bit of effort to learn how to drive a car. You wouldn't expect to be able to just jump straight onto the motorway. You are still essentially getting from A to B, but not all the things you knew how to do the 'old' way can be directly applied any more.

Hang in there - you will get it I'm sure.
Thanks very much, I do feel like everything is very knew, and I suppose I'm frustrated as it's only since December that I stated to accept and take care of myself properly, I guess I was so happy that my results were finally becoming more stable and now I feel like I've gone backwards again as in yo yo readings. Hopefully it is only temporary. I'm seeing my DSN tomorrow and she is going to adjust my profiles. So I will have s good chat with her. I just find it such a frustrating condition, but add you say stick with it and hopefully I will improve. ☺
I'm so sorry that you're having a tricky time with your pump. I'm going through a bad phase at the moment but keep reminding myself that if it wasn't for the pump that things would be a lot harder. Keep persevering with the pump. It is definitely worth it.
Thanks, and I'm sorry you are having a bad phase with yours. I hope you settle soon. I will stick at it and hopefully my pump will become my new best friend. Im loving not injecting but just want readings to settle a bit fingers crossed we will both settle soon ☺
Thanks very much, I do feel like everything is very knew, and I suppose I'm frustrated as it's only since December that I stated to accept and take care of myself properly, I guess I was so happy that my results were finally becoming more stable and now I feel like I've gone backwards again as in yo yo readings. Hopefully it is only temporary. I'm seeing my DSN tomorrow and she is going to adjust my profiles. So I will have s good chat with her. I just find it such a frustrating condition, but add you say stick with it and hopefully I will improve. ☺

Things will def improve and yes it's very frustrating. One of my favourite sayings is " Rome wasn't built in a day" In a way it's a completely knew learning curve almost as if newly diagnosed. Once you have plucked up the courage to change your own basals things will be better just remember small steps at a time and not to many adjustments. So change one section of basal then wait and see what improves, then move on to the next section.
That's exactly how I feel pumper sue, like I'm newly diagnosed, I went to see my DSN today to get my profiles adjusted. I think the problem is been having us everytime I've had a hypo or gone hyper I've been jumping through the different profiles as I've paniked. I haven't really left it to let it settle. So I'm going to try and stick with one profile at a time and use tbr if needed. I'm sure I'll get there as you say small changes
If you stick to one profile and then use TBRs and keep a record of when and why, that could help you to work out what other profiles you might need. The secret to getting the correct basal rates is to do fasting tests. That way it takes out a lot of other variables. Has the DSN talked to you about doing these?
If you stick to one profile and then use TBRs and keep a record of when and why, that could help you to work out what other profiles you might need. The secret to getting the correct basal rates is to do fasting tests. That way it takes out a lot of other variables. Has the DSN talked to you about doing these?
No my dsn hasn't mentioned fasting yet. Is that going carb free for a while? I am taking your advice and using one profile and then adjusting the tbr accordingly. I've managed to stop a couple of hypos, but then I'm going a bit high. I am keeping a record of my results. ☺
That sounds good Marianne. If you take along the record of your results to your next appointment it will help the DSN to work with you to make adjustments to you basal rates. As you become more confident you will take on the responsibility of making changes.

The fasting test is when you go without carbs for a bit, do no corrections and monitor bloods hourly.
Talk to the DSN about this. If you are on an Accu Check combo your DSN may have some of their basal rate testing charts. These are great for checking you have gradually covered the full 24 hours and working out which hourly rates to adjust. That may make absolutely no sense at all, but come back for more info if they suggest that you do this.

I have it planned to do this in bits over this week, but I know that I may end up having to abandon some part way through if I go to high or too low, or life just gets in the way.

I was about to set up a new profile and remembered what I had said to you about using the TBR first, so thanks for the reminder.
That sounds good Marianne. If you take along the record of your results to your next appointment it will help the DSN to work with you to make adjustments to you basal rates. As you become more confident you will take on the responsibility of making changes.

The fasting test is when you go without carbs for a bit, do no corrections and monitor bloods hourly.
Talk to the DSN about this. If you are on an Accu Check combo your DSN may have some of their basal rate testing charts. These are great for checking you have gradually covered the full 24 hours and working out which hourly rates to adjust. That may make absolutely no sense at all, but come back for more info if they suggest that you do this.

I have it planned to do this in bits over this week, but I know that I may end up having to abandon some part way through if I go to high or too low, or life just gets in the way.

I was about to set up a new profile and remembered what I had said to you about using the TBR first, so thanks for the reminder.
That does make sense, I will speak to my dsn about it in April when I see her. I getting fed up of the hypos but fortunately haven't had too many high highs as 17 - 20 my highest today has been 13 so that is an improvement. I'm sure I will get the hang of it soon but yes the fasting test does sound good, thanks 🙂
Hi again, im hoping to attempt a fasting test this afternoon, fingers x as so far attempted twice yesturday but bg was not good and ended up having to change my tubing and cannula as ended up at 24 so didn't feel great. Onwards and upwards though so fingers x I can do it this pm if my bg are ok? Hope everyone is having a nice easter ☺
Hi again, im hoping to attempt a fasting test this afternoon, fingers x as so far attempted twice yesturday but bg was not good and ended up having to change my tubing and cannula as ended up at 24 so didn't feel great. Onwards and upwards though so fingers x I can do it this pm if my bg are ok? Hope everyone is having a nice easter ☺
Clock change weekends are a waste of time for basal testing as most find they have slightly off numbers on the Sunday.

It's the night basals you need to sort first then the rest is easier to sort. 🙂 Have fun
Thanks i will do! I know that is advisable to do overnight first but I just want to make a start with it asap so I'm going to try this aft first and if I am unable to because of bg then I'll aim for tonight instead.
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