I get all that, thanks. Starch is broken down into maltose and then glucose so eating starch is just the same as eating sugar in terms of total glucose but it is not such an immediate hit, the more 'complex' the carb is the less immediate the hit is.It can be very confusing at first so I'll try and keep this simple. I'm 73 by the way, so your generation.
It's not the actual sugar Type 2 diabetics have to measure but carbohydrates. Your shredded wheat may only have 0.3gm sugar but almost 30gm carbs. The food label will say "Carbs" then underneath "of which sugars". Similarly 2 slices bread for your toastie could be over 40gm carbs but only 2.8gm sugar. It is suggested Type 2 should try and have less than 130gm carbs in total per day.
If you are comfortable with an iPhone or laptop, the easiest way to find the carb value of all foods including fresh, is with an app like NutraCheck. It keeps a running total meal by meal and for the day.
Do you think these apps genuinely know that cellulose, although a carbohydrate, is not digestible?