need facts!!!???

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As an anti-whinging-at-other-people person, I agree that not even a gym is obliged to stock sugar-free drinks. Maybe we should thank the people who do, rather than whinging at the ones who don't. It's quite hard for establishments to please all the people all the time (presumably the policy of not selling sugar-free drinks had been put in place to make someone else happy in the first place).

Quote (Bev): but non-diabetics have a wider choice - then yes this is discrimination.
The point is, we're diabetic. Life isn't fair. non-diabetics will ALWAYS have more choice, the only way to make the amount of choice equal is to stop non-diabetics being allowed sugar too!!

HOWEVER, the idiot of a manager who tried to tell you it was ok to drink full-sugar cans wants shooting - how is he qualified to give you medical advice about your own (very individual) condition? - therefore, he deserves EVERYTHING he gets.

Diabetics are not asking for multiple choices of cold drinks - the person in question would have been grateful for just one choice!🙂 The fact that life isnt fair because your a diabetic isnt a licence to always expect 2nd best treatment and to accept discrimination in any form!😱
I thought we had moved on from the days when people were alienated for being different?!!!!!!!!

Lets stop making excuses for companies and large organisations who should know better. Providing 1 diet drink is the very least they should be doing.

Next thing you know there wont be any choice for vegetarians. or coeliacs. or people with nut allergies - so should all these minorites just stay home and be segregated from 'normal' activies just because someone decides that they dont want to accommodate them?

I just hope I have instilled enough confidence into Alex that he always feels that he has a right to ask for something that others take for granted - without feeling that he is a burden or asking for the impossible - I would hate to see him go through life feeling like the odd one out all the time!

Diabetes is a restriction in itself - lets not make a diabetics life any harder for heavens sake. We are talking about a DIET DRINK here - not asking for the whole of the stock lists to be changed. 🙄Bev
We have not been told any details of this Gym - name and shame I dare you.

Whilst I agree the manager is an idiot, I still defend anyone's right to sell whatever products they like.
Vote with your feet and pen, if you don't like it go elsewhere or write and complain. Get your local diabetic support group to go to the Gym and demand diet drinks. Water is a very valid choice as an alternative and contains none of the c**p that is in diet soda, I don't recall diet soda being a required drink for diabetics. You are telling a shopkeeeper to sell the products you would like to buy, not what you need to survive, why should they.

The vast majority of people on this board are diabetics or carers/parents so please don't tell US what diabetics want.
Vegetarians have limited choice in restaurants and coeliacs even less (if any) and some people are intolerant to artificial sweeteners (aspartame) so no diet soda there.

End of rant.
If antone wants to pm me with thier email address i have a simple leaflet By DiDkA that can be downloaded and printed out and handed to any establishment that needs explains the reasons for Diet Drink Awareness a campaign started on this forum
Although, to an extent what he says is true… in the same way that all foods are perfectly healthy ‘as part of a balanced diet’… however balancing a diet to incorporate several kilos of lard is much harder then not eating lard… the best solution and recommendation there would be… don’t eat plates of lard. Similarly, yes drinking a sugar drink is possibly done healthily... but its much easier not to.

Also, you can pretty much check everywhere, and diabetics are advised not to drink sugary drinks due to their being no insulin available that can act as fast on the blood sugar as sugary drinks. And if there was… that wouldn’t help those not taking insulin. Its exactly because it raises the blood sugar so rapidly that it is a good hypo treatment.

Basically, the manager doesn’t know what he’s talking about… people go to a gym for their health, not to compromise it.

If they don’t want to stock sugar free drinks, so be it… but he shouldn’t be justifying it by spouting misinformed rubbish.

A gym seems a prime place for high uptake of diet drinks though… suspect.
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****! Really.. what a ****

Although, to an extent what he says is true… in the same way that all foods are perfectly healthy ‘as part of a balanced diet’… however balancing a diet to incorporate several kilos of lard is much harder then not eating lard… the best solution and recommendation there would be… don’t eat plates of lard. Similarly, yes drinking a sugar drink is possibly done healthily... but its much easier not to.

Also, you can pretty much check everywhere, and diabetics are advised not to drink sugary drinks due to their being no insulin available that can act as fast on the blood sugar as sugary drinks. And if there was… that wouldn’t help those not taking insulin. Its exactly because it raises the blood sugar so rapidly that it is a good hypo treatment.

Basically, the manager is a tool and he doesn’t know what he’s talking about… people go to a gym for their health, not to compromise it.

If they don’t want to stock sugar free drinks, so be it… but he shouldn’t be justifying it by spouting misinformed rubbish.

A gym seems a prime place for high uptake of diet drinks though… suspect.

please see the forum guidelines about swearing (just saying it before a mod does!) 🙂
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We have not been told any details of this Gym - name and shame I dare you.

Whilst I agree the manager is an idiot, I still defend anyone's right to sell whatever products they like.
Vote with your feet and pen, if you don't like it go elsewhere or write and complain. Get your local diabetic support group to go to the Gym and demand diet drinks. Water is a very valid choice as an alternative and contains none of the c**p that is in diet soda, I don't recall diet soda being a required drink for diabetics. You are telling a shopkeeeper to sell the products you would like to buy, not what you need to survive, why should they.

The vast majority of people on this board are diabetics or carers/parents so please don't tell US what diabetics want.
Vegetarians have limited choice in restaurants and coeliacs even less (if any) and some people are intolerant to artificial sweeteners (aspartame) so no diet soda there.

End of rant.

I can only tell you what my 12 year old diabetic son wants as I am his mother. He wants to be just like his friends. He wants to drink diet coke or similar on a hot day. He wants choice - just like non-diabetics. He wants to be able to ask for a simple drink without being told he doesnt need one - just like his non-diabetic friends.

If YOU choose to drink water - then i am happy for you as there is no shortage of it anywhere you go. But if my son chooses to drink DIET COKE just for the hell of it and just because he wants it - then who are you to say that he shouldnt be allowed the choice?

As far as I am aware, we live in a civilised country where everyones needs are recognised - so to say that a diabetic doesnt need a diet soda or coke and should be happy with the choice of just water - then quite clearly you are ignoring his right to choose.

And just for the record, I only allow my son to drink these diet drinks as a treat - perhaps 1 a week as i dont want his teeth staining etc ..But it is just that - a treat!

I have absolutely no idea why you are defending these large companies who have more money than sense - but quite frankly I am shocked to hear another diabetic be quite so defensive about what otherwise is a very small problem and is very easily rectified.

At the end of the day - its a win win situation - the company increases their profits and the diabetic gets to choose his/her own drink so I fail to see what point your actually trying to make.🙂Bev

p.s. full sugar coke is not a required drink for non- diabetics either - so why should they get to choose - whats wrong with water for them?
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This is descending into a circular argument. I do not deny anyone their right to a choice but I do defend some wally manager wanting to stock his choice of products. Market forces or customer complaints should dictate his course of action. DIDKA encourages people to provide the choices that you require but there is no divine right for anyone demand that they provide those choices.
Unless you know otherwise, we know very little about this gym. I know of nowhere that sells canned/bottled soda drinks that does not sell the diet variety as the mark-up is the same, maybe he has a storage issue.
When I was Alex's age there was no such thing as diet-soda so I never had a choice.

I don't know where you think I was defending large companies? I was defending the right of a shop/bar/restaurant to sell what they want to sell.

I don't tend to drink water and if a restaurant could not provide a diet soft drink I would leave and not go back. That is exercising my choice.

Yes we are supposed to live in a civilised country but where does that say that an individual or even a group can dictate to another individual how they operate their business. We go out of our way to accommodate people's wishes in our guest house, some are near impossible (gluten free diets are hard as in a highland village there is little choice of bread), because that is how we want to provide a service for people. We do have sweeteners for people that request them and give nutritional information on our breakfast cereals.

I am sure from what I have read of your posting that you are doing a grand job with Alex, which having 3 grown up children myself I can only partly imagine how hard and emotional it must be for you.
Can we leave it at that please?
Just noticed that the original posting said the drink had 5g sugar in it. Can't have been cola cause that has 35g in a can.
This is descending into a circular argument. I do not deny anyone their right to a choice but I do defend some wally manager wanting to stock his choice of products. Market forces or customer complaints should dictate his course of action. DIDKA encourages people to provide the choices that you require but there is no divine right for anyone demand that they provide those choices.
Unless you know otherwise, we know very little about this gym. I know of nowhere that sells canned/bottled soda drinks that does not sell the diet variety as the mark-up is the same, maybe he has a storage issue.
When I was Alex's age there was no such thing as diet-soda so I never had a choice.

I don't know where you think I was defending large companies? I was defending the right of a shop/bar/restaurant to sell what they want to sell.

I don't tend to drink water and if a restaurant could not provide a diet soft drink I would leave and not go back. That is exercising my choice.

Yes we are supposed to live in a civilised country but where does that say that an individual or even a group can dictate to another individual how they operate their business. We go out of our way to accommodate people's wishes in our guest house, some are near impossible (gluten free diets are hard as in a highland village there is little choice of bread), because that is how we want to provide a service for people. We do have sweeteners for people that request them and give nutritional information on our breakfast cereals.

I am sure from what I have read of your posting that you are doing a grand job with Alex, which having 3 grown up children myself I can only partly imagine how hard and emotional it must be for you.
Can we leave it at that please?

I think your right - this has turned into a circular argument and I dont wish to stir things up anymore. I would just say though, that just because coke etc wasnt available when you where a boy doesnt mean the children of today should feel somehow priveleged - its just a fact of life that it wasnt available for you - but it is for Alex and he should be allowed to choose in whatever establishment he is in. I dont accept the issue about stock as I used to run a cafe and there is always a way of sorting stock out if you need to. Perhaps the owner of the gym could cut a third off the full sugar cokes to make room for the diet cokes and keep on top of his orders.🙂

Anyway, yes I do try to do whats best for Alex as I truly believe that one day there will be a cure and my job is to keep him healthy and happy until that day arrives.🙂

Just a note on the gluten free bread, they do sell it in larger supermarkets and perhaps you could freeze a couple of loaves? ( not sure how far it is to your local supermarket). Failing that, there are some great bread makers on the market and recipes for gluten free bread are fairly easy to find - I think I have seen the ready made packs that you just pop into the bread maker somewhere - I think its in Sainsburys if you have one near to you. Anyway, I am sure your patrons appreciate the efforts you go to to accomadate all their needs - its just a pity not all places feel the same.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev, Gluten free just sprang to mind as we had a Danish lady in this morning who brought her own crispbread. She was quite happy as a couple of the cereals are gluten free (rice crispies I think).
We have a massive freezer, but loaves take up such a lot of space we just don't have the room. Yes we could make it ourselves but most people don't tell you until they sit down for breakfast. We do have veggy sausage in the freezer which is OK for last minute defrosting but most veggies seem not to want cooked breakfast. We also do Scottish Kedgeree, which should be good for diabetics as it is made with pearl barley instead of white rice (will email recipe if you want it) and smoked salmon with scrambled egg.

I have been interested to see how some restaurants tell which drink is which. Frankie and Bennies bend the straw over on the diet coke, while other places omit a slice of lemon (bit weird that one), it always worries me when a tray of mixed cokes arrive, if I'm not sure I get the wife to try mine before I drink it.

Rereading Julie's original post it does seem as if the Gym is quite big and probably part of a chain if it has customer complaint cards (the must anticipate a lot of complaints!), if so she should write to head office and complain.
Thanks Bev, Gluten free just sprang to mind as we had a Danish lady in this morning who brought her own crispbread. She was quite happy as a couple of the cereals are gluten free (rice crispies I think).
We have a massive freezer, but loaves take up such a lot of space we just don't have the room. Yes we could make it ourselves but most people don't tell you until they sit down for breakfast. We do have veggy sausage in the freezer which is OK for last minute defrosting but most veggies seem not to want cooked breakfast. We also do Scottish Kedgeree, which should be good for diabetics as it is made with pearl barley instead of white rice (will email recipe if you want it) and smoked salmon with scrambled egg.

I have been interested to see how some restaurants tell which drink is which. Frankie and Bennies bend the straw over on the diet coke, while other places omit a slice of lemon (bit weird that one), it always worries me when a tray of mixed cokes arrive, if I'm not sure I get the wife to try mine before I drink it.

Rereading Julie's original post it does seem as if the Gym is quite big and probably part of a chain if it has customer complaint cards (the must anticipate a lot of complaints!), if so she should write to head office and complain.

I would love your recipe for Scottish kedgeree - I absolutely love it and I also love pearl barley - sadly Alex doesnt like pearl barley so it wont interest him - but I could eat it for him!🙂Bev
The gym was DW Fitness in Stoke on Trent.

They don't stock normal Coke either! i just want to be able to go and have a cool drink after the gym with my friends... why should i have to drink water... yes they do sell that but its also free from the fountains so why pay.

I just really wanted to know if i was right to take it further and have decided that yes i will.

Thanks guys and sorry if it started an arguement!

Julie x
There are some basic rights in the world.

Having something to eat is a basic right.

In Britain we tend to see safety in public buildings as a basic right

Some would argue having free medical treatment is a basic right (growing up in the UK I find it hard to think otherwise, but most diabetics in - iNdia, for instance, have no access to insulin and this is taken for granted. I've seen the effects. The number of people who asked if they could buy my insulin...).

CHoosing a Diet COke over a bottle of water is NOT a basic right.

I don't understand how anyone can suggest otherwise.

There are many disappointments to get over in life, as well as wonderful things to celebrate. This one seems to be quite a mild one.
So one child misses out on coke at the gym; the next might not have a loving mother; the next might not be able to run without getting out of breath.
There are some basic rights in the world.

Having something to eat is a basic right.

In Britain we tend to see safety in public buildings as a basic right

Some would argue having free medical treatment is a basic right (growing up in the UK I find it hard to think otherwise, but most diabetics in - iNdia, for instance, have no access to insulin and this is taken for granted. I've seen the effects. The number of people who asked if they could buy my insulin...).

CHoosing a Diet COke over a bottle of water is NOT a basic right.

I don't understand how anyone can suggest otherwise.

There are many disappointments to get over in life, as well as wonderful things to celebrate. This one seems to be quite a mild one.
So one child misses out on coke at the gym; the next might not have a loving mother; the next might not be able to run without getting out of breath.

I think the point that was being made was that there is choice for non-diabetics and there was no choice for a diabetic.

To be a fair society - things should be equal to everyone - diabetics and non-diabetics should both have the same choices as we live in a civilised country. We cant compare our lifestyles to those who live in India as clearly they have a daily struggle just trying to get insulin. It is very sad that these people cannot afford insulin - and we are lucky that we have the NHS.

It is not a basic right for a non-diabetic to have the choice of full sugar coke or water - but they DO and that is the point - the same principles should apply to diabetics. This is why we have equality and human rights and the DDA to help the more vulnerable members of society feel equal to their peers. Its the way we live in the Western world, so not sure how we can compare 'rights' between us and India.

It is just as easy for an establishment to provide full sugar coke as it to provide diet coke - so this really shouldnt even be an issue and certainly not one that should be compared to those who live in India.:confused:🙂Bev
Bev and I have agreed to respect each others opinions and close the argument. Please don't start it up again.
I think we should concentrate on the appalling advice given by the manager of this Gym. They don't sell fullfat coke anyway, I presume it's fruit squishies or something. Take your own bottle.

Personally I wouldn't be seen dead in a Gym which is why I don't go, but I have the pleasure of the mountains and the lochs and the evening sun late at night and walking the dog to the sound of the swifts eating the midges and calling to each other, the baaing of the sheep on the hill opposite, the sounds of the cuckoo doing what cuckoos do best, and if I'm lucky the cry of a buzzard or golden eagle, but hey thats my choice! And if it's raining there's always hula-hoops on the Wii.
Don't know what they do sell, but bad choice of drink Bev even non-diabetics can't buy a full sugar coke, they don't sell it.
I am presuming that at 5g per drink it's some kind of 'healthy' fruit thing.
I'm pretty sure I could handle 5g sugar in a drink without too much harm, not sure I would want to though. Perhaps Julie can tell us what the drink options are. Do they sell food, we could have a field day with those choices.

2 chip or not 2 chip that is the question,
whether there are more carbs in a packet of crisps or a portion of chips

With apologies to you know who.
Sorry Bev I'm not trying to wind you up; you just said you didn't udnerstand why and I was trying to explain why; simialrly I didn't understand where you were coming form at all and you explained it to me.

I'm surprised that something as small as a choice of drinks at a gym can cause so much feeling.

I guess the point is though, that it DOES cause that much feeling, because of what it represents.

Admittedly we're all going to disagree forever on whether the cafe ought to be obliged to provide a bigger choice, 🙄 but you're right, it's wrong of me to criticise people for asking for one.
Thanks Lizzie,
I think we all come from different perspectives on how we are acquainted with diabetes. As a mother, I know that I will always be fighting in Alex's corner - its what us mum's do best!🙂 So if I ever feel that he is being shortchanged - then I will speak out on his behalf. A parent always wants their child to live an equal life to his peers and if they think for one minute that they arent - well...😱.Anyway, lets all agree to disagree and just get on with doing what we all do best - supporting each other and giving advice when we can.:DBev

p.s. Anyone for a diet coke.....😉
I have been to places where I have been unable to get diet drinks - but the places that annoy me are those who don't tell you and just give you a full sugar drink, I had that in one place where they had run out of diet and didn't think it would be a problem.
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