Nearly cured again

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Well, today my pre-meal and pre-bed levels have been...


How's that for stability!😱🙂 Also another reduction in insulin today, looks like my guessing worked out well!

With apologies to those of you who are probably fed up of hearing about my perfect levels - sorry, I honestly wish you could all have this!🙂
Oh go away Northerner!!! 😡

hehe Just kidding - good for you!! :D
Well, today my pre-meal and pre-bed levels have been...


How's that for stability! Also another reduction in insulin today, looks like my guessing worked out well!

With apologies to those of you who are probably fed up of hearing about my perfect levels - sorry, I honestly wish you could all have this!🙂

*shakes fist* 😡

only kidding :D

seriously! How do you do it??????? Can I have some of what you're having???????
yeah good for you northe 🙂

im a bit worried my pen didnt work again earlier because it sounded funny again and I was randomly really high today, gahh. I'll have to change cartridges again :(
dont run to fast northe, dont worry i was 7.2 and im not mad im just angry :D:D
Can faith/Vince step up and advise on LADA?

Sorry Rossi, I don't understand it either. The Endocrinology/Diabetes Consultant at Taunton Musgrove Hospital (who has been very good and understanding at my complete surprise at being told I was "type 1 wrongly diagnosed by my Dr as type 2" - when I'd had no other symptons at all and the blood levels showed 25 at a random blood test prior to investigations for gall bladder probs) said he would classify it as LADA (something to do with the GAD (?) antibodies in the various blood tests showing very high which indicated to him that I would need to go onto insulin very soonbut that I wasn't a true type 1) or that I was honeymooning and having some pancreatic action still left at present.

As I'm 62 and showing not true symptons/test results for type 1 or 2 he says LADA - but I know some people on here say that there is no such specific classification and they seem to have more information about the condition than I do (and here I'm not being sarky - as, reading some of the posts - they DO know one heck of a lot about the different classifications of diabetes.

At the moment he's hitting it with gliclazide - which I know they say "milks" the liver of insulin production - and metformin and he is very surprised that, a year after seeing him first, I'm still going strong without insulin. My levels last week were all in the 5's and this week it's been low 6's (blackberry & apple pie to blame for the last 2 day's readings !).

I'm probably showing "head in the sand" tendancies but I'm just doing all I can (diet, exercise & meds) and seeing how long I can go on. My Dr/DSN are really great in helping to monitor blood tests, chats etc so I feel very supported.

Sorry - long answer saying not very much in the way of explanation !!! You can go back to sleep now,

Regards, Faith
cheers faith, why is nothing straight forward ??

My simple conclusion would be I must be on a second honeymoon? Or a long one, hmm on second thought I still have no idea!

Thanks anyway Faith!
cheers faith, why is nothing straight forward ??

My simple conclusion would be I must be on a second honeymoon? Or a long one, hmm on second thought I still have no idea!

Thanks anyway Faith!

Hi Northe and Rossi!

Rossi - didn't know you were a LADA too! I was told I was a type 1 1/2 after going onto insulin, summing up my response (or lack of response) to glic. and to insulin (was sensitive). I sometimes don't need to inject with every meal, but it very much depends on how much excercise I've been doing and what I eat. Have had bad relapse lately and had to up dose of basal to 15 (from 9 a few months ago) and meal doses around 2 - 5. Was 5 this morning - single figures for the first time in months, but have split dose recently (any advice about this would be welcome.) So, sounds a bit like yourself?

Your control sound as good as ever. Have to say, I do worry about your hypos like your doc, but sounds like you've got it under control now. Don't know what's going on with the old body there, but its going in the right direction - long may it last! :D I do think general health and stress levels play a big part in it all, but its all a big mystery still sometimes!
Hi Northe and Rossi!

Rossi - didn't know you were a LADA too! I was told I was a type 1 1/2 after going onto insulin, summing up my response (or lack of response) to glic. and to insulin (was sensitive). I sometimes don't need to inject with every meal, but it very much depends on how much excercise I've been doing and what I eat. Have had bad relapse lately and had to up dose of basal to 15 (from 9 a few months ago) and meal doses around 2 - 5. Was 5 this morning - single figures for the first time in months, but have split dose recently (any advice about this would be welcome.) So, sounds a bit like yourself?

Hey Runner, wow that sounds so good to hear! almost makes sense!! Thanks!

The only thing is that I was only ever told I was type 1, and everything I read about LADA or MODY is that you are misdiagnosed as type 2??
My Basal is at 18 and has been for 9 months or more now.This morning I injected 2 for 2 shredded wheat and milk, will probaly inject 4 for 2 rounds of sarnies at lunch, depends on tests!
MODY and LADA aren't always mis-diagnosed as type 2, sometimes as type 1. Although I'm not sure that you can say that LADA being diagnosed as type 1 as a mis-diagnosis, in the official classifications there is type 1, type 2, other specific causes.

Just wondering Rossi, what happens if you inject basal but don't eat, it could be that your basal is slightly high with the added exercise which meant you didn't need any rapid.

I am on 15 units of basal at the moment in a split dose, and I know that I have some of my own insulin production as I had a c-peptide a year ago. I have variable insulin needs, 3 years ago my TDD was around 40 units, a year ago my TDD was around 10 units and currently it's around 24units. So for me it goes up and down, without any particular reason that I can identify. So I have learnt to just go with it and take as much insulin as I need to get control.
Interesting! My basal is now 7 lantus, down from 20 a year ago, but I do need more novorapid than you Rossi, for food. For 2 shredded wheats I'd need about 8 units NR and 10-12 for the sarnies. With me, it does seem as though I must have some low-level beta cell function because my basal is less than 25% of my total daily dose which yesterday was 30 units overall. If I increased my basal I would be having night hypos, whereas last night I went to bed on 5.7 and woke on 4.2.
If I don't eat I don't drop at all, stay around 6-7, I did a basal test say 3 months ago and held really well!?!?

Fair point Nikki about mis diagnosis, I didn't mean to have a moan just trying to understand whats occuring!! But maybe I should just go with the flow, as you do, I clearly need insulin most of the time, and as long as I test I should be aware of what to do.

Thanks again

Oh and sorry for invading your thread Northe'
Hey Runner, wow that sounds so good to hear! almost makes sense!! Thanks!

The only thing is that I was only ever told I was type 1, and everything I read about LADA or MODY is that you are misdiagnosed as type 2??
My Basal is at 18 and has been for 9 months or more now.This morning I injected 2 for 2 shredded wheat and milk, will probaly inject 4 for 2 rounds of sarnies at lunch, depends on tests!

Hi Rossi, Sofaraway, Northe,

I was initially diagnosed as type 2. My DSN told me for all intents and pruposes, now type 1, as there isn't a 1 1/2! As sofaraway says, don't know if knowing this makes it all any clearer or predictable, and you just have to know enough to go with the flow! My meal doses sound proportionately pretty much like yours Rossi, but now I'm back on track, I know I'll have to start lowering my basal.

Nother said: "With me, it does seem as though I must have some low-level beta cell function because my basal is less than 25% of my total daily dose..." Northe, is there some kind of formula then? I guess because I'm trying a split basal dose, I'm worried about night hypos.
Hi Rossi, Sofaraway, Northe,

I was initially diagnosed as type 2. My DSN told me for all intents and pruposes, now type 1, as there isn't a 1 1/2! As sofaraway says, don't know if knowing this makes it all any clearer or predictable, and you just have to know enough to go with the flow! My meal doses sound proportionately pretty much like yours Rossi, but now I'm back on track, I know I'll have to start lowering my basal.

Nother said: "With me, it does seem as though I must have some low-level beta cell function because my basal is less than 25% of my total daily dose..." Northe, is there some kind of formula then? I guess because I'm trying a split basal dose, I'm worried about night hypos.

Hi runner!

I think the accepted proprtion is that your basal should normally be about 40-50% of your total daily dose (slow+fast acting). If lower, Ragnar Hanas suggests that this means you are honeymooning, or maybe LADA (which does exist and appeared about the same time as they discovered MODY, although I have had a few blank looks myself when I've mentioned it to healthcare professionals!).

Hope you are well, haven't seen much of you lately!🙂
Hi runner!

I think the accepted proprtion is that your basal should normally be about 40-50% of your total daily dose (slow+fast acting). If lower, Ragnar Hanas suggests that this means you are honeymooning, or maybe LADA (which does exist and appeared about the same time as they discovered MODY, although I have had a few blank looks myself when I've mentioned it to healthcare professionals!).

Hope you are well, haven't seen much of you lately!🙂

I saw nursey last week, didn't mention LADA, but told here what has been going on, she said something to the effect of we're all different, but at least you can monitor and adjust accordingly, which I completely agree with. She also muted at the idea that maybe I'm popping in and out of honeymooning??Is that possible, I guess it is, makes sense I suppose!

Regarding your figures Northe' when I have a normal day my basal is 40-50% of daily total, I guess it's just that my activeness varies a hell of a lot!!
Well, looks like the cure is back on again. I've now reduced to 6 lantus and am still waking to levels of 4.8 yesterday and 4.7 today. I thought the reduction would mean higher levels during the day, but I've been having hypos instead, despite reducing my novorapid too. This morning I was going to go for a run. Normally, my BG level is between 7-9 90 minutes after breakfast, this morning it was 4.4. I've waited another half an hour to see what direction it was going in but now it's 4.3 and I'm going to have to eat something or it's hypo-city. I don't want to risk going out for a run as I'm not sure how much carb to eat, so I'll delay untl tomorrow and try taking even less NR with my breakfast.

This is annoying. It's quite difficult to get motivated for a run now the weather has turned chillier, and I could do without the threat of hypos causing me to change my plans, grrrrr!!!😡

So I'm now taking 70% less lantus than 6 months ago, and about 45% less NR. I did think my requirements might increase again, as it was mooted that the reduction in Spring might have been due to a seasonal effect, but it seems I'm going through another phase of reductions. My lantus cartridges now last forever - I have to keep checking the expiry dates!😱
That's annoying northe :( Hopefully you'll work out your new requirements soon. You'll have to go to Australia to miss the winter like me! :D

When I got to work and test I was 18.1 :( Very annoying, it's the first time in ages ive been that high in the morning. Pretty sure it was dawn phenomenon.
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