Nearly cured again

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, after whingeing about my consultant whingeing that 10 hypos in a month are too many, I've had about 10 in the last week! Excuse me whilst I'm typing this I am just recovering from a 2.8...

I've been reducing my insulin again, but today have had my lowest dose since diagnosis. My levels today have been 4.3, 3.8, 4.0, 4.3, 4.4, 2.8. All day I've been eating extra snacks despite expecting to be higher because of having less insulin with my meals I've been going low. Weirdest is that when I saw the 4.4 before bed I had a slice of bread and peanut butter which normally does me nicely. Then I took a reduced lantus dose and an hour later I've dipped to 2.8! I've had Jelly babies and hobnobs, but still feel very woozy, so this probably isn't making sense but will test again in a few minutes to see if going up again.

I'd half-expected that my insulin requirements would increase now that its got colder.😱
looks like you are definitely on your way to a cure :D Hope you feel ok after your hypo.

Northe, my friend was downloading some bjork and kate bush and utorrent must have got very confused, look at what happened:

It's got good taste!
Weird! Did it just get all mixed up like that?

I've just tested and I'm back up to 5.8 - that's practically hyper for me! Still feel rubbish though, maybe I'm just tired. Didn't want to go to bed until I knew I was on the way up again because otherwise I worry that I'm falling into a coma rather than falling asleep!😱

Night Katie, don't stay up too late!🙂
Weird! Did it just get all mixed up like that?

I've just tested and I'm back up to 5.8 - that's practically hyper for me! Still feel rubbish though, maybe I'm just tired. Didn't want to go to bed until I knew I was on the way up again because otherwise I worry that I'm falling into a coma rather than falling asleep!😱

Night Katie, don't stay up too late!🙂

yep it did it all on it's own lol.

I hope you feel better in the morning. I wont stay up tooo late, goodnight!
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hope you are okay this morning hypos scare the hell out of me
hope you are okay this morning hypos scare the hell out of me

Yes I'm fine thanks twinnie - was 5.4 on waking, just feel very tired. Most hypos don't really bother me. It's very strange though when I get the hypos after taking my lantus, because that's supposed to be slow-acting and I take it at a time when all my fast-acting novorapid from my evening meal will have gone. So it shouldn't happen really! It's happened to me three times now in the past year, so unusual but nothing to worry about too much.🙂
Hi Northerner,

Congratulations on the reduced need for insulin!

Being a Type 1 sounds very complicated!

Glad I'm only a non-insulin dependent Type 2! Long may it stay that way!

Best Wishes - John
well done northe on the reduction of insulin intake , long may your numbers stay good x
i am on lantus too at night time and humanlog during the day its the humanlog that gives me the hypos
oh and well done on reducing your intake
i am on lantus too at night time and humanlog during the day its the humanlog that gives me the hypos
oh and well done on reducing your intake

Yes, that's why it's so unusual to have hypos 30mins to an hour after injecting lantus - no idea why it happens, but thankfully it's rare! It's expected with novorapid from time to time.

By the way peeps, thanks for the congrats about reducing insulin, but I can't take any credit for it - it's just happening, I'm not doing anything special or different to achieve it!😱
weather adjustments

Changes in temperature / weather can be tricky - especially if someone else eg workplace, controls heating, and I need to wear short sleeves at work to be able to wash hands properly, but fortunately, I prefer the cool. At home, still not had room heating on, except in bathroom, stil wearing T shirt through the day, adding long sleeved light fleece in the evening, but have now started wearing socks indoors, instead of bare feet through the warm weather. When outdoor temperatures fall, I tend to wear an extra layer and change to different gloves, plus adjust my cycling speed (slow down if very hot & sunny). So, overall, my insulin requirements don't change too much, apart from needing less both short & long acting during hot weather.
Thankful for dry weather today and day off work, to hang out clothing (reduces need for ironing!), clean out duck house and pond etc - not much fun if it's raining.
My expectation for increased inulin requirements due to the colder weather was based on the fact that my insulin plummeted in April, when it started getting warm. Looks like this has scuppered that theory! I'm now on 7 lantus, down from 20 this time last year, and about 60% of the novorapid I was on.
Northe' hope you're not flipping out so much now, here's my thoughts....

I know you keep a tight (some say bloody tight) control on your numbers generally and you are a good boy! I'm not claiming to be as good as you (in any way!) but I think I know exactly what you are talking about here.

I also noticed a reduction in my insulin requirement back in spring time, and would also expect if anything an increase now there's a wee nip in the air.

Recently I moved house, and was extremely active (for me) for over a week, and as such reduced my insulin requirement, in actual fact I did not inject for a meal for about 7 days!! I still injected my Basal, and have never reduced this. This did my head in and I phoned my nurse and she said yes it is strange but it is not unheard of at all. Basically I was balancing my levels my staying very active, and I don't eat a mass amount of carbs (generally) like I used to. I perhaps should have put a unit or 2 in every other meal, as after one I spiked to 9.0, but was generally only up to 6's, and as I knew I was going to be lumping gear around I chose not to inject just test to make sure all safe. The friday after the move, I was at a trade show and their was a buffet, carb loading or what!! I was so happy when I entered the teens!! because it was effing confusing!

So North if you were say 5 before a meal, how about not injecting to see how high you would go, I often didn't go over 7 all day long!?

Have your activities changed at all?

I was amazed, as prior to this strangeness I was back at 1 unit of insulin to 10g or less of carbs.

It really made me think, and actually got me quite depressed, but made me think about other type 1.5 diabetes, and as such re-read Nikki's thread on Mody and the links she posted. I'm now wanting to know more about LADA, but defo not Mody (then again I have no idea!)

Just my thoughts pal.

Recently I moved house, and was extremely active (for me) for over a week, and as such reduced my insulin requirement, in actual fact I did not inject for a meal for about 7 days!! I still injected my Basal, and have never reduced this. This did my head in and I phoned my nurse and she said yes it is strange but it is not unheard of at all. Basically I was balancing my levels my staying very active, and I don't eat a mass amount of carbs (generally) like I used to. I perhaps should have put a unit or 2 in every other meal, as after one I spiked to 9.0, but was generally only up to 6's, and as I knew I was going to be lumping gear around I chose not to inject just test to make sure all safe.

Honeymoon? How long have you been diabetic?
LADA is a possibility too though.

Either way I wish I could do this :(
Honeymoon? How long have you been diabetic?
LADA is a possibility too though.

Either way I wish I could do this :(

but if it was honeymoon which fair do's it could be, when I last questioned this I couldn't snack without covering and like I said was back up to 1:10g ratios or more??? Maybe good but it's bloody confusing.:(
but if it was honeymoon which fair do's it could be, when I last questioned this I couldn't snack without covering and like I said was back up to 1:10g ratios or more??? Maybe good but it's bloody confusing.:(

yeah it is very confusing :confused: I guess all you can do is wait to see what happens!
yeah it is very confusing :confused: I guess all you can do is wait to see what happens!

indeed, still just realised seeing nursey day after morrow, so will quiz her, or just sit there and say everything is fine!! depends how open to her I'll be feeling when I get there!!
Hi Rossi, it does sound like LADA, in that you can still function without injecting bolus, so you must have some pancreatic function remaining or being newly stimulated. This is what my consultant said to me last week - that I had some return of pancreatic function which is essentially the same as a honeymoon. How much were you injecting previously for meals, on average? I have reduced my doses, but still need a fair amount or I would go high, which suggests that my pancreas can cover the 'excess' when I go above range but not the big surge produced by a meal. As a result, I stay more or less within range.
how much?? Well I'd just gone back up to my old max, so for a big bowl of pasta maybe 10units, a sarnie 6-8 units. I appreciate you need some so do I I was just scared of hypoing as get nervous if below 6 prior to being active, hence I never injected, and thought well inf I'm high in an hour or 2 I'll jab! Still back to office job this week and injecting as normal (whatever the hell that is) As I said I'm seeing nursey in day or 2, so hopefully she'll confuse me some more!! I'll let you know.

Can faith/Vince step up and advise on LADA?

PS Sorry for invading your thread Northe'
how much?? Well I'd just gone back up to my old max, so for a big bowl of pasta maybe 10units, a sarnie 6-8 units. I appreciate you need some so do I I was just scared of hypoing as get nervous if below 6 prior to being active, hence I never injected, and thought well inf I'm high in an hour or 2 I'll jab! Still back to office job this week and injecting as normal (whatever the hell that is) As I said I'm seeing nursey in day or 2, so hopefully she'll confuse me some more!! I'll let you know.

Can faith/Vince step up and advise on LADA?

PS Sorry for invading your thread Northe'

Hmm, that's similar to me, but I certainly wouldn't get away with not injecting. How were you diagnosed originally? They think what happened to me was that I was losing beta cell function for a couple of years before falling ill and getting DKA - the virus scuppered my pancreas, but it may have recovered somewhat now. Before the virus I obviously wasn't injecting but I did have symptoms of high BG with hindsight. The doc reckons because I was active/running I used the insulin very efficiently so you may be like this currently.

I think the only way to tell is to have a c-peptide test which can determine whether you are producing your own insulin - c-peptide is a by product when insulin is produced by the pancreas, but not when insulin is injected so if you have some then it can only be because you are still making your own.🙂
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