Nathan's Retina Screening

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Northener's eye test

How'd it go, Northener? Hope all is well! 🙂
Well, I can just about read the screen again after having my retinopathy scan - it's taken 3 hours so far and my vision is still far from normal, so do be warned if it's your first time and you're expecting to drive any time soon afterwards - probably be another hour before I'm almost back to normal!

Yes, they used the drops. They did sting a bit when she put them in, but it faded very quickly. I think part of it is the shock of something being put in your eye more than anything - I could never manage optrex, and I'd have a real problem with contact lenses!

Thankfully, it was overcast, although the Sun did break through a couple of times whilst I was walking back home. Also, some STUPID idiots still had their car headlamps on full beam - WHY???? Cretins!😱

One thing it does illustrate is how lost I am without good vision - can't read, can't use computer, can't write 'cos I can't see what I'm writing! She didn't give me any clues as to what my retinas looked like, just said the results would be sent to the GP, and they'd contact me if they found anything untoward.

Julie - nothing to worry about, you'll be fine!:D
Hi Northerner..

Glad the eye screening went ok...despite the drops...Nathan like yourself said it's more the shock of having them put in...than the actual stinging.
Hopefully your sight should be clear in the next hour or so.

glad screening ok, i have glasses and peeked cap ready, hubby driving so will be fine.

Will let you know on Monday!

I always used to have the eye drops until the last few years when every optician I've been to has told me I've got big pupils so I don't need them!
One thing it does illustrate is how lost I am without good vision - can't read, can't use computer, can't write 'cos I can't see what I'm writing! She didn't give me any clues as to what my retinas looked like, just said the results would be sent to the GP, and they'd contact me if they found anything untoward.

Welcome to my world (err, when I'm not wearing glasses or contacts).

My optometrist looked at them in front of me and was like 'ooh I think that's a blot there, don't you?' haha, it's a good job there was nothing horribly wrong with the pictures really!
Still haven't seen my pictures from last year! How's this for (in-)efficiency - I went for my appointment at 9:30 this morning, got a letter in the post confirming the appointment at 1:30 this afternoon!🙄
Hi Northerner...

Did you photo's go up and through a computer system thing????...sorry not sure of the correct terminology.

I ask this because...Nathan's pictures from last year were also they could compare any changes etc...I asked to see them and the lady was very nice and talked me through the photograph...what they would be looking for...the whole process of how they would treat any problems..etc..I must say she could'nt have been more helpful...:D

I'm sure if you ask next time they will show you the photo's and explain the image they have etc.🙂

Hi Northerner...

Did you photo's go up and through a computer system thing????...sorry not sure of the correct terminology.
...I'm sure if you ask next time they will show you the photo's and explain the image they have etc.🙂


Yes, they do go onto the computer Heidi. I was going to ask to have a look at them, but the lady seemed a bit busy and had several people waiting, so I didn't. I think I will do next time though, or maybe when I go to the GP, as they send the results there.

I wrote a poem about the retinopathy scan, it's on today's blog at

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