NHS T2D Pathway to Remission scheme....
OK, a quick update. Not much happening with me TBH. I am just about to finish the food re-introduction phase, (next week).
So slowly increasing calories and normal meals and slowly reducing shakes.
Despite increasing calorie intake, I have not put on weight, so that's a win.
But, I have not lost any more weight.
My weight is steady hovering at around 89-91kg.
Due to the cold weather I have not been exercising, which I was hoping to do once calories increased. But I will be starting to exercise more asap, and hopefully that will restart the weight loss.
My BG levels remain stable at around 4.5 to 5.
What am I eating?
Lots of salads, (lettuce, toms, cucumber, spring onions, bell peppers, etc) and lots of veg, (broccoli, green beans, cabbage, etc) and lots of Salmon, Chicken, Tuna and Sardines. Been experimenting with egg bites/muffins and with low carb/keto cookies.
What am I not eating?
All the old stuff that I used to eat, eg: no cakes, no chocs, no biscuits, no bread (apart from slice of toast maybe once a week), no potato, no sweet potato, no chips, no ready meals, no take-aways, no crisps, no sweets, etc, etc.
TBH I don't really miss it that much. I make sure that I have enough food now so that I am full, and not hungry and wanting "snacks".
And yes, I am allowing myself a small treat once in a while, the occasional square of dark choc, some nuts, some berries, some low carb veg crisps, an apple, etc.
But this is a major change from how I used to eat.
In one single average day I would often have some cake, some biscuits, a bag of crisps, a ready meal, lots of bread/rolls/sandwiches/toast, maybe choc bar, maybe some sweets, and always, ALWAYS lots of potato, rice or pasta with every main meal. And that was every single day, always!
Now I rarely have potato, rice or pasta but if I do it is about 1/10th of what I used to have, if any at all.
Likelwise, I rarely eat cake, the last one I can think of was a mince pie over Xmas, or sweets.
We used to have takeaway several times a week, including unhealthy stuff like Maccy D's, KFC, pizza, etc.
Now its a rare treat, we tried a "healthy" Chinese takeaway, eg: no rice, no prawn crackers, no sweet and sour sauce, etc, and tested our BG before and afterwards and it did not spike BG levels.
Likewise we tried a "healthy" Indian takeaway, and that did spike BG levels, but we ate a Naan bread and are pretty sure it was that, so next time we won't eat the Naan bread, simples.
I have come to terms with the fact that I was living an unhealthy lifestyle, and my new lifestyle must be sustainable, and I don't want to go back to my old life. So I'm sticking with it for the long haul. it can be done..... 😎