My Pump Journey...17th Dec 09 onwards!!!

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Hey hon!

Good to read your update-

I know exactly what you mean about the amount of stuff you carry out with you. It is like being newly diagnosed again, remember when you used to take EVERYTHING? 🙂 You will soon slim down on it all dont panic. I hardly take anything. When I was first pumping though, I used to carry the manual around with me for about 1 month and it was massive!!!

How has the new year gone? Whats the latest?

Hope you are well xx

Thanks Lou, glad its not just me!!!

Latest is, I am poxy illlllll grrrrr!! Got the man flu :0(

Did my first lot of fasting last night, feel rough today, did 8pm, 10pm, 12am, 2am, 4am, shattered, bloods went up a bit in the night tho so prob gonna make a basal change later, thing is dont like to make changes after just one night but dont wanna do that 2 nights on the trot grrrrrr!!!!

Had a bad cart change yday, because the air bubbles where huge, changed it over and still pretty bad...hate air bubbles!!!

Otherwise Poppy is behaving herself and got her a new phone sock yday (her pj's hahaha)

Also I have tried using oil to get off my cannula plaster marks...doesnt really waiting on samples of the orange oil to try that, any other ideas anyone??

Also am travelling to Kuwait next weekend for work, time difference is 3 hrs so guess i just change the time on my pump, dont think it will affect me otherwise? Have got my letter about the pump for the airport security...

Hope you are all having a good 2010 so far!!!! x
hya shell aww sorry to hear your feeling under the weather , nice to see no major hiccups xx happy new year hun
KUWAIT?! Stone the crows, that sounds fantastic! But I can just imagine the luggage you are taking for the pump at this stage for a journey like that 😉

Glad you are doing ok. With regards to the sticky, I havent found anything thats any good at getting off the sticky. I scar also. My belly is very dotty! There is something I want to try called Zoff (calling all nurses!). I used to use this in when I worked in hospital all the time for this kind of things, but cant seem to get a free sample....we had it in A&E and I think its the all singing all dancing answer. It had several purposes! I will let you know how I get on tracking it down, but if Zoff doesnt work- nothing will. I wonder if Sofaraway knows the one I mean??

I digress.....hope you have a fab trip and hope its not all work and no play! xxx
Thanks Steff, I'm ok, poxy germs hahaha

OOOOOOO I want the magic potion lou!!!! FIND IT FIND IT!!!😉

I am mega frustrated with air bubbles today :0( also my cannula pretty much came off earlier because, done lots of sale shopping this weekend and clothes on and off, plus cleared out my clothes so more trying on...only changed the cannula yday morn so really quick for it to need to be changed...

So whats the score with air bubbles ppl?!!?!?!? Do they ever go I doing something wrong?????
likely silly question but do you have to prime out the air bubbles or can you flick then out?

Hope you feel better soon Shelley, if you are chagning your rates based on your numbers now you might have to adjust them again once you feel better, which I hope is soon. My friend told me how much easier it is to manage being ill on a pump, although I'm sure you didn't want to try that out so soon.

Zoff- never heard of it, will make enquries when next in,
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