My Pump Journey...17th Dec 09 onwards!!!

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hahhaha she comes in black, but I have observed that the company do pink rubber coverssss.......interesting!!!!!😉
Shelley! Where are you?!

excited to hear how you feel now youre all hooked up 🙂 xx
Hi DS from me and Poppy :0) hehehe

Apologies for the delay Viki...went out for dinner straight after and then home to read and get my head round mega brainache!!! have only just become sociable and 'ready to talk' now really hehe...

Appt went well, and I used a machine to attach the canula, which was loads less scary than I thought thank god...funny when drawing up the insulin though, was being a bit of a girl and not pushing the plunger hard enough etc so they told me to give it some welly and as a result the whole lot came out all over my lap!!! So I spent my first few hours of pump life stinking of insulin hahahah...

Had another blip when sitting down to dinner at a restaurant after....tried to do my bolus with my remote and ended up stopping the pump then couldnt bolus but didnt realise it had stopped, so freaked out a bit hahah..

Got there in the end tho, and you have to learn by error I guess hahaha!!

All in all am getting used to wearing her...all a bit strange and new and feel overwhelmed by the whole thing, feel sort of in a daydream atm!!! Just trying really hard to not inject my nightly levemir, have hidden my pen hahaha!!

Feel theres a ton of hard work ahead of me, just hope it all pays off...feel quite emotional actually which I didnt expect, dont know if anyone else felt the same? Just feels like a huge change, altho I hugely enjoyed having a 'injection free bolus' for some lindt chocolate an hour ago 🙂 feels soooo weird!!!

Sugar Bum you will be proud, Poppy had her own 'phone sock' for bedtime hehe...feeling weird about just letting her follow me round the bed, wanna clip her to me but gonna listen to the voices of experience and just do it anyways....eeekkk bit scared about going to sleep!!!

Anyway am really rambling now!!

Nite nite from me and Poppy.... xxx
Hi DS from me and Poppy :0) hehehe

Apologies for the delay Viki...went out for dinner straight after and then home to read and get my head round mega brainache!!! have only just become sociable and 'ready to talk' now really hehe...

Appt went well, and I used a machine to attach the canula, which was loads less scary than I thought thank god...funny when drawing up the insulin though, was being a bit of a girl and not pushing the plunger hard enough etc so they told me to give it some welly and as a result the whole lot came out all over my lap!!! So I spent my first few hours of pump life stinking of insulin hahahah...

Had another blip when sitting down to dinner at a restaurant after....tried to do my bolus with my remote and ended up stopping the pump then couldnt bolus but didnt realise it had stopped, so freaked out a bit hahah..

Got there in the end tho, and you have to learn by error I guess hahaha!!

All in all am getting used to wearing her...all a bit strange and new and feel overwhelmed by the whole thing, feel sort of in a daydream atm!!! Just trying really hard to not inject my nightly levemir, have hidden my pen hahaha!!

Feel theres a ton of hard work ahead of me, just hope it all pays off...feel quite emotional actually which I didnt expect, dont know if anyone else felt the same? Just feels like a huge change, altho I hugely enjoyed having a 'injection free bolus' for some lindt chocolate an hour ago 🙂 feels soooo weird!!!

Sugar Bum you will be proud, Poppy had her own 'phone sock' for bedtime hehe...feeling weird about just letting her follow me round the bed, wanna clip her to me but gonna listen to the voices of experience and just do it anyways....eeekkk bit scared about going to sleep!!!

Anyway am really rambling now!!

Nite nite from me and Poppy.... xxx

hya shelly ty for posting how first few hours have gone , im sure like anything its trial and error and you got good mates on here who are pumpers and you will get all the support you need from them, far more then from any book i imagine but always good to have a read up eh

goodnight hun and hope the first night with you and poppy runs smoothly

tc xx
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Welcome home Poppy!!!

I had some scary points through my first day too, called the support people at 2am!!

As for the emotional stuff i totally know what you mean, i suddenly felt like i was out of control and didnt know what i was doing. Its scary but it will soon pass. Plus you wait for something for so long and when you get it its like all the emotions and unknowns youve had pent up all come out at once! A few days of injection freedom and youll feel totally different. Just give yourself some time.

Im so excited for you xx
thanks guys :0)

Poppy kept me steady at 7 allllll night!!!!! So happy, just hoping that lasts, cos I've woken up in the high teens for 3 yrs now!!!

Actually have a clear head today, just tired from all the night time testing hehehe!!!

Bit annoyed tho as got to work today, dont get a snow day when you work from home hahaha!!!!!
Thats great Shelley, must feel great to wake up in range 🙂 How often are you testing overnight to begin with?
Hey Nikki,

I went to bed at 11pm, then tested at 2 and 5 and got up at 8....7's all the way it s fluke?!!??! x
great going so far shell hun xx hope it keeps up for you , having a clear head is always a better start to the day then a fuzzy one x x
its been a fuzzy start for 3yrs Steff!!! So feeling a bit weird today!!

Getting used to the lil noise it makes when it releases insulin too, sounds like someone retching!!! hahaha
its been a fuzzy start for 3yrs Steff!!! So feeling a bit weird today!!

Getting used to the lil noise it makes when it releases insulin too, sounds like someone retching!!! hahaha

ooOooo Nice lol, well its the way forward for you now hun in away poppy is your best m8 she will never leave your side so to speak x X
Hey Nikki,

I went to bed at 11pm, then tested at 2 and 5 and got up at 8....7's all the way it s fluke?!!??! x

Hey honey!

Sorry it has taken me soooooo long to tune and say hi about the the pump! (work xmas do last night, wink wink!). So pleased to read its all going so well.

I was a bit wobbly too coming home with the pump, it was just all a bit weird given the massive build up to getting it, sounds silly but a bit of a shock? It soon passed though.

With regards to the fluke, perhaps a little- the levemir is likely to still be in your system a small amount. But dont dicredit yourself, sounds like you have been bolusing and coping very well!

Love the phone sock! I use them at night, whenever I clip it inside my bra, or when it was hot in the summer.. dont like it getting perspiration on!

Really excited for you. How was day 2 today?

Lou xx
Hey and Poppy here ;0)

Have been feeling reallllllllyyyyyyyyyy tired all day, not the usual high level fizzy head I am used to but just general tiredness and a headache, I guess this is because my body is not used to steady 7's??????????????? Is this normal?

Hey sugarbum...I hope its not a fluke hehehe!!!

Day 2 is otherwise ace thanks, no injections or cannula changes....its heaven 🙂 me and Poppy make a good team so far hehehe!!

Have been home pretty much since I got her so haven't got into the whole hiding her in clothes thing much yet, wore the clip i got with her yday and it scratched me so guess I have to find a way that works?
Hey there, just checking in to say I'm reading, and so glad everything okay so far and that it seems a *good thing*. Wonderful.

Well done you. Hang in there. I reckon too that all the nighttime testing is tiring, and just the stress of dealing with this all. It's a lot.

Look forward to more posts!

Yes wise words Patricia! I expect you are so tired Shelly because this is a lot mentally to put yourself through. I wouldnt underestimate it Shelley, it takes a lot out of you.

Is there something wrong with the clip Shell? If there is then get straight on the phone to accu-check. They need to provide you with a proper clip- there is no way on this earth I could cope without the clip. You cant possibly have a pouch on everything, because that would include every set of bra's and knickers......nightmare. I was looking through your pictures on facebook to see what the clip is like actually but in all your pics there is no picture of the clip and the reverse! I'd be interested to see it next time you are clicking away.....

.....the clips are an in-depth discussion for any female pump geek (!) me and Viki at the meet up were very inquisative to each others clips on different makes and there is a difference definately.

Are you due a set change today hon? If so, dont do it in a rush, give yourself lots of time and dont worry if you fluff it up. Takes practise. I'll be on/off line throughout the day if you need to offload!

ON that note my pump is chucking a tantrum and wants to be changed. I must obey my master pump-laters!

hey shelly hows things gone last night ? x x
Just wanted to say that i am so pleased for you, Shelley! So far so good!

Hope you and Poppy enjoy Christmas together! 🙂
Hey hon

I read on FB not a great day ok?

Hi all..

Hope you all had a good weekend, sorry for the delay, have had an up and down weekend!!!

Saturday I had 'air bubble hell' bloods shot up and used so much insulin priming that it ran out and had to dash home and take insulin out fo the fridge to draw up, meant to take insulin out 12hrs before but I only had 1 hour cos of my basal so suffered more bubbles!!! But looking back I am now an expert on teasing out them pesky bubbles!!

Changed the whole thing saturday too, and got the insulin all over me again, but the instruction manual says twist the plunger off anti clock, and it is clockwise so not my fault this time hahaha!! Took me about 40mins to change...

I didn't underestimate that the pump would be hardwork, but I did underestimate how TIRED i would be!!! have been shattered ever since, esp as the dawn phenom seems to have vanished and have been steady over night 🙂 which has freaked my body out after 3yrs of the high am pattern! Have been hypoing at 5pm everyday tho so far so have been reducing my bolus....

It is a lot to take on and I started off so well and confident but then saturday shattered my confidence and kept checking every 2 mins for air bubbles, felt as tho I had had enough by saturday eve, and felt really grumpy and anti social so sorry for not updating u guys till now!!!

Today am feeling a lot more confident, and am feling very used to wearing her already...especially at night. My boyf stayed last night and she didnt fall out of the bed or become tangled etc 🙂 GO POPPY GO!

I also could not live without my mobile phone socks, thank u for the tip sugar bum!!!! I have been putting a phone sock on her at night, and also now during the day and tucking her in my pocket or side of my bra, not sure where u girls put them? Re the clip its orrible and I feel as tho I'm coping ok without a clip atm, altho may need the clip at the gym???

OMG just realised how much Ive written oopsss!! It helps me loads to talk here, and I just hope its interesting/ useful to others too 🙂 Thank you all for your support, I will continue my poppy blogs if you want me 2?
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