My Pump Journey...17th Dec 09 onwards!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all...

OMG tom is my pump day!!! Yes it's cheesy but I've decided to call her Poppy hehe :0) Most of my nerves have gone now just want to get pumping!!!

Thank you all so far for your support, I shall prob be on here with tons of questions once I am pumping hehehe!!! It's great to have somewhere to go where peoplke reallllyyy understand...

Bring on the Accu Check Combo.......
hey shelly happy pumping hun we can celebrate 2geva im 27 2moz lol xx
good luck to exciting !X🙂
Bet you can't sleep tonight!


(I was bored, OK? - Good luck!🙂)
Awwww Alan thats soooo sweet, put a tear in my eye, I'm gonna print that and keep it :0)

I cant wait to get my poppy hehe 🙂

Dreading dropping and removing my background insulin though later, will prob feel awful tommorow, and I dont get her until 2pm!! hehehe
Hi Shelley - cant believe its here already! Im so excited for you!

I used to take my Lantus at 11pm and I think I took about a 1/2 dose the night before my 9am pump appointment and i was ok, not too high.

I didnt get up and pumping till about 10.30, after we'd gone through what it does, how it works etc. And the lack of background gives you a nice excuse for a little first time correction bolus whilst your nurseys are there! 🙂

Cant wait to hear all about it xxx
Wow Steff, you and Poppy will share the same birthday :0) hehehe

Ahhh I am on Levemir am and pm so will halve it tonight then go without first thing tom, hope it will be ok...CORRECTIONS!!!! hahahah

Northerner, you artwork has hit facebook...I have tagged you hehehe :0)
Good luck shelley, you'll be fine. How exciting for you.
Thanks guys...

I noticed there are leaflets for the forum, I shall print some and take to Circle D in Jan if thats ok 🙂
Hey Shelley,

A belated good luck to your pump start tomorrow. I hope all goes well.

Good luck Shelley! I wish you and Poppy a very happy life together! :D
How exciting Shelly- Good Luck, and I am really looking forward to hearing all about it! xxxx
hope all is ok with halving your levemir, and all goes well tomorrow - very exciting.
Thanks sooo much appt is at 2pm and I'm soooo nervous I feel sick!!!

Halving, then skipping the levemir is going ok so far, am always high first thing anyways!!!

Cant wait to meet my poppy now 🙂
hope you bond well with poppy. I assume she's pink like Tom's pump will be!?!!

Hope this gives you the control you're hoping for!
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