My Poorly Leg


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know a few of you have picked up I am not in a good heads pace so here's the reason why.

The Friday before last I went to the Foot Clinic. It was felt that with the Furosemide things had stabilised and I was discharged to the care of the Community Podiatrists. Personally I am not convinced by this decision.

In the middle of all this a HCP piped up "How would you feel about losing your remaining leg?" My reply "Suicidal! So we better not let that happen had we?!"

The problem is that now have a macerated wound 3" - 4" above the inner ankle bone. I have now been referred to the Vascular/Leg Ulcer Team and am awaiting an appointment. The picture shows the bandage two days later. It has been changed twice since? Definitely far from happy and scared senseless!

Really sorry to hear it @MikeyBikey
I'm sure it's not much help to you but for what it's worth you have my very best wishes. Cheering loudly for you from a distance
Cheering here also. Make that leg behave!
Hope your appointment results in a positive outcome, Mikey.
Be strong, @MikeyBikey , but that doesn't mean fear and tears are unacceptable.

Every best wish for you. Rooting for you in this corner.
Thank you for all the kind thoughts which with my foot is quite worrying as I don't want to move from Chief Big Shoulders to Chief No Feet! 🙂

At the moment dressing this wound is DIY as no one seems responsable. Everybody seems good at saying it is not theirs but not whose it is! I should nominate myself as Secretary for Health as I have more experience than most of it from the excellent areas to the pits than a minister than has expensive private health care. And today for the fourth time I had to pay for a very expensive taxi as Patient Transport was unavailable! It's not a lack of ambulances but a lack of drivers! As I have 47 years of full NI contributions I ponder about those drifting around most town centres!

Rant over!
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Getting more than a little concerned. The new wounds on my foot and on the side of my leg are leaking lymphatic fluid quite well. Podiatry tomorrow so will see what's said. I also finally navigated the NHS maze and am awaiting a district nurse to look at and dress the wound above the ankle. Just hope one doesn't rock up unannounced when I am at podiatry or physiotherapy!

Must get back to stick Octordle after flowing Quordle!

Oh Mikey! I can understand you being concerned. Hope the podiatry appointment tomorrow is helpful and that you get sorted with a district nurse, as you clearly need much more support in looking after that. Finger crossed and sending more (((HUGS))) and positive vibes to your foot to heal.
Hang in there Mikey, thoughts are with you. Good luck with it
I hope things improve @MikeyBikey .
Glad that you have wordle, quordle, octordle to keep you occupied although it looks like you are a bit of an expert. I have now started worldle too. Have you tried that?
I hope things improve @MikeyBikey .
Glad that you have wordle, quordle, octordle to keep you occupied although it looks like you are a bit of an expert. I have now started worldle too. Have you tried that?

Today's Wordle was really easy although it depends on your starter word(s). Come and join the team!
Well my whole foot is now swathed in bandages and absorbent material. The main leakage was next to the healed macerated wound on top of the foot where a huge leaking water blister has developed! The heel also has a macerated wound/ulcer. Sorry so taken aback I forgot to take a photo. Not sure if I will be able to tackle my physio as sorting this is critical! But I MUST WALK!

Pleased you got it cleaned up and dressed again.
You are starting to look like a mummie Mikey!
Sending more (((HUGS)))
Part I I

Just after I got back I received my copy of the letter to my GP from the Foot Clinic. It asked my GP to make the referral to the Vascular /Leg Ulcer Team. That's 17 days lost. I would have thought the Foot Clinic could have emailed on the day! Or am I missing something. Glad I took it on myself to chase up the district nurse referral. I feel I am back project managing again. I haven't got PRINCE II but experience and common sense the latter of which seems missing in so many areas these days!
Well due to unforseen circumstances it is podiatry in the mornong. As.can be seen I am leaking lymphatic fluid as it has penetrated the dressing around the toes that were affected by Cpvid Toe! The district nurses are coming to dress the wound about the ankle the podiatrists will not touch on Wednesday. I wish the NHS would think of us as people and not conditions with distinct demarcation lines! I am getting seriously worried and am now totally grey - six years ago I was a lovely shade of brown! Cross your fingers, touch your rabbit's foot, pick a four leaf clover, etc. for me! Thank you...


Oh @MikeyBikey my heart goes out to you. It’s not just what’s wrong with people, it’s the extra debilitating stress involved in fighting for treatment.
Oh no. I have everything crossed that things start to improve very soon @MikeyBikey