My Poorly Foot (unpleasant photograph)

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Had the dressings changed today. It is still improving slowly and I think the Furosemide is helping. If I have an appointment or morning physio I do not take it till I get home. I did thar today and in just over an hour performed three times to Olympic standard! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Glad your tootsies are continuing to improve @MikeyBikey
So I have been to podiatry. If I had the money I would go by taxi every time. I was picked up 30 minutes before, transferred to the front seat and had a chat with the driver that I know well but hhad not seen for nearly 4 years. We got there right on time. He waited with my Blue Badge and I was out 15 minutes later. Sadly with patient transport I have arrived over an hour early or late, and waited for hours after. The footooks reasonably stable and I go to the Foot Clinic in the main hospital on Friday!
P.S. @rebrascora I think there may have been issues approaching and turning around with the horse trailer as things are tight with work going on for inappropriate infill flats! :(

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How does the foot feel? A sensation of standing on broken glass with heavy sunburn whilst the feeling of skin crawling ants with tasers?
Is your ankle swollen along with the foot.

Yours is not quite like mine. I had what looked like chicken pox too, just after a feeling of flu without most the common symptoms. I just ached in my feet & calves & had rapid temperature changes.

Worried it was neuropathy. I was eventually seen by a virologist in A&E who told me it was “hand foot & mouth.”
Though it was just my feet & the base of my spine.
So nearly four months on the swelling is generally down (although I remain on Furosemide) although the second toe is still a bit puffy and weeps slightly. Spending the majority of the waking day is a wheelchair and very very limited walking doesn't help! I quite fancy blowing wheelchairs up on Top Gear! Or maybe guests could lap the circuit n one being timed on a Calander! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl :



BTW this was my foot before I caught Covid and developed Covid Toe! Covid also caused ear and skin problems. Might you I got away lightly as others I know or knew died, developed long Covid or heart problems.

It is looking a bit hot and sore today. almost like sunburn but I am guessing it hasn't been exposed to the sun.
How is your porridge burn doing? Has it stopped you from using the prosthetic?
Another dressing change yesterday. Top of foot and side of big toe almost completely healed. Now there is a slight issue at front of nail on big toe. Feels never ending! :(
It is looking a bit hot and sore today. almost like sunburn but I am guessing it hasn't been exposed to the sun.
How is your porridge burn doing? Has it stopped you from using the prosthetic?

The porridge burn has almost gone. No more fluid and skin staring to come away. I have a Mepore dressing to let air in but reduce infection risk.

I was told redness due to Covid damage to minor blood vessels. It really does have some nasty short and long term side effects. Despite having had first two vaccinations Delta poleaxed me for a fortnight and my O2 took three months to recover!
Foot Clinic today. Am getting seriously worried about these macerated wounds! Now have one healed, original two nearly healed, two toenails affected (big toe nail has worsened Monday) and a newbie on side of foot. :(
I am really concerned for you too Mikey. Have you been given any exercises to help stimulate blood flow to help reduce the fluid build up. Short, regular exercise sessions (called exercise snacking I believe... like 5mins every hour or two) should help to reduce the fluid build up. I know it will be really difficult with your restricted mobility but just wriggling your toes for a few minutes and/or flexing your ankle should help to promote better circulation.
Sending (((HUGS)))
This was my foot when I was discharged from the Foot Clinic the Friday before last. I will see what podiatry brings in an hour but the juices really flowed on the heat!

Sorry despite repeated attempts they are not attaching!
Why have they discharged you from the foot clinic when it is not better? Surely it is still high risk and needs regular attention? Hope the podiatrist is able to offer more support.... and that getting there is easier than attending the foot clinic..... or are they in the same building?
How did the podiatry appointment go @MikeyBikey? Hope there was a bit of positive news? Sending (((HUGS)))
A very good question @rebrascora as I lay here in some discomfort!

This is, my third discharge from a Foot Clinic - the previous two being from a. different hospital. When I ask "why" the answer is "you can always be referred back if necessary". All this has occurred since I had Covid quite badly and I am 100% convinced the issues are as much Covid as Diabetes related. I am also convinced a lot of discharges are for statistics as one person bouncing back looks like multiple patients treated. If the photos attach they do look slightly worse because of the lighting and because the dressing change was three days late so it was all a bit soggy made worse by the heat!

At the hospital I said my heel felt somewhat sore and painful, and was told it was a build up of dry skin and to moisturise. Today the podiatrist checked more carefully and found another wound. It has been dressed but feels rather uncomfortable and somewhat painful which is what is keeping me awake.

Thanks for the HUGs - I need them!


Sorry @rebrascora I didn't answer your question. The distance between Podiatry and the Foot Clinic is 10 miles as the crow flies. I am about 3.5 miles from Podiatry and about 8 miles from the Foot Clinic. In the day I reckon about less than 7 minutes on my motorcycle - oh to be young and free! :(
Sympathize with you.
You can search for shoes for diabetics. Hope it will be useful
How are you supposed to moisturize your heel when your foot is all strapped up like that!??

I think it maybe looks a bit less swollen but obviously the delay in getting the dressings changed, particularly in this heat, has not helped things. Did they debride some of that dead tissue?
What did the podiatrist say? I really think you should still be being treated at the foot clinic. It is shocking that they keep bouncing you back when there is no improvement and even more so, if it is to manipulate the figures.

Really keeping my fingers crossed for you that they can make some progress with that soon. More (((HUGS)))
Been diabetic you need to get that checked, that is not a nothing to worry about at all thing, that could get infected and turn to gangrene something is wrong with the way it has swollen.
I'm sure he appreciates your concern but you may not have noticed his long saga of problems with his feet and legs having already suffered an amputation so is wheelchair bound and reliant on unreliable hospital transport or expensive taxi to get to his on going treatment.
Oh sorry, I'm very new on here so I'm not fully up to date with what's what, I saw the picture but didn't realise that there was other problems and issues before this one.
Don't worry sometimes it is hard to keep track even when you have been here a while.
Sorry @rebrascora I didn't answer your question. The distance between Podiatry and the Foot Clinic is 10 miles as the crow flies. I am about 3.5 miles from Podiatry and about 8 miles from the Foot Clinic. In the day I reckon about less than 7 minutes on my motorcycle - oh to be young and free! :(
I was so sorry to hear about your long term foot issue. I hope and pray that your treatment will be successful.
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