My Poorly Foot (unpleasant photograph)

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Lets not get into confessions! ... 😱
So I have been to podiatry. If I had the money I would go by taxi every time. I was picked up 30 minutes before, transferred to the front seat and had a chat with the driver that I know well but hhad not seen for nearly 4 years. We got there right on time. He waited with my Blue Badge and I was out 15 minutes later. Sadly with patient transport I have arrived over an hour early or late, and waited for hours after. The footooks reasonably stable and I go to the Foot Clinic in the main hospital on Friday!
P.S. @rebrascora I think there may have been issues approaching and turning around with the horse trailer as things are tight with work going on for inappropriate infill flats! :(

So pleased you got there quickly and smoothly and looking at that photo, the sores look to be healing nicely, so think it was a very wise investment in the taxi. hope you are feeling a bit less anxious about it now that you can see some progress.
My horses are my family and I am very careful to give them the smoothest, safest ride possible.... shame they don't extend the same courtesy to me!! 🙄 Rascal used to drop me every time we rode out and Rebel has left me eating dust a good few times too! 😡
I am also a trained police driver, so I know how important it is to read the road ahead and take account of everything before it happens. I can of course drive fast when I want to (I used to be a biker too RGV250), but never with my babies in the back.... not back of the bike of course. 🙄
I am also very experienced at towing and reversing trailers, as I deliver horse manure to some quite inaccessible places. I had to parallel park my partners old Range Rover with the trailer load of manure on, a couple of weeks ago, on the wrong side of the road in a narrow doglegged back street. That was fun but I managed it with very little shuffling!

So yes, I would have ensured you arrived at hospital safe and sound in the trailer (totally illegal of course, but needs must and not travel sick. Pleased you have got a taxi sorted and hope the appointment goes well and there are signs of improvement.
I used to be a biker? RGV 250 My Scooter would burn that off, although a nun on a bicycle one past me in York I think I was at full throttle, embarrassing, but I looked great .
Opps, ex police! I better be careful or I might be done for historical speeding like the time I clocked a ton between Lemsford Cafe and the Busy Bee! Opps, what have I said! 🙂

Did thousands of miles towing when I was involved in stock car/super rod/banger racing. But that was over thirty years ago. Most fun was towing with a Daimler limo - loads of torque!
Opps, ex police! I better be careful or I might be done for historical speeding like the time I clocked a ton between Lemsford Cafe and the Busy Bee! Opps, what have I said! 🙂

Did thousands of miles towing when I was involved in stock car/super rod/banger racing. But that was over thirty years ago. Most fun was towing with a Daimler limo - loads of torque!
How's the foot Mikey?
Opps, ex police! I better be careful or I might be done for historical speeding like the time I clocked a ton between Lemsford Cafe and the Busy Bee! Opps, what have I said! 🙂

Did thousands of miles towing when I was involved in stock car/super rod/banger racing. But that was over thirty years ago. Most fun was towing with a Daimler limo - loads of torque!
That's precisely why funeral directors always had at the very least, Daimler hearses, if not the limo mini fleet too because of the extra seating.
Not an overly long wait yesterday. Saw both a podiatrist and diabetes consultant. The consultant was slightly puzzled I am on porcine insulin but losing hypo warnings is not an option to me!

Foot was redressed and I will be seen again in a month with weekly redressing in between. Any concerns escalate and if unhelpful response go to A&E. Consultant thinks poor skin is caused by lymphedema and not diabetic dermopathy or vascular eczema. Have a two week course of Furosemide to see if it helps reduce swelling and promote healing. Fingers crossed (emoji)!


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Definitely looking better and good to hear consultant has given you medication to help take the swelling down and hopefully reduce the risk of it happening again. Fingers crossed the Furosemide is effective.
Went for the second redressing since my hospital visit. It should have been the third but things became a little confused after patient transport delivered me to late to be seen for the first one and things were rearranged! :( Anyway two of the three wounds look slightly better but they want to see what happens now I have been off antibiotics for a fortnight and finished the diuretic yesterday... (fingers crossed emoji). Next appointment next Monday.

For those who take an interest on such things the pulse in the foot is monophasuc!
Time for an update! I saw the consultant and a podiatrist in the Foot Clinic this morning. The wound on the side of the big toe is all but healed whilst the one at the top is improving but more slowly. I am back in a month with weekly dressings in between. I have also been prescribed another course of Furosemide.

The consultant, whilst not my endocrinologist went through my Libre app and said he could see an improvement in control whilst I have been on it (up to last Saturdays failure).

Currently still patiently waiting for East of England Patient Transport but wiill be at leasr another hour! Fortunately a very nice nurse is keeping me in hot drinks. Not a "take home" one as it's a male nurse! :rofl:




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So pleased you are making progress Mikey. Fingers crossed at the next appointment, it is more good news.
If "good will and wishes" go anyway towards healing it, you won't recognize it next time they take the dressing off and will be looking for a prince to put a glass slipper on it. 😉
Update for @rebrascora and other interested parties.

It was back at the foot clinic today. The original wounds on the top of the foot and outside of the big toe are nearly healed, and the subsequent ones on toes 2 and 3 are healed. I was prescribed a further four weeks of Furosemide as after 3 days without there are signs of swelling and the hydrostatic pressure could break things down. So the taxi money well soent.

It became a long day as I was sent for blood tests; FBC, U&Es, LFT and HbA1c (to see effect of Libre after just under three months. The queue has a number system similar to a local deli. It was so long I went and had lunch in the cafe and came back to a longer wait than I anticipated.
So pleased things are looking more positive Mikey.

Having to spend so much on transport is absolutely shocking but it sounds like it was a good decision because without that Furosemide, you might have been seeing deterioration by your next appointment. Fingers crossed you continue to make good progress. (((HUGS)))
Looking loads better!
Had the dressings changed today. It is still improving slowly and I think the Furosemide is helping. If I have an appointment or morning physio I do not take it till I get home. I did thar today and in just over an hour performed three times to Olympic standard! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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