My Poorly Foot (unpleasant photograph)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As most of you know I had a LBKA during the Covid pandemic. Since then it has not been straightforward with various problems and revision surgery last year. My walking is still not brilliant! :(

In 2021 despite being vaccinated I caught SARS-CoV-2 Delta. This laid me out for two weeks and I also developed areas of Covid rash and Covid toe. Since then my healthy looking right foot has developed redden areas and areas of thicken skin. In the last few weeks DF has twisted yne knife. I expressed concern about an area on the top of my foot last November and was told it was nothing to worry about - it was! At the next visit I was told I had a macerated wound. Since then I have developed another area at the side of my big toe. The areas are gently oozing a fluid that is mot blood but neither 100% water.

Has anybody had anything like this and how was it treated? Thank you.

It's bright red and swollen (my toes have knuckles, yours have disappeared) so to me, that foot looks infected and to my mind needs expert treatment as soon as possible, since it is obviously your only leg now.

I have absolutely no experience of any of the things you mention and certainly would not choose to disregard what that foot looks like were it mine - even with two.
That foot looks seriously infected and you should get urgent treatment, you may need both antibiotics and topical treatment asap.
If you use 111 online you may be able to include your picture so they can see what it is like, better than trying to describe it.
@trophywench and @Leadinglights herein lies the problem. The photon was taken a few days ago when I was at the podiatrists. She said in was not infected. The skin started becoming reddish after eff'ing Covid and has worsened over time. I also have oedema which worsens during the day and eases overnight. The photo was taken around mid-day when I had been up for about 5 hours. I put my foot up for 1.5 - 2 hours every afternoon. I am back at podiatry in a couple of days and have been referred to a specialist diabetic foot clinic.
@trophywench and @Leadinglights herein lies the problem. The photon was taken a few days ago when I was at the podiatrists. She said in was not infected. The skin started becoming reddish after eff'ing Covid and has worsened over time. I also have oedema which worsens during the day and eases overnight. The photo was taken around mid-day when I had been up for about 5 hours. I put my foot up for 1.5 - 2 hours every afternoon. I am back at podiatry in a couple of days and have been referred to a specialist diabetic foot clinic.
In my area, there is a walk-in podiatry clinic for those with diabetes. You literally just turn up between certain hours (mornings if I recall), and you will be fitted in.

My only experience was a slightly darkened toenail. When described to the GP receptionist I was dispatched to wait. Transpired i must have stubbed it. The nail fell off eventually, but it was comforting to be seen.

Anything like this where you are?
To me that doesn't look infected but there is obviously a lot of fluid retention and those two areas which are oozing serum are concerning as they are opportunities for infection to set in. My approach would be to stimulate blood flow as much as you can. so keeping it clean and warm, gentle massage and plenty of moisturiser for the dry skin and doing exercises when you are sitting to keep encouraging that obviously quite limited blood flow. If it was me, I would be using Germolene on the weeping sores as my body responds really well to Germolene, and heals incredibly quickly but of course part of that is down to good blood flow as the blood brings the repair elements to the site and removes dead cells and toxins.

I would also encourage you to push harder for Libre to help you manage your levels better as more stable BG levels will also help improve your bodies ability to heal. Every Type 1 who wants it should have Libre or other CGM by now and if you are having problems get in touch with Partha Kar to advocate for you. It really is unacceptable that someone in your position has not been prescribed it yet. I want to come down there and stage a protest until you get it, but I image an email from Partha Kar would be more effective.
I didn't want to say moisturise because goodness knows what ingredients there might be in random creams, which could make it worse.
There seem to have been some slight misunderstanding. I took the photo at the podiatrist last week and since then the wounds have been covered in dressings! They were changed this morning and worryingly a third would has opened art the base of the second toe. I have been prescribed antibiotics as they felt the foot was slightly warmer than it should be. My concern level haad notched up again. I get it redressed on Monday followed by a Foot Clinic appointment in Friday. (truly scared emoji)
Sending (((HUGS)))
There seem to have been some slight misunderstanding. I took the photo at the podiatrist last week and since then the wounds have been covered in dressings! They were changed this morning and worryingly a third would has opened art the base of the second toe. I have been prescribed antibiotics as they felt the foot was slightly warmer than it should be. My concern level haad notched up again. I get it redressed on Monday followed by a Foot Clinic appointment in Friday. (truly scared emoji)
Hope the antibiotics do the trick.
It really helped me with swollen lower legs and feet to massage starting right at the top of my legs, using moisturiser to help only on the upper part. I worked on them three times a day at first - I used hot and cold water too but that would not be appropriate with open wounds, but the massaging really helped to get the blood moving, even though I was not working on the most swollen places but above them. That was where my skin was soft - it was rock hard lower down and rather painful to press on it, so starting a joint above the problem was a lot easier to cope with.
Ask your foot team to consider using Urgo is NICE recommended for Diabetic foot ulcers. It comes in various compounds which would be suitable for this and should have a good outcome.

fingers crossed.
Got really worked up today. Am taking the antibiotics but obviously worried. I don't see the Foot Clinic till next Friday but have a dressing change scheduled for Monday. Because if a lack of slots it is not the local podiatry clinic but the next one. Then at 4:00 I hear there is no patient transport because of the strike. If I can find a suitable taxi it is £45 each way which I can't really afford but I prefer debt to potentially a bad end game! :(
Mikey, if I lived closer, i would come with my horse trailer and wheel you in there to get you to the appointment.... Might even clean it out first if you were really lucky! 😉
Seriously though, sending more (((HUGS))) as I can't begin to imagine how worried you must be about it all. Hope you manage to find a cheaper solution, but you are right in that it is putting a price on saving your remaining leg and that has to be a priority. It really shouldn't have to come to you thinking in such a way. Fingers crossed you get to the appointment by hook or by crook!
Got really worked up today. Am taking the antibiotics but obviously worried. I don't see the Foot Clinic till next Friday but have a dressing change scheduled for Monday. Because if a lack of slots it is not the local podiatry clinic but the next one. Then at 4:00 I hear there is no patient transport because of the strike. If I can find a suitable taxi it is £45 each way which I can't really afford but I prefer debt to potentially a bad end game! :(
In some areas St John's ambulance offer patient transport services which might be a possibility for you.
Mikey, if I lived closer, i would come with my horse trailer and wheel you in there to get you to the appointment.... Might even clean it out first if you were really lucky! 😉
Seriously though, sending more (((HUGS))) as I can't begin to imagine how worried you must be about it all. Hope you manage to find a cheaper solution, but you are right in that it is putting a price on saving your remaining leg and that has to be a priority. It really shouldn't have to come to you thinking in such a way. Fingers crossed you get to the appointment by hook or by crook!

I arranged a taxi this morning. Expensive but one of those things that has to be done! I imagine you are a good driver as most horses are easily excited. A few years ago I knew someone with two horses who although they had the space for a horsebox always paid someone else. She would not have been very good at towing as she was what I vcall a digital driver (accelerator/brake either at 9 or 1).I only went in her 4x4 the one time, and felt quite queasy when I got out!
I arranged a taxi this morning. Expensive but one of those things that has to be done! I imagine you are a good driver as most horses are easily excited. A few years ago I knew someone with two horses who although they had the space for a horsebox always paid someone else. She would not have been very good at towing as she was what I vcall a digital driver (accelerator/brake either at 9 or 1).I only went in her 4x4 the one time, and felt quite queasy when I got out!

My horses are my family and I am very careful to give them the smoothest, safest ride possible.... shame they don't extend the same courtesy to me!! 🙄 Rascal used to drop me every time we rode out and Rebel has left me eating dust a good few times too! 😡
I am also a trained police driver, so I know how important it is to read the road ahead and take account of everything before it happens. I can of course drive fast when I want to (I used to be a biker too RGV250), but never with my babies in the back.... not back of the bike of course. 🙄
I am also very experienced at towing and reversing trailers, as I deliver horse manure to some quite inaccessible places. I had to parallel park my partners old Range Rover with the trailer load of manure on, a couple of weeks ago, on the wrong side of the road in a narrow doglegged back street. That was fun but I managed it with very little shuffling!

So yes, I would have ensured you arrived at hospital safe and sound in the trailer (totally illegal of course, but needs must and not travel sick. Pleased you have got a taxi sorted and hope the appointment goes well and there are signs of improvement.
My horses are my family and I am very careful to give them the smoothest, safest ride possible.... shame they don't extend the same courtesy to me!! 🙄 Rascal used to drop me every time we rode out and Rebel has left me eating dust a good few times too! 😡
I am also a trained police driver, so I know how important it is to read the road ahead and take account of everything before it happens. I can of course drive fast when I want to (I used to be a biker too RGV250), but never with my babies in the back.... not back of the bike of course. 🙄
I am also very experienced at towing and reversing trailers, as I deliver horse manure to some quite inaccessible places. I had to parallel park my partners old Range Rover with the trailer load of manure on, a couple of weeks ago, on the wrong side of the road in a narrow doglegged back street. That was fun but I managed it with very little shuffling!

So yes, I would have ensured you arrived at hospital safe and sound in the trailer (totally illegal of course, but needs must and not travel sick. Pleased you have got a taxi sorted and hope the appointment goes well and there are signs of improvement.

Opps, ex police! I better be careful or I might be done for historical speeding like the time I clocked a ton between Lemsford Cafe and the Busy Bee! Opps, what have I said! 🙂

Did thousands of miles towing when I was involved in stock car/super rod/banger racing. But that was over thirty years ago. Most fun was towing with a Daimler limo - loads of torque!
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