My experiment with carbs is now over.

Your doing well as far as I am concerned! A lot of 'us' seem to try and chase the HBA1C low 30's but am happy with high 30's or low 40's, have come to realise I have this problem and it will never go away but to manage it in a way that doesn't take over my life or stress me out, also I know if figures worsen in the future I have eating tools in my armoury, (further adjustments like giving up my daily pint), that I can use as well as the eventual meds route I guess.
Breakfast and dinner similar to you, breakfast alternates between poached eggs on toast and half Kvarg protein pud with strawberries or rasberries, full english or an avacado with salad cream and two slices toast all together with a cuppa and a fresh coffee with cream before and after. Dinners have not changed a great deal from standard family fair such as roasts, casseroles, spaghetti bolegnase, shepherds pies, sausages, cauliflower cheese with ham, takeaway chineese and Indians, grilled salmon, salads, lamb chops, steak, gammon etc. all with veg, substituting pasta and rice with cauli rice, potato with bread rolls, or if out having curry take a couple of low carb wraps to use like chapattis. I am lucky enough to be able to eat higher carb load in evenings so can have a yorkshire pud, a bit of stuffing and one potato with my roast. Mash potato I can have if cheese is mashed into it, the fat slows the carb spike. My breads, rolls and wraps are all special keto type low carb, a godsend. see 'seriously low carb' company, get them delivered monthly. I do still follow the limits of a non diabetic when testing though, max 7.8 two hrs after a meal. I reach below or equal to this about 90% of the time, if too high a short walk sorts it out! Am aware that meters are not that accurate and 7.8 could actually be 8.8 ish or 6.8 ish hence my 7.8 upper target.Only test after evening meal nowadays.
You are lucky you can eat bread and shepherds pie. I tried a low carb bread and it was like cotton wool. Even the Hovis granary hasn't much taste and send my bg skyward.
You are lucky you can eat bread and shepherds pie. I tried a low carb bread and it was like cotton wool. Even the Hovis granary hasn't much taste and send my bg skyward.
I make Shepherds pie with celeriac or turnip mash.
Bread have you tried fathead bread rolls Not the same but i cope with those .
Do you just have stir fries or meT and vegetables or salad ?
Im looking for ideas ?
You are lucky you can eat bread and shepherds pie. I tried a low carb bread and it was like cotton wool. Even the Hovis granary hasn't much taste and send my bg skyward.
The low carb breads are not all the same, honestly I challenge you to try these rolls and the bread, look at the seeded one!

The low carb breads are not all the same, honestly I challenge you to try these rolls and the bread, look at the seeded one!

Again quite pricey say a pot noodle or Pizza for one is over £6 my budget does not stretch to that. a treat maybe but not daily sadly
You are lucky you can eat bread and shepherds pie. I tried a low carb bread and it was like cotton wool. Even the Hovis granary hasn't much taste and send my bg skyward.
We had shepherd's pie for tea the other day but whereas the rest of the family had the usual mashed potato on top I had mashed cauliflower. 15g carbohydrate in total and BG 5.3 two hours later.

@Dave_Z1a is not wrong about the rolls from SRSLYLowCarb - I've bought them and found them to be fine.
My dietition advised that I ate 100 to 200g of carbs a day. two weetabix and a slice of wholemeal toast sent me to 17.6 on my meter. That’s somewhere i have never knowingly been before!

Now I have purchased a carb counter book so i am going for 1 to 90g a day from now on!

Fruits are ok but keep off dates-grapes figs and tropical. Berries are the best.
Veg no sauces - fill you boots but beans can have a few carbs
Meat and fish no sauces - fill your boots. but no batter or breadcrumbs.

Keep off chips spuds rice pasta and bread - these are the work of the devil.
Cheese is ok except fromage frais
Butter is ok but if you dont eat bread who eats butter
Breakfast cereals have about 30 g carbs and the instant porridge 123g!
Nuts and seeds seem generally ok

So Monday is back to a low carb diet. A higher carb diet is diabetes and more weight as far as I can see.

I think sometimes the quantity of carbs in any one sitting impacts, you may get away with one weetabix and 1 slice of toast, or two weetabix and no toast at breakfast, perhaps about 3 hours later you could have toast 🙂 I love the naughties so I tend just to reduce portion size re chips, spuds. Egg is cook at any meal time too.

All the best with your efforts.
The Waitrose coleslaw I buy is pretty much the same at 5.4g carb per 100g. I've bought Morrisons or Sainsbury's coleslaws occasionally and they're only a little higher at just under 7g carb per 100g. Also, the fat is mostly unsaturated - the 'good' fat.
If you like coleslaw, I recommend making it yourself - it is much fresher and you have control over the ingredients including the oil used.
Ands it does not take long (especially if you have mayo).
If you like coleslaw, I recommend making it yourself - it is much fresher and you have control over the ingredients including the oil used.
Ands it does not take long (especially if you have mayo).
I have looked at recipes but they all seem to be for making a large amount, but I'm the only one at home that actually eats coleslaw. The Waitrose one I buy lasts me 3 salads.
I have looked at recipes but they all seem to be for making a large amount, but I'm the only one at home that actually eats coleslaw. The Waitrose one I buy lasts me 3 salads.
I have never looked at any recipes. I just grate a carrot, add some shredded cabbage, a squirt of lemon juice and some mayo until it it the thickness I fancy. If like @rebrascora you like cheese coleslaw, you can add some grated cheese. If you fancy some crunch, you can add some seeds. If you want more colour (and flavour) adds some thinly sliced red pepper, etc..
But if you are happy with Waitrose, there is no need to change.
I have never looked at any recipes. I just grate a carrot, add some shredded cabbage, a squirt of lemon juice and some mayo until it it the thickness I fancy. If like @rebrascora you like cheese coleslaw, you can add some grated cheese. If you fancy some crunch, you can add some seeds. If you want more colour (and flavour) adds some thinly sliced red pepper, etc..
But if you are happy with Waitrose, there is no need to change.

What no onion in your coleslaw???

Also like cracked black pepper in ours, wife makes coleslaw much better than myself.
I have previously had low carb, but to be honest the difference it made to my numbers was negligable so I now eat normal food and have sauces too, cannot be bothered these days with what we should/should not have so long as higher carbs not taken very day. I have no idea what my carb intake should be either. My only guide is that if I eat more in a sitting than my body can take, I fall asleep within 20 minutes for about an hour or more, so I have to assume that is because of higher carbs, if anyone can guide me please do. I eat a lot if fruit and veg and I have only lived on chicken and fish all my life, never would put lamb beef etc into my mouth since I was just five years old.
I have previously had low carb, but to be honest the difference it made to my numbers was negligable so I now eat normal food and have sauces too, cannot be bothered these days with what we should/should not have so long as higher carbs not taken very day. I have no idea what my carb intake should be either. My only guide is that if I eat more in a sitting than my body can take, I fall asleep within 20 minutes for about an hour or more, so I have to assume that is because of higher carbs, if anyone can guide me please do. I eat a lot if fruit and veg and I have only lived on chicken and fish all my life, never would put lamb beef etc into my mouth since I was just five years old.
There is a saying if its works for you why change it
I make Shepherds pie with celeriac or turnip mash.
Bread have you tried fathead bread rolls Not the same but i cope with those .
Do you just have stir fries or meT and vegetables or salad ?
Im looking for ideas ?
Yesterday I had Lidl frozen stirfry - the Italian one, and a pack of kippers I found in the bottom of the freezer - it was quite tasty.
I see I have not eaten anything since then - so it must have been OK in terms of nourishment.
Interesting experiments @lordburnside

Will you feed your findings back to the dietician? Might be interesting for them to hear what you found out when following their advice and significantly raised glucose levels that resulted.

Where so many people are denied access to self-monitoring equipment - you might simply have followed their advice, and then blamed yourself when your annual checks went up the spout! It’s only because you have the means to see what happened for you, that you have been able to find a better balance of macronutrients for your metabolism.
The dietician was probably giving the advice on the understanding that the medics had the Type 2 covered with the correct amount and quality of medication. If a Type 2 can't handle 100 g of carbs a day it sounds as if they are woefully under medicated and/or inactive.
As mentioned above fromage frais should have no appreciable carbs so I am not sure if you have misunderstood the book you have or if it is wrong. If you like fromage frais, check the carton before you buy. Flavoured ones may well have more carbs but plain should be fine.
With coleslaw the creamy ones are usually lower carb than the low fat ones and more enjoyable. I get my cheese coleslaw from Lidl and it is 5.2gcarbs per 100g which is about the same as natural yoghurt, so that is fine in my book and since I am usually having it with salad or chilli, there are not many other carbs in those meals so 5g from my big dollop of coleslaw is not going to break the bank and makes my meal so much more enjoyable..... plus it is adding extra cabbage to my diet which can only be a good thing! :D
Lidl cheese coleslaw! 😱 The missus has ruined so many good BBQs with that crap! Always a mass of it on my plate because nobody eats it and yet she continues to buy the poxy stuff. Should be illegal :rofl:
The dietician was probably giving the advice on the understanding that the medics had the Type 2 covered with the correct amount and quality of medication. If a Type 2 can't handle 100 g of carbs a day it sounds as if they are woefully under medicated and/or inactive.

Surely that would depend on their metabolism’s ability to cope with carbohydrate, insulin signalling, remaining beta cell mass and other factors?
Surely that would depend on their metabolism’s ability to cope with carbohydrate, insulin signalling, remaining beta cell mass and other factors?
So how do we know what is the cause? is there a way to say what is causing type 2's diabetes? Why does mine go down after I eat? None of this makes sense to me. it can also be bad in the morning and good in the afternoon. i rarely take it before I go to bed as I say I've had enough that day.
I would like to know but then I do exercise I do walk and I do not think I overeat or am lazy.
So what would speed up my metabolism as diets I am told make it slower.
I've dieted since I had my children.
The dietician was probably giving the advice on the understanding that the medics had the Type 2 covered with the correct amount and quality of medication. If a Type 2 can't handle 100 g of carbs a day it sounds as if they are woefully under medicated and/or inactive.
The medication prescribed at diagnosis blasted my body and brain within days - my memory was shot, my body ached, and in 5 weeks I was suicidal.
You can come out for a day with the morris team, or the longsword dancers, or the maypole to judge how inactive I am.
I eat no more than 40gm of carbs a day because that gives me numbers as close to normal as I can get.