Mental Health And Diabetes

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I going though a stuff time properly my own doing as I stopped my meds for two weeks and got really il.Frist I got DKA was in hospital for three days and then came home within a few days I starting getting mini strokes TIAs.I was totally overwhelmed with it all still am really.I suffered from depression and anxiety borderline personality disorder and comfort eat which does not help my type two diabetes.

BPD is very common I have friends with that diagnosis

I hope that if you are taking medication it helps and you try to take it regularly

I also hope you are having specialist help ?

There is no medication for BPD it’s a personality disorder form during childhood and I tried most anti depressants don’t really help for my severe depression and Anxiety.Yes lucky have help with mental health team very lucky as the way things Are with resources.
There is no medication for BPD it’s a personality disorder form during childhood and I tried most anti depressants don’t really help for my severe depression and Anxiety.Yes lucky have help with mental health team very lucky as the way things Are with resources.

Hi my cousin has bpd and she's on anti depressants to treat her anxiety and DBT therapy from a psychologist which she says is very helpful
Glad your friend found therapy medication useful.I also DBT as well but still have problems.I am quite stable at the moment which is good my health is my main challenge at the moment.I conform eat which is not good for my diabetes.My sugar levels are to high sometimes over 30 and on 7 medications and two insulins.Too be honest I getting very ill and it’s my own fault.
Glad your friend found therapy medication useful.I also DBT as well but still have problems.I am quite stable at the moment which is good my health is my main challenge at the moment.I conform eat which is not good for my diabetes.My sugar levels are to high sometimes over 30 and on 7 medications and two insulins.Too be honest I getting very ill and it’s my own fault.
It's not your fault , comfort eating is very common with anxiety , stress , depression and BPD . If you are struggling can you ask for some help from your doctor and others ?
Under community diabetes Team yes there aware of it told them but not offered any help for it.
I have had depression on and off in my life as have manic depression as part of my Bi Polar, I was 15 when I had my first bout brought on by exam stress, the doctor asked me if I wanted medication, I declined and said I just wanted someone to talk to, he then arranged for me to see him once a month to talk about my struggles, he was a new young doctor, still remember his name Dr Trainer, he was Scottish and lovely. Then later on I did end up on medication in my twenties on and off for years and had suicide ideation too, but on the whole all my depression was linked to life events, like my 28-year relationship ending, me being in debt, etc.., diabetes did cause me a momentary downward spiral but since taking control of it I feel mainly very good again. The trouble is when I feel good, I still do silly things like spend too much money etc...(Bi Polar behaviour) - I am not on medication for Bi-Polar as when diagnosed the Psychiatrist told me to diagnose me could ruin my life/career etc, but again we are going back a few years and part of me thinks I have a version of ADHD rather than Bi Polar, the symptoms overlap and as I say the depressions all have a cause. My sister said to me once, I don't know how you are still alive after going through what you have been through (lots of things I haven't shared on here as some of it relates to other people so feel it's not fair, let's just say someone I was very close to had been arrested for a serious offence, the person later said they made it up to make their boyfriend jealouse, but both me and the person involved discussed killing ourselves if it went to court)

I think depression is a part of a lot of people lives when they feel out of control and hopeless about the future, I hope you start to feel better soon x
Was a fit and healthy man up till 2 years ago then became very ill, the usual story, lost a pile of weight, thirsty all the time ended up in coma. 4 weeks in hospital. T1 diagnosis, Im 45 and never suffered with mental health problems before but now im an anxious wreck. Its awful, my mood flip flops with my blood sugar and some days struggle so bad to get out of bed. Short answer to your question yes and its awful.
Was a fit and healthy man up till 2 years ago then became very ill, the usual story, lost a pile of weight, thirsty all the time ended up in coma. 4 weeks in hospital. T1 diagnosis, Im 45 and never suffered with mental health problems before but now im an anxious wreck. Its awful, my mood flip flops with my blood sugar and some days struggle so bad to get out of bed. Short answer to your question yes and its awful.
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