Meet Up - Southwest: Cheltenham, April 7th 2018

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Robin. I usually travel through Chelternham on my way to and fro from Lands End to Bedfordshire and I have always managed to wiz straight through, very little traffic to A40 Oxford. Never a problem, but I have to confess its always been between 2 to 3 am at night/morning!🙂
That's cheating!:D
Nice to meet everyone yesterday, lovely lunch and lively conversation. Did a bit of shopping afterwards, but had a nightmare of a journey home
I'm sorry you and Margaret had such an awful journey home. It was good to meet you both yesterday,
That's cheating!:D
Yes it is but having spent 20+ years travelling to work in London I absolutely abhor being stuck in traffic and especially being caught behind doddery old drivers younger than myself. Hence the through the night travelling. You have the best way of travelling- on the horse!🙂
Thank you for arranging the meet up @Sally W , it was good to see everyone 🙂

Feeding time always makes me smile when we all get our glucose meters/pens /pumps out - what could be more normal! 😛

I'm sorry you had such a protracted journey home Edgar and Margaret.
It was a real pleasure to meet you all yesterday, thank you for arranging it @Sally W 🙂

I'm very sorry to hear about your nightmare journey home @Edgar and Margaret :( I was also affected by the signalling fault as my train to Southampton was also delayed. Eventually they appear to have dug up an old engine and carriages from the railway scrapyard - extremely crowded and noisy all the way to Salisbury when it thinned out and quietened down. I got home about an hour later than planned. So much for all this 'investment' in Britain's rail system! 🙄 I can quite understand why you would favour a Cardiff Meet next time! 🙂
It was a real pleasure to meet you all yesterday, thank you for arranging it @Sally W 🙂

I'm very sorry to hear about your nightmare journey home @Edgar and Margaret :( I was also affected by the signalling fault as my train to Southampton was also delayed. Eventually they appear to have dug up an old engine and carriages from the railway scrapyard - extremely crowded and noisy all the way to Salisbury when it thinned out and quietened down. I got home about an hour later than planned. So much for all this 'investment' in Britain's rail system! 🙄 I can quite understand why you would favour a Cardiff Meet next time! 🙂
Might not be all bad news. I was told yesterday yhat I can claim compensation for delayed journeys, so I put in an online claim, and if successful. should get a 50% refund!
Nice to meet everyone yesterday, lovely lunch and lively conversation. Did a bit of shopping afterwards, but had a nightmare of a journey home. We were at the station intending to catch the 16.10 train, but because of a signalling fault, we were kept waiting till after 6pm when we were shunted to Gloucester where we had to wait again, then we were told we would be going to Bristol TM, where buses would take us to Newport and Cardiff, eventually we got to Bristol Parkway, where an inspector told us there MAY be a bus service to Newport and Cardiff and we would have to stay on till TM. However almost immediately, he told everyone to get of at Parkway, where we had to wait for the train from Manchester to arrive to be coupled to our train. Then we made the very slow journey to Newport and then an even slower journey to Cardiff and we eventually walked in the front door at 8:30pm! The number of people waiting at Cardiff was phenomenal. It was almost impossible to leave the train. Look forward to arranging the next meet up in Cardifff!!!!
@Edgar took you advice and went to Weatherspoons in Cardiff Bay and it was well furnished and lovely spot. Wow the prices were different to Cheltenham: Gin and tonic; Cheltenham £2.70 - Cardiff £4.25! A good end to the day so thanks for suggestion
It’s an exotic drink in Cardiff, a gin and tonic. Lovely city, though🙂
@Edgar took you advice and went to Weatherspoons in Cardiff Bay and it was well furnished and lovely spot. Wow the prices were different to Cheltenham: Gin and tonic; Cheltenham £2.70 - Cardiff £4.25! A good end to the day so thanks for suggestion
There are a couple of petrol stations in Cheltenham where the petrol is cheaper than here so always try and fill up in one of them en route between Beds and Cornwall🙂
It certainly was. Actually the food and all the drinks were a lot more expensive. Perhaps paying for the view of the bay
The Wetherspoons in Oban has fabulous views over the bay and harbour, being only 50 yards from the shore, and is no more expensive than any other boozer in Oban. Mind you, there’s a captive crowd of customers for the ferries filling up and unwilling to risk CalMac food on the ferry, unjustly in my opinion.
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