Medi Tags

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I know this has been debated before but I wanted to start it again, as it's been on my mind a bit lately.

I know a lot of you wear them, can I ask what made you get one, if that's not a stupid question? Do many blokes wear them, and if so what braclet or chain? Also a couple of people I have spoken to recently mentioned tatoos? Does anyone have one and were is it / how big.

I guess I don't want to be labelled at the moment, but am realising i may end up in a situation where help is needed. I mean will I defo end up in hospital one day? I know I go out on the beer a bit, but my levels have been good, and I think I'm generally pretty good, testing, hypo aware etc...

Anyway, let the debate begin, let me know your views & experiences, convince me to get one...


Hi Ross,

Nathan has a medi tag expandable bracelet...very chunky and blokey..he does'nt go anywhere without wearing my house that's Mam's
On a more serious note opinion is that all diabetics should wear some form on medical ID..whether it be a bracelet, necklace, dog tag..etc.
One reason in my mind for this is that many diabetics are often wrongly mistake for being drunk..when in fact they are in need of urgent medical help and suffering form a Hypo..
If you do not fancy wearing an can get the wallet ID cards.. theat state your Name, Medical Condition and Emergency Phone Number..I have had conversations with people who have or a getting tattoo's...with either the SOS symbol, Medic Tag Logo, or the DUK Hummingbird.
I would urge yo whole heartedly to get or wear some form of ID

I have a meditag bracelet which just has diabetes on it. I wanted something that identified my medical conditon in the unlikely event I wasn't concious enough to do it for my self.

I also have a medicalert pendant which has my medical condition, a membership number and a contact number which will then allow contact to be made with family and friends if I'm carted off to hospital.

I know having both is a bit belt and braces, but it is re-assurance for me. You probably only need one or the other. Everyone who sees the bracelet asks me what I am alergic to.
Hi Ross , Ive got a bracelet with Insulin Dependent on it , A Dogtag , also with all my details on , and I am getting a tatoo on my wrist during the summer after I have moved South , I'm not sure which one to get at the moment but it will probably be the medic alert one :confused: I also have about a million cards in my purse, bag , pockets etc saying I'm an insulin dependent Diabetic ! oh and a keyring !! hehehe I think Ive got it covered from every angle lol its better to be safe than sorry. I also have very good Hypo Awareness and can tell as soon as I hit 5 usually , but a couple of times recently I have felt a Hypo and its been below 2 , so we can all be caught unaware sometimes.
I always wear a medical bracelet. I too have good hypo awareness, test regularly but am also very aware that things don't always go as they should so I like to know that should something go wrong people would know I'm diabetic.
I don't feel labelled by wearing my bracelet, although my day to day bracelet is pretty subtle. The one I wear when running though is really obvious, but I think maybe that's the time of most risk, particularly when I run alone.
I've often had this debate with myself 🙂

At the moment I carry an ID card in my wallet that says I have Type 1diabetes, the type of insulin I'm on, and my wife's contact details.

The official MedicAlert jewellery is well known - - but some of their stuff is a bit pricey, and they don't have much for men.

There are other sites which offer similar products - such as this one - which are more reasonably priced and have a wider selection of products available.

There is a local company to from whom I purchased a stainless steel dog tag, which I had printed with insulin diabetic.

As a freebie, I was sent a rubber like bangle - I am sure you who the type, pink for cancer, red for aids, that type of thing. The one they sent me was pale grey with yellow lettering, saying that I am a diabetic and to please check my wallet for details.

I wear that more than the dog tag I purchased.

i like NiVZ carry medical id saying im type 2 my name + addy
Hi Rossi,

I'm a fan of the medic-alert system, due to acidic skin I have their solid gold dog tag, I am not a jewellery wearer and find at times even the tag is annoying.

But it?s one of those things medics are trained to look for. On the back of this disk is engraved my key medical conditions, my unique membership number and a telephone number for a medic to call in order to access my annually (or more regularly if need be) medical details, including long term medication and doses. Plus next of kin information ? so a lot is available but not there for everyone to read.

In addition there is a card with more information printed on it for in my wallet, this card included NOK and my GPs details ? again a new one each year or when anything major changes.

It?s an annual subscription and they are a charity, the first year is included with the tag. if you?re on Disability Living Allowance they waive the annual subscription for year two onwards.

So far, as its solid gold, has the background medical information service and has lasted over 7 years I can?t praise the product or service highly enough.

The idea of a tattoo would appeal, BUT how would anyone know where it was? They are not regular things to have done and the emergency services can sometimes forget to look for a medical tag.

There are also some USB devices, where your key medical notes are transferred each time you see the GP, great, except most of us see DSNs, consultants, eye specialists and neurologists etc? and not just our GP. PLUS how do you read the USB key when you?ve just had a hypo on a walk in the country?

A piece of jewellery that you?re comfortable with wearing and a source of information that is enough to ensure you get the correct medical treatment as fast as possible is the best option.
hi David my tattoo will be on my wrist so very visable to paramedics etc , 🙂 I am also blinged up lol
Thanks people for all your responses, please keep them coming.

I do have a card in my wallet, and it has recently been promoted to the front row of the card pockets so it is ultra visible.

I'm not against jewellry, just can't spell it!

I have come across some medi cuffs, which I'm thinking might be okay, but the choice, doesn't seem great, there are a couple on and a plain one on Do any of you know of others??

Also what are the possibilities of say just getting a cuff or bracelet from say a jewellers and getting some words engraved, does the medi snake symbol have to be present? Would a medical person look at a bracelet if it didn't have the symbol?

Strange you have just raised this question as I've just come accross an ID that I was going to mention here anyway!!
I'm not a jewellery wearer but this is a little different, and a bit blokey (though I'm not one of those!).
It's called Road ID and is a velcroed (sp?) wrist band. It comes from the US, in lots of colours (I'm getting yellow being a big Lance Armstrong fan). You can put lots of details on it and can sign up for the interactive version which can include lots of extra info.
It's about ?15, give or take the odd $.
Just go to:
I'd be interested to hear if anyone thinks it's a good idea.
I wear a bracelet and a necklace from these people They are a lot cheaper the medicalert ones and have an online page were you can store more detailed information that drs can access if required.

Being a St. John Ambulance first aider, I know how useful these things can be, and we are always trained to look out for things like this on an unconcious patient (but don't rely on it for a diagnosis of course)
i haven't worn a meditag in years, and I have no idea where my sos talisman is :( I'd love a new one, but unfortunately they're pretty expensive. Maybe its an idea to ask for my birthday lol, but for now the card in my purse will have to do
i have a meditag with certain bits of info on it. it was given to me by my grandad when i was first diagnosed. the rest of the info is kept in my wallet so if they look for it they find it. i would recomend geting some form of medic alert jewlery as it may just save your life one day. i have a pendant which is gold and isnt to big but big enough to see :D

The idea of having a medialert tattoo sounds good. have just googled it nd there are quite a few people that have them. i did have a bracelet but it wasnt very big and when i left college thought it was a bit minging. might get a tattoo tho its an excuse i think so i can get a new one

Hi rossi, I've got a card in my wallet, but recently bought 2 ID bracelets affter reading another thread on here. A sports one for when I go running - can also be used in swimming pool etc, and a beaded ID for other times. It's not just about having hypos, but for e.g. being involved in an accident when people might need to know quickly.

The following site was posted in an earier thread by others, but just for your info, I got them both from here:

Also got a glucose carry box on a string from here, which i take running:

The idea of having a medialert tattoo sounds good. have just googled it nd there are quite a few people that have them. i did have a bracelet but it wasnt very big and when i left college thought it was a bit minging. might get a tattoo tho its an excuse i think so i can get a new one


most reputable tattooist wont tatto a diabetic unless they bring a letter from their clinic or gp to say that their sugar levels are under control. the reason they ask for this is due to the fact we are more suseptable to infections etc so it is really there own backs they are covering. i for one have a few tattoo's and have had 2 done since being diagnosed diabetic. i would only choose a very reputable artist in your local area and even then go and look at his or her portfolio to see what their work is like.
most reputable tattooist wont tatto a diabetic unless they bring a letter from their clinic or gp to say that their sugar levels are under control. the reason they ask for this is due to the fact we are more suseptable to infections etc so it is really there own backs they are covering. i for one have a few tattoo's and have had 2 done since being diagnosed diabetic. i would only choose a very reputable artist in your local area and even then go and look at his or her portfolio to see what their work is like.

seriously mike?! I've had three done and never ever ever have I had to take a letter in :confused::confused:

oh, and I do have a dog tag somewhere which I got made at the fairford airshow about 5 years ago...but it has the wrong name on :S I'm going next week to the airshow actually so maybe I'll have a look then - as I can't afford a proper one yet. It only cost about ?2.50 i think 🙂
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