Measuring carbs - lentils

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are 63g per 100g, with no information on what they are after being hydrated and cooked. So no idea how they compare.
Guess this goes back to one of the early comments. Once you've soaked and boiled them the 100g of dry chickpeas will be much heavier and will be filled with water. So that 63g carb per 100g will be lower but I wouldn't have ever thought they'd soak up that much water but I guess I'm wrong.

On another note I made a really nice red lentil curry for dinner today and instead of rice served mine with broccoli and salad. Super filling and I reduced my portion compared to what I would normally serve up. After id finished I got a bit more salad and ended it off an hour later with a cracker and a slice of cheese.

Definitely starting to get used to the lack of sugary sweets and biscuits after dinner. I'm not missing them too much either.
But some people don’t digest chickpeas.
If you are one of those people, it doesn’t matter how many carbs are in them.
This is definitely one of those foods that it is better to test your reaction than become obsessed by labels.
Well my BG was just fine after after both the roasted chickpeas and mixed nuts so , happy days and will continue to scoff um :D. Today 10gsm of chickpeas and 20gsm of mixed nuts 🙂
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