Me and my new Libre Freestyle

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What has the Libre done for me.
First a bit of history.
When I first went onto basal over a year ago, it was 20 units once a day in the morning , with help from the guys and gals here and plenty of finger pricks(ouch) I reduced it to 16 units and also reduced my bolus a bit. But these were spot checks, which showed my reading at that time. I did not know what was happening between times, Now I do.Every time I swipe I see that graph, be it higgledly piggledy or even, I can't fail to spot when I've been good, bad or could've done better.🙂

In no particular order.
1) It's enabled me to confidently reduce my basal to 13 units.
2) I'm adjusting my bolus, it's still a work in progress.
3) it's helped me prevent a few hypo's, when you test and see a nice number, say 5.0, the graph plummeting and a straight down arrow, which means BGs are heading in the direction of the arrow fast. I realised why I was feeling a tad off.
4) Its spotted the short dips into the red zone during the night that I was unaware of, now I know why I was waking with a bit of a headache in the mornings , I usually have a small snack now, with fingers ( iPad put, ears 😱) crossed, no dips into the red now.
5) I now know I need to allow more time for breackfast bolus
6) The utter convenience of swiping when out and about compared to stabbing ones finger say when you're eating out, or it's pelting down with rain and no shelter nearby.
7) Abbott customer services are brill .
8) So far it's reads a maximium of 2 points below my meter and closer when I'm in the good ranges.
9) You can test as many times as you like/need to
10) Fingers get a bit of a rest

I can't think of any more pros atm

Of course their are cons too.
1) The price of the sensors.
2) Some people have been concerns about their accuracy.
3) If you're self funding and want to use the test strips for these readers, they are expensive .
4) Not suitable for use whilst driving.
5) I would like to be able a add a bit more info when adding a note to the log

Please feel free to add your own pros and cons
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Hi Ljc
That pretty much sums it up. It is indeed a good bit of kit.
There was report from DUK yesterday about how this is now being considered for availability on NHS.
I suspect that access will be limited But good that there are steps in that direction, which might give access to those that cannot afford to self fund.
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Hi Ljc
That pretty much sums it up. It is indeed a good bit of kit.
There was report from DUK yesterday about how this is now being considered for availability on NHS.
I suspect that access will be limited But good that there are steps in that direction, which might give access to those that cannot afford to self fund.
Fingers crossed it does become available for people who having problems with control
The only time I've had a sensor fall off it was when I'd been swimming twice in one week, then I caught it on a bra strap. I think it was the swimming that loosened it as I must have caught it a few times without it peeling off. I also consulted the pharmacist about something to stick over it and he found me some film that worked well but I stopped using it as I found that after two weeks it was getting very grubby round the edges and I don't seem to need it most of the time since I don't swim regularly.
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I'm soon to start on my 3rd sensor, once I have made myself presentable ill be sporting two as I like to allow plenty of time to settle the new one in. This one has survived many knocks and scrapes 🙂.
A double sensor couple of days seems to prompt questions at Pilates!!
Well worth letting the sensor settle in before activating.
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Oh my little white disk
Why oh why did you leave me. We still had three days to go and I thought we were both so happy together.
So why did fall for the carpet, don't even try to deny it I saw you both bold as brass hugging tightly.
I treated you so well too
Oh my little white disk
Why oh why did you leave me. We still had three days to go and I thought we were both so happy together.
So why did fall for the carpet, don't even try to deny it I saw you both bold as brass hugging tightly.
I treated you so well too
View attachment 3658
Oh no! How could it be so fickle!
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Had my brekkie around 5 am. nowt to eat not even a crumb till around 6pm when I had half a pizza. Only one coffee and lots of water all day , just look at this, is it having a laugh or what
Oh and I'd increased my basal by one unit in the morning too 🙄
Had my brekkie around 5 am. nowt to eat not even a crumb till around 6pm when I had half a pizza. Only one coffee and lots of water all day , just look at this, is it having a laugh or what
View attachment 3741
Oh and I'd increased my basal by one unit in the morning too 🙄
Just wondering what you ate for breakfast: was it something with a lot of protein that could have caused the slow steady climb?
Just wondering what you ate for breakfast: was it something with a lot of protein that could have caused the slow steady climb?
Thanks. Just my usual 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a scrape of peanut butter + a coffee at around 5am.
Thanks. Just my usual 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a scrape of peanut butter + a coffee at around 5am.
That's quite a big drop between 12 and 6: do you think the insulatard is peaking then? Although personally I wouldn't be able to rule out the breakfast Novorapid for up to 6 hours so I wouldn't be able to make any adjustments based on this! What are you thinking of doing next?
I'm wondering if waking up at 1am today and yesterday has upset things. My graph is not quite so bad so far today.
I'm thinking a basal test might be in order first.
Stupid cods here let the Libre sensor run out before applying another. Put another on and started it straight away as I'd get withdraw symptoms else 🙂
The readings yesterday were not out too far out and below meter readings. This morning however it's 3points below my meter which imo is too far out. If it carries on like this I'll be on to Abbott tomorrow.

Done a mornings basal test the other day, it went well no hypo's or spikes and graph was reasonably even. Tomorrow I hope to do the afternoon test. I find my Libre is a boon for my fingers and all the info the graph gives when doing these tests

I only wish they had told me about all the fun I would be having on insulin 🙄 But no matter what cock ups I make , it's worth it as I feel so much better in myself.
Stupid cods here let the Libre sensor run out before applying another. Put another on and started it straight away as I'd get withdraw symptoms else 🙂
The readings yesterday were not out too far out and below meter readings. This morning however it's 3points below my meter which imo is too far out. If it carries on like this I'll be on to Abbott tomorrow.

Done a mornings basal test the other day, it went well no hypo's or spikes and graph was reasonably even. Tomorrow I hope to do the afternoon test. I find my Libre is a boon for my fingers and all the info the graph gives when doing these tests

I only wish they had told me about all the fun I would be having on insulin 🙄 But no matter what cock ups I make , it's worth it as I feel so much better in myself.
I was too impatient with my 3rd sensor and only lasted 5 hours (which I think took a lot of self control! 😱 🙂) - readings were rubbish, I spent whole nights low and according to my stats I had 95 hypos! 😱 I should have reported it to Abbott, really, after all, I had waited more than the hour they tell you to. Possibly, my hayfever and a cold might have made my a bit dehydrated. My 4th sensor is working much better - hope yours settles 🙂
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I do like my new toy, I can see it's going to be a very useful gadget, Till I've found out all it's little foibles, my fingers are keeping themselves crossed that I won't have to bodge them quite so often in the future.
I like the info it gives too. 🙂
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