Me and my new Libre Freestyle

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
For those toying with the idea of buying one and also as a record for myself , I thought I would post a thread about my brand new Libre.
The other week I decided to bite the bullet and purchase one. Silly me did not order extra sensors, more about that later.

Abbott kept me informed and the Libre arrived on the dot.
After avidly reading the instructions, which are very easy I might add , I started or rather tried to set up the reader, it wouldn't switch on, I put it on charge. Three hours later it was still on strike.
The staff at Abbott were very helpful and arranged a replacement which arrived promptly. For some reason instead of excitedly ripping it out of its box, I let it sit on the little table by my chair gathering dust and wondering if this one would work. 🙄.
Eventually I dusted it off, read the instructions again just to be sure. I switched it on :D
And was most pleased to find, that I hardly had to set anything up. I haven't yet downloaded the software for it.

I decided to use my left arm, cleaned the chosen area with both wipes , then opened or rather I tried to open the applicator which comes with each sensor, struggle as I might and I'm not exactly weak, it refused to budge, I did contemplate getting a pair of Stilsons on it but decided it might be best to get onto those nice people at Abbott, if only I had bought more sensors I could have opened another pack , instead I had to wait for a replacement, and yes I did buy another set of sensors, which arrived promptly.
The night before last I got fully prepared for a tug o war with another applicator pack , I didn't need a cloth let alone a pair of Stilsons.

Before bed I checked my BG on my old meter 6.3, I waited 15 minutes before swiping my sensor 5.1 and a nice even arrow.
According to the Libre at around 3am I dipped into a very slight and short low, and woke up a few hours later to
Meter 6.1, Libre 4.8 and a nice straight arrow.

One of the things that sold this devise to me was that trending arrow, to be able to see at a glance which way my BGs are heading, plus the fact it's easier to swipe when I'm say sitting at a table of the best and crowded cafe in town preparing to have what I no longer call a heart attack on a plate
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Surprised to hear that you've had those issues with the quality. The only issue I'vd had was the way the sensors I ordered were packed on one occasion - which resulted in them being completely decimated in transit. Like you, Freestyle sorted it out and sent return labels and replacement sensors out to me very quickly, despite the fact that it was right before Christmas. I thought the 'starter pack' came with two sensors? I'm ridiculously excited for you - if my experience is anything to go by, you are going to learn an awful lot about your diabetes. Let us know how you get on!
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Glad you are having a try, be interested in your experience.
My meter which is a Microdot does have an arrow of direction on it for results. It is not a new meter I have had it about 3 years , it is also not that well known either. Though the office is in Cambridge.
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The trend arrow is useful but be careful - its tolerance level before it moves is set quite high. What I mean by that is I can do a scan, see the trend line clearly moving downwards - but the trend arrow says my BG is static. But looking at the graph, I can actually make a pretty good prediction that I'm likely to have a hypo in about an hour.

I've also had situations where my BG has looked pretty static and then suddenly it drops pretty quickly despite having no insulin on board...I would have hoped the Libre might have given me some advance warning but I guess that's actually more an issue with having diabetes than the hardware itself.

Basically, what I'm saying is use the meter as a ballpark guide but don't put your trust entirely in it. The graph is probably the most useful feature as it makes it phenomenally easier to predict what might happen next.
@Ginny03. I'm excited with my new toy. I just checked on there site, only one sensor in a starter pack now . I must say I'm very impressed with their customer service.
@DeusXM , Thanks for heads up. Already it's giving me clues to some strange readings I've been having.
Glad to be back!

I see where it says "Please note that Quantities are Limited to 1 Starter Pack per Customer per Purchase" but i think that means one £159.99 starter pack, not one sensor.

Sensors are £57 and the reader itself is £57 so if you only got one sensor in the starter pack, it'd be £30 to buy them separately!!
I do like my new toy, I can see it's going to be a very useful gadget, Till I've found out all it's little foibles, my fingers are keeping themselves crossed that I won't have to bodge them quite so often in the future.
Glad to be back!

I see where it says "Please note that Quantities are Limited to 1 Starter Pack per Customer per Purchase" but i think that means one £159.99 starter pack, not one sensor.

Sensors are £57 and the reader itself is £57 so if you only got one sensor in the starter pack, it'd be £30 to buy them separately!!
Thanks ,You're right, I didn't read it properly. I definitely only got one sensor in the starter pack.
I'm sure the people at Abbott with send you another out! I agree with you, their customer service is brilliant although when I did ring she asked me where I had applied the sensor and if the sensor was applied correctly. Not sure where she thought I had stuck it!!!
I'm sure the people at Abbott with send you another out! I agree with you, their customer service is brilliant although when I did ring she asked me where I had applied the sensor and if the sensor was applied correctly. Not sure where she thought I had stuck it!!!
The mind boggles lol.
I hope you like it. I got 2 sensors with my starter pack.
is this only for type 1's or can type 2's get in on the party too? I think this looks brilliant and would definitely invest in one myself if i get fed up of sticking needles in my fingers (which I think I will)
is this only for type 1's or can type 2's get in on the party too? I think this looks brilliant and would definitely invest in one myself if i get fed up of sticking needles in my fingers (which I think I will)
Anyone can purchase a freestyle libre.
is this only for type 1's or can type 2's get in on the party too? I think this looks brilliant and would definitely invest in one myself if i get fed up of sticking needles in my fingers (which I think I will)
Hi @Nig3lMac Im T2 , If you can afford to buy and fund the sensors , imo it's definitely worth considering getting this gadget. It doesn't mean no more finger pricks especially at first, ATM I'm doing a finger prick then 15 mins later test with the Libre, their are differences between the two devises but in time my fingers will be getting a bit of a rest
I'm glad I bought it. Now on my second full day and the differences between my meter and the freestyle are less, though on the first day they were never out by much.
I'm learning what's happening to me whilst I'm asleep with no live insulin in me apart from any I make myself. I have my basal in the morning and my dinner around 6pm so unless I decide to have a snack later my last bolus is just before dinner. The first night at around 3 am, I had a slight but short hypo , last night around 1am then around 3am I had slight short hypo's.
And about half hour ago , it showed I was in the mid 4s with a straight down arrow, so I was able to head an impending one off 🙂.
Going by the daily graph on the Libre the line could be a doing with being a bit smoother, it's not like mountain peaks more like the start of the foot hills.

For me Just discovering the above is well worth the cost.
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