Main Dr Say's No To Insulin..Gastric Bypass!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I can't quite belive I am writing this...

Further to my thread 'Type 2...Insulin Prescribed & Scared'

To recap, one of the other GP Drs had said that, because of my other health issues with my Panceaus and Gall Bladder, and having had problems with taking Metformin and Gliclazide, she felt that Insulin was the way forward to managing my Diabetes. She made an appointment for me to see the DSN tommorow and said that she would start me on Insulin and teach me how to use it.

I was naturally scared and upset about the prospect of starting insulin, however, after the great support and advice I received both here and from Diabetes UK advisers, I was just about coming round to the idea of Insilin maybe being the right step to take for care of my Diabetes.

Then today, I get a phone call from my main GP at the surgery. She say's that it is too much of a jump for me to go on Insulin and that Insulin should only be used as a last resort!

She said that what I really need to be concentrating on is going through with the Gastric Bypass operation to reduce my weight, she said that this was the only way to resolve my Diabetes and to get it under control!!!

All this just in one phone call!!...She also said that if I were to go on Insulin I would 'definately only put on more weight' and that 'it probably would'nt even control my Diabetes anyway!'

When I told her I was scared to have the operation done, it is a huge operation, not just the lap band! She said that she would refer me to have at least my Gall Bladder removed so I could tolerate the Diabetic medication more...she then added...I will put you on Insulin temperaraily to get you 'through' the gall bladder operation!!

I was fuming by the end of the phone call! I told her that I have had very poor care in the past two years and that I have held back from taking out a complaint for far too long!....All I have had is inconsistant advice throughout!

I have said to her that I just will not take any medication at all, she tells me I will only have 10 years to live if my blood sugars remain high...well, I'll have a bloody good 10 years then, because I am NOT going back into hospital to be treated so badly!...I was in tears, she then said "Well, listen you need to come and see me, I can look through your notes again, we need to sort this out"

You know, I really have tried to lose weight, I really have tried the medication they have given makes me feel so unwell! I told her, I was never like this before the Fentanyl...never. I know that medication has damaged me, but I can't prove it!

I can't have the operation done, I am too petrified, please don't say that I should think about having it done, I just don't feel like I can take much more...I am becoming so distressed that I have no voice because I become confused and upset.

What will happen to me if I don't take any Diabetic medication?....I don't want to do this, I want to get better, but I have no one to help me. Because of my weight they are pressuring me to think that the Bypass is my only option left.

I am being treated like crap because I am FAT!...I'm not greedy and I don't stuuff all day, I have limited mobilty as I have severe back problems from along time ago. I find it difficult to lose weight! This is discrimination, as a type 2 diabetic who is bloody obese!...I happen to be human too but that seems irrelivant to the Drs.

So, just as I thought there may be some hope, I am knocked back again.

I feel devastated and I don't even want to go the the DSN tommorow or the Drs!

Two fingers up to Diabetes, it's would seem that it's beat me and so have they.

Just devastated.
big hugs comming you way.
I am not very knowledgeable re your situation but try and stay sane and do keep your docs appointment its important they they realise what effect this is all having on you.
im sure the forum members will kick in pretty soon with sound advice...i just can give hugs X
Hi as a type 1 I can not offer much advice either, send big hugs. Hang in there and try to get to the Drs appointment tomorrow and let them now how you are feeling
Elly, there has to be some other way they can find for you if you can't go through with the surgery (I don't blame you in the least for being scared of the idea, it's a really big thing to have to face). Please don't stop your treatment though. Instead go to PALS and talk through the problems with them, maybe they can help you sort something out to get you the support and treatment you need. Can you change surgeries, register with another doctor altogether? Have they tried you on any other meds?

So sorry to hear what you're going sounds horribly frustrating. As I understand it, you should be entitled to a second opinion - any chance of asking to see another doc, one someone you know & trust could recommend? Could your GP maybe refer you to a specialist? My personal experience is that sometimes GPs just don't have the depth of knowledge or experience for all situations that are not within the "average"...

In the meantime, a big hug to you ((((((())))))) - please don't give up on your meds, you really don't want to add other problems to your situation by worsening your diabetes control - but do get stroppy if you need to to ensure you get some better help re which medical route is right for you!!

All the very best - remember you are not alone! 🙂

Twitchy x
Thank you for your kind comments...I am not on any Medication at this time. I tried Metformin and Gliclazide and I had problems with both, severe nausea and stomach cramps in the area of my Gall Bladder and Liver.

I am having a scan on my Liver, just waiting for an appointment. The Dr I saw who was going to put me on Insulin said that, as I did not get on with Metformin or Gliclazide, that trying another medcaition was point less as they all virtually work in the same way. So, I am on No Meds and my BS readings are high, tonight 2 hours post dinner they are 11.9. I only had some monce with onions, sauce and 1 small pitta bread (wholemeal)

Right now I am not wanting to try any more new medication, I have lost faith in what the Drs say, it is all so contradicting! I was going to take out a complaint, but, because I have been so unwell and I did'nt want to really get any Dr into trouble, I left it alone and told the Complaints advisers that I was not going to pursue the complaint.

All I want is to feel better and to get my Diabetes under at least some control, I'm not looking for perfect numbers!

Don't know where to turn, I am seeing my counseller on Thursday and I shall speak to her about it. You see, that's another issue, the fact that I have been suffering OCD, depression and post traumatic stress disorder since the Fentanyl, this all goes against me...I just don't feel that I have a voice and that I am dismissed as being paranoid!
There are slow release versions I'm told. Did they try any of those?
since going on insulin as well as the metformin i was already on my blood glucose is lots better and i am losing weight. i think alison is right can you change doctors. No one should be made to feel bad about themselves. the days when doctors words were law is long gone. Hold on to your pride ask questions and try to come up with a plan with the doctor that you feel you can cope with. don't say yes and put the meds in the bin (i did that when first diagnosed but never since) things wil get better lean on everyone here get as much support as you can and please accept my hugs

Sorry i'm a rather bossy teacher
sorry to hear you have had such problems (((hugs))).. as the others have said, I would ask for a second opinion. Have you got a diabetic unit at your hospital that you can be referred to maybe? Is there a diabetic nurse at your surgery that you can see?

I couldnt take metformin as I spent most of the time in the bathroom, I lost weight but not in a good way.. I have since been put on the slow release metformin and tolerate that much better, and I am also on insulin.

Your BS reading of 11.9 2hrs after eating isnt too bad, I know that I have been told that if I am between 9 - 11 after eating it is ok.. seeing as you are not on anything at the moment you will just have to make sure that your diet is spot on to keep your sugars at a reasonable level.
I tend to agree that you should get a referral to the specialist at your local hospital. GPs have by the nature of their work have to know about everything but may not master many. The specalist may also have encountered your combination of medical problems before.

Oh I really feel for you.

I am very overweight and I asked to talk to someone about the gastric band (not bypass). I didn't necessarily want it, I just wanted options. I was told by my then cr*p GP that I didn't qualify as I didn't have a heart condition nor diabetes. I got up off the floor and said 'do you mean I have to get one of these serious problems before I can talk to anyone'. He said yes. I said what about preventative rather than costs the PCT huge amounts of more money....... fell on deaf ears.

He then made mistakes with Jessica and her diabetes so I changed to another GP in the same surgery. When I asked for hypofit on prescription he asked to see us. He said why is she having hypos errr cos she is a type 1 diabetic. He said does your team know errrr yes and they are one of the best in the UK, he disagreed so I sacked him and the whole surgery.

I shopped around and rang up and joined a new GP practice. Where I live it was as easy as that, amazing. They are great. There are two great GP's and one not so brilliant but approachable.

Change GP's and if you think it will make you feel better then make a complaint, stuff whether it goes against the GP's, they shouldn't be treating you like that.

Have you thought about gastric band or balloon. The balloon from what I have heard is easier than the band.

I saw a specialist in Harley Street about nose and sinus problems. They want to operate on me somewhere as I am totally bunged up permanently, sounds like I have a full on cold but I don't. I said no way to surgery because of my size. He said don't be ridiculous and that they operate on huge people on a daily basis, much bigger than me. Still scary though and I have had to say no anyway as I have no-one to look after Jessica (or me after an op).

Go and get some specialist help. You can choose where and which specialist. Do some research on the net and ring and speak to the secretary. Once you have found one, then get the referral letter from your GP. Just say you have found this person and spoken to the secretary and you need to send a referral to this address. If they won't then that is definitely time to move and do a complaint.

Keep posting on here, we'll try and help you and keep your spirits up if we can. 🙂
Saw DSN Today

Once again, thank you for all for your very kind and supportive comments.

Well, I saw the DSN today and she has confirmed that...

1) She does not think that Insulin is a good idea for me to take.

2) Insulin will MAKE me put on alot of weight.

3) Insulin will 'probably' not help reduce my blood sugars.

4) My Hba1c reading was 8.5 ( September)

She said that there is 2 types of type 2 diabetics...I am the type of diabetic that is insulin resistant...based on the fact that I am very fat!

She agree's that there is NO medication to be offered to me and that the only option for me is to have the Gastric Bypass Surgery....she says, if I have the surgery, lose a vast amount of weight, that I will be CURED of my diabetes.

My other option is to reduce my therefore reduce B'Sugars and lose weight. Of course, this option would take a great deal of determination and will power!...My other half is currantly in Tesco's searching for 'Low Carb' bread?...if it excists? :confused:

She said it was basically like the Atkins diet but with a little bit of carbs.

I have been advised here by other members that this low/no carb path may be the best option for me....Just unsure if I have it in me to stick with it, plus, carb counting...really confusing!

Does anyone here know the recommended amount of carbs to have each day please?

I feel so very down and depressed. My family are against me having the surgery, and, to be honest, I think I would be too afraid! However, I have contacted the hospital where I would have the operation and asked them to send me an appointment for a consultation.

I just have to get my head around this again now and decide what I really want to do.

Love to you all, I hope you are all well....thank you, Ellowyne xXx
The op was mentioned as a possibility for me, luckily the low carb thing seems to be working, and while I'm having some trouble with the Metformin, it's not too severe. As long as I'm losing weight, I guess I can live with the side effects.
Once again, thank you for all for your very kind and supportive comments.

Well, I saw the DSN today and she has confirmed that...

1) She does not think that Insulin is a good idea for me to take.

2) Insulin will MAKE me put on alot of weight.

3) Insulin will 'probably' not help reduce my blood sugars.

4) My Hba1c reading was 8.5 ( September)

She said that there is 2 types of type 2 diabetics...I am the type of diabetic that is insulin resistant...based on the fact that I am very fat!

She agree's that there is NO medication to be offered to me and that the only option for me is to have the Gastric Bypass Surgery....she says, if I have the surgery, lose a vast amount of weight, that I will be CURED of my diabetes.

My other option is to reduce my therefore reduce B'Sugars and lose weight. Of course, this option would take a great deal of determination and will power!...My other half is currantly in Tesco's searching for 'Low Carb' bread?...if it excists? :confused:

She said it was basically like the Atkins diet but with a little bit of carbs.

I have been advised here by other members that this low/no carb path may be the best option for me....Just unsure if I have it in me to stick with it, plus, carb counting...really confusing!

Does anyone here know the recommended amount of carbs to have each day please?

I feel so very down and depressed. My family are against me having the surgery, and, to be honest, I think I would be too afraid! However, I have contacted the hospital where I would have the operation and asked them to send me an appointment for a consultation.

I just have to get my head around this again now and decide what I really want to do.

Love to you all, I hope you are all well....thank you, Ellowyne xXx


You are sounding a bit more positive even though you may not realise this.

Not sure about this two types of 2 though and you have the one that is insulin resistent because you are fat. All type 2 is about being insulin resistent surely. Someone tell me if I am wrong here. I do not understand how having insulin injections will not help you. If they teach you to carb count properly, like the bloody well should do, then that would help you with the lower carbs etc. The lower carbs will help you lose weight. This is said from one who knows what to do but just doesn't bother (so I do understand this bit). It is all in the brain. This is what the people don't understand. It is not necessarily a love of food, it is a mental problem and mental problems take some tackling on a 24 hour basis.

How can she say that insulin won't work if they don't let you try it. You will not necessarily put on weight with insulin if they get the dose right and the carb counting right.

What is this nurse on?

Have I got this totally wrong anyone? This is just logical to me, maybe I am going batty !

If you can give up bread, even better but other wise go for seeded bread, soya and linseed is great if your local supermarket do it. You can get it in Tescos etc. It is very tasty and helps you to feel more full up.
That's what I thought too Adrienne. I'm more than a little confused. I wonder if they're referring to the old theory that obesity causes diabetes, not the other way round.
Very Confused?

I too am confused by all of what she said...she definately said that 'there are 2 types of type two!' Diabetics?....She says they know which type 2 a person is by the 'person presented in front of them'

There are type two 'Slim' people...and type 2 'fat people' who are Insulin Resistance, and, therefore produce enough Insulin, but the body does not know what to do with it?

She said that, if they gave me Insulin, this would make me put on weight, which would then raise my blood sugars, then they would have to give me more Insulin to level my sugars and so it would go on like that!

She Promised me that I would put on more weight if I used Insulin!

This was all from a 16 stone nurse who says she has yet to become Insulin resistant, and she her husband is type 2 Diabetic.

She did not even give me any idea of how to carb count..she did'nt have time and it was something I could look up online?

I just feel beaten down with it all really :(
Cured of Diabetes?

That's what I thought too Adrienne. I'm more than a little confused. I wonder if they're referring to the old theory that obesity causes diabetes, not the other way round.

Yes, she said it WAS my weight that has caused my Diabetes! And yet then said that being insulin resistant can cause weight gain and certainly make it hard to lose weight!....all the same, I was astounded when she stated that "If you lose weight your Diabetes will be cured"

I did'nt think anyone could be Cured of Diabetes?

By the way, can anyone tell me please, a Hba1c reading of 8.5...Is this bad? I know it's not good and should be below 7, but, how bad is it?
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No, me either. Unless it's the gestational variety, but I'm not sure about that either. You definitely need a second opinion, and quite possibly an new medical team.
I too am confused by all of what she said...she definately said that 'there are 2 types of type two!' Diabetics?....She says they know which type 2 a person is by the 'person presented in front of them'

There are type two 'Slim' people...and type 2 'fat people' who are Insulin Resistance, and, therefore produce enough Insulin, but the body does not know what to do with it?

She said that, if they gave me Insulin, this would make me put on weight, which would then raise my blood sugars, then they would have to give me more Insulin to level my sugars and so it would go on like that!

She Promised me that I would put on more weight if I used Insulin!

This was all from a 16 stone nurse who says she has yet to become Insulin resistant, and she her husband is type 2 Diabetic.

She did not even give me any idea of how to carb count..she did'nt have time and it was something I could look up online?

I just feel beaten down with it all really :(

Oh blimey, this nurse needs shooting. Where is she from? Is this a proper trained DSN at a hospital? Or is she a practice nurse at the GP's? Or is she purporting to be the diabetes nurse at the GP's? Whatever she is, she needs to go on a course. She clearly has no idea.

Not all fat (I hate the word obese) will become a type 2 diabetic. She may not. I may not. You have to have the right 'make up' in you for that to happen. There are many many fat people who are not type 2 diabetic so that squashed her theory on that one.

Slim type 2 people are type 2 because they have become insulin resistant for whatever reason, I have no idea. What does this think happens to the pancreas of a slim person I wonder. If it stops completely and nothing works and only insulin is the answer then that would suggest type 1 but otherwise it is insulin resistence and therefore type 2.

As for insulin putting on weight, this is true to an extent but can be controlled and as people with diabetes should be watching what they eat and carb counting then weight can be controlled and even lost.

You hear stories of people (type 1 and 2) missing insulin injections because it makes you lose weight. This is because without the insulin your body can't function properly.

If people put on weight with insulin it is because they haven't been told how to use the insulin to their benefit. So yes you can put on weight using insulin but you can control it with the right advice and help from a proper doctor and proper nurse.

If this is your GP, then get out as soon as you can in my view. This is a ludicrous situation they have put you in. If you are up to it complain loudly in writing getting facts right in your letter.

Damn I'm so furious you wouldn't believe. 😡
Yes, she said it WAS my weight that has caused my Diabetes! And yet then said that being insulin resistant can cause weight gain and certainly make it hard to lose weight!....all the same, I was astounded when she stated that "If you lose weight your Diabetes will be cured"

I did'nt think anyone could be Cured of Diabetes?

By the way, can anyone tell me please, a Hba1c reading of 8.5...Is this bad? I know it's not good and should be below 7, but, how bad is it?

Ok this bit about 'if you lose weight your diabetes will be cured' is a hard one.

Type 1 diabetes cannot be cured.

Type 2, in my view cannot be totally cured but some people who have been on tablets and do work hard at their diabetes and they have enough working pancreas to do its stuff can come off their tablets. This doesn't happen often thought.

Halle Berry (actress) reckons she's cured. She probably has a personal trainer and a chef !!

My sister in law's dad is one of those slim, fit, active men (lovely chap) about 60 I think and was diagnosed with type 2. No idea why but definitely insulin resistent. However he immediately changed his whole way of thinking about eating and is very healthy and watchful and doesn't need tablets and never has. So does that mean he's cured. One day as he gets older he may need tablets and/or insulin, you just don't know.

The pancreas does not regenerate in as much as 'get's better'. I do know that if it is removed, it can grow again (in children anyway). My daughter has only about 2% of her pancreas left, the rest was removed as a baby. There a boy in the USA the same as Jessica but his has grown back twice, rotten each time and removed each time. So it has never repaired but it has grown back.

An HbA1c of 8.5 % is a touch too high. Sorry. But it could be a whole lot worse. A young boy I know has one of 14.0% and his DSN is even worse than yours and the consultant. The mother is on the verge of changing hospitals. Now 14% for a teenager or anyone is very very bad.

It does need to be down lower and this is why your nurse should be looking after you properly and not giving you all this cr*p instead.

I was given a website address today and I put my daughter's HbAc1 in which at the moment is 8.1 which is still too high but there are good reasons for that and it is on the way down thanks to a fabulous team who help me. With an HbA1c of 8.1 % this means that an average blood sugar level using the normal machines we use at home is 10.4 ish which is not good. I want an average of about 6.0 mmol. 10.4 mmol as an average is not good news. We are working to get this down big time.

I hope this has helped.

You know, you are on the right tracks at the moment. You have joined this forum for a start.

Have you thought about ringing the local gym (don't sigh, I hate gyms as well🙂) but desperate measures and all that. They have personal trainers that can set up a plan for you and to take it slowly slowly. Do you know I may do that myself. Here's me dishing it all out when I should take some of my own advice. 😉
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