Lowest BG

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Well…… currently at the hospital. This time with the eldest (the not diabetic one)! Couldn’t make this s**t up! Took her ketone levels for a laugh earlier. 2.0. Her BG was 4.2. She called 111. They told us to come straight down.

I hope she’s ok @Tom1982
When you tested her - when had she last eaten?
Just had my lowest.

3.0 Libre
3.1 finger prick.

Over injected stupidly
6 o clock in the morning we got home. Pleased to say she’s not in the diabetic club. Her ketone levels where 0.1 when tested in hospital. I checked my own levels when got home. 1.8! That meter has got to be a dud ain’t it?
6 o clock in the morning we got home. Pleased to say she’s not in the diabetic club. Her ketone levels where 0.1 when tested in hospital. I checked my own levels when got home. 1.8! That meter has got to be a dud ain’t it?
That’s good that your other daughter is okay. That meter must be off as even given that all meters have to be within something like 15% of a lab test there’s no way that that could be correct
It is just as likely to be the test strips as the meter, so don't necessarily discard the meter. Are the Blood Ketone test strips in date? Are they sealed in individual foil wraps or in a pot and if a pot, how long has it been opened?
Which meter is it?
Blood ketone strips are quite expensive so shouldn't really be used willy nilly.
That’s good that your other daughter is okay. That meter must be off as even given that all meters have to be within something like 15% of a lab test there’s no way that that could be correct
It’s ridiculous ain’t it. Sick of this technology already. First the naff CGMs now this.
It’s ridiculous ain’t it. Sick of this technology already. First the naff CGMs now this.

You already have the best tech @Tom1982 - your brain and your common sense. Ketones with a normal blood sugar were more likely to be a mistake or just starvation ketones. Remember too that for decades we didn’t have Libres or CGMs and managed perfectly well. All the tech in the world won’t make Type 1 easy. It’s a total pain in the behind. Pace yourself - this is a marathon not a sprint 🙂
when I was first diagnosed I did get lo readings it did lo readings I never thought to double-check though and just panicked and ate. I was going low all the time though at this morning. the lowest number of the sat doses they put the hospitals put me one was far too much for me 6 units of Novo rapid and 14 units of trisbria. even when I started counted it was too much. 1 to 10.
Hello all.
Just curious, what’s the lowest BG you’ve gone to? How did it feel?
Hello, it was 3 after a glass of wine without food and I felt the same as I always do, whether it's a 'normal for me' 5-6 or (once, after a sandwich and piece of cake) 15. I never feel any different physically; emotionally, it's a different kettle of fish!
Hello all.
Just curious, what’s the lowest BG you’ve gone to? How did it feel?
I think the lowest I've gone is 2.8. It started that I felt suddenly sleepy, then I started to feel light headed, shaky and clammy. At first I was just thinking I was a bit tired after an intense day at work, but when the light headedness started I knew something was amiss and this is when I tested and saw how low I was. I took a couple of dextrose tablets in an attempt to bring myself back up quickly. Took about 20 minutes before I started to feel myself again but was left with a "foggy" head for some time afterwards.
My wife once found me sitting on the kitchen floor in the early hours muttering incoherently, desperately trying to open a childlocked cupboard with a magnet. She pricked my finger and I was 2.2. A few jelly babies later I was coherent and laughing with her about the situation. Probably have a scan in the 3s once every couple of weeks, but nothing like that night thankfully!
It’s ridiculous ain’t it. Sick of this technology already. First the naff CGMs now this.

Sorry to hear you are having a bit if a disappointing time with the diabetes gadgets @Tom1982

Medtrum CGM has a bit of a reputation for suiting some people more than others I think, but it’s disappointing when tech doesn’t seem to deliver usable information. :(

Don’t give up on the idea entirely though - there are other options and brands that might suit your littl’un much better.
Medtrum CGM has a bit of a reputation for suiting some people more than others I think, but it’s disappointing when tech doesn’t seem to deliver usable information. :(
Is this still the case?
About 5 years ago, there was a scathing review of Medtrum CGM which I still see dragged out when Medtrum is mentioned. They are at least 2 iterations of their CGM since that review so I don't believe it is relevant any more.
I am a Medtrum pumper trying to encourage them to give me a CGM trial so interested to know if your comment is based on recent reviews.
(If I succeed in getting a trial, I will report back.)
About 5 years ago, there was a scathing review of Medtrum CGM which I still see dragged out when Medtrum is mentioned. They are at least 2 iterations of their CGM since that review so I don't believe it is relevant any more.

Ah that’s interesting @helli

It was a comment made in passing between two consultants several years ago at a Diabetes Technology Network meeting, who were unconvinced the flow of data was solid enough for hybrid closed loop at that point.

I knew 2 or 3 people who had the opportunity or trialling it early on, and most of them seemed to have accuracy concerns.

Though, as you say, this was several years ago, and things may have greatly improved since then.

I’ve never had a chance to try it for myself.

It will be interesting to see how you get on with it if you are given a chance 🙂
Although as I’ve said above my lowest number was 1.7. I only felt like I usually do on 3.9. It does depend on the speed of the drop. I felt really shaky walking to school one morning and didn’t test thought I could make it to school (hypo brain 😱 ) and by the time I got to school I had spots in my vision and my legs nearly gave out under me,when I tested I was 2.9
0.0 (Twice)
Both were several years ago, so details a bit iffy.
First time had been working in garden during evening more than planned. Woke at about 01:00 am not feeling very well. But came back up, but could explain why low.
Second time has no reason. Breakfast as normal, walked 10 mins to get paper, 0 at lunch-time. Felt Ok. Think I re-checked and still low.
Both instances scared me.
I wasn’t aware personal blood glucose meters can read as low as zero.
Typically, “LO” means something like under 1.6, I believe
0.0 (Twice)
Both were several years ago, so details a bit iffy.
First time had been working in garden during evening more than planned. Woke at about 01:00 am not feeling very well. But came back up, but could explain why low.
Second time has no reason. Breakfast as normal, walked 10 mins to get paper, 0 at lunch-time. Felt Ok. Think I re-checked and still low.
Both instances scared me.
😱 That’s terrifying
0.0 (Twice)
Both were several years ago, so details a bit iffy.
First time had been working in garden during evening more than planned. Woke at about 01:00 am not feeling very well. But came back up, but could explain why low.
Second time has no reason. Breakfast as normal, walked 10 mins to get paper, 0 at lunch-time. Felt Ok. Think I re-checked and still low.
Both instances scared me.
This simply couldn’t have happened. If you tested on a personal meter you might have been quite low but you wouldn’t have had a blood sugar of 0.0. Blood glucose meters say LO instead of a number somewhere in the range of 1.5-2.0 usually
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