Long term complications

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Well I think my next hb1ac may may June I thought it was every 3 months but looks like it's every 6. So there will be 3 months gaps where I won't know what it is
That’s normal to have it every 6 or 12 months not every 3. You don’t need to know your a1c constantly as you’ll know from fingerpricks if anything has changed and respond to that.
It wasn't honestly, it's one everybody wants to know answer to.

Best we can hope for is to keep bg in target as much as possible eat healthy & take regular exercise, after that no one knows.
I do tend to eat on the go a fair bit epasilly when working
I do tend to eat on the go a fair bit epasilly when working
I don’t see why the location of where you eat would change the risk of complications
I don’t see why the location of where you eat would change the risk of complications
That comment was more about food then where In condantion to heathy eating as reply to it being mettintiomed I migted on the go type of food.
That comment was more about food then where In condantion to heathy eating as reply to it being mettintiomed I migted on the go type of food.
That’s your choice, there’s plenty healthy on the go options. I just take a packed lunch.
Well I think my next hb1ac may may June I thought it was every 3 months but looks like it's every 6. So there will be 3 months gaps where I won't know what it is
I was diagnosed sept 20 and have only ever had 2 hba1c’s done by my team and that includes the one at diagnosis. When I’ve been interested in the past I have used online companies like medichecks, thriva or let’s get checked. They cost around £30-£40 and are done at home. You need to fill a little tube after finger pricking with a lancet which can be a bit tricky,
Going back to this this because things!don't feel quite right at momentnuvdud go to a and e last week vand they told me what I thought it was gave me antibiotics which finished by still feel thijgscsometimes. And the anxiety part of me is jumping to what if something wrong with my kidneys as well as considering other stuff.(also think I can't be developing complications already can I and what if I am)
Did you have a urinary infection? Is that why you went to A&E and you are now worrying about kidney damage? The two things are usually not connected at all. You could have a UTI because your levels have been a bit high recently or for any other reason. Women are particularly prone to urinary infections (design fault 🙄) I would certainly not be jumping to any conclusions or worries as a result of a UTI if that's what it was. If you feel that it hasn't fully cleared up then go to your GP and see if you need more Anti Bs but don't worry yourself into thinking something horrible is wrong.... Go get checked out.
Did you have a urinary infection? Is that why you went to A&E and you are now worrying about kidney damage? The two things are usually not connected at all. You could have a UTI because your levels have been a bit high recently or for any other reason. Women are particularly prone to urinary infections (design fault 🙄) I would certainly not be jumping to any conclusions or worries as a result of a UTI if that's what it was. If you feel that it hasn't fully cleared up then go to your GP and see if you need more Anti Bs but don't worry yourself into thinking something horrible is wrong.... Go get checked out.
That's what they taught it was and see this was point of my original post I didn't think being in the 9s was really high enough to cause any issues. But your comment is now sujusting it is.
Perherps my team are misleading me that being in 9s( isn't high enough to cause issues then(as they say to correct below 10(however now if I am 9 I will found something I usually round down up(so I guess that's sort of doing a correction) they also addiment on the 4 hour rule whatevef the number is). And unfortunately "worrying myslef into thinking something's seriously wrong" comes with anxiety.
I thought I had read that you had been having some readings in double figures recently (11s and 12s), but I may be confusing you with someone else. Glucose often starts to be removed from the blood stream through urine above 10 and of course sugar in the urine will create an environment where bacteria can flourish more easily. This is not a long term complication of diabetes but just a short term condition which can be triggered by higher levels, same as thrush. It doesn't mean anything is going horribly wrong. It just happens occasionally. It may be that your higher levels are caused by the infection rather than the infection being as a result of them. Plenty of non diabetic women get UTIs so it may be totally unrelated to your diabetes too. It is just an infection. If you feel it hasn't cleared up and you have finished the course of antibiotics the hospital gave you then do go and see your GP and they will prescribe more if necessary.

There are people here on the forum who have had diabetes for 50 years and for some of that time they had no idea what their BG levels were, so almost total guess work when it came to managing their diabetes and they are still alive and kicking. There is no reason to believe this is anything to worry about. Just something that women are prone to from time to time.
I thought I had read that you had been having some readings in double figures recently (11s and 12s), but I may be confusing you with someone else. Glucose often starts to be removed from the blood stream through urine above 10 and of course sugar in the urine will create an environment where bacteria can flourish more easily. This is not a long term complication of diabetes but just a short term condition which can be triggered by higher levels, same as thrush. It doesn't mean anything is going horribly wrong. It just happens occasionally. It may be that your higher levels are caused by the infection rather than the infection being as a result of them. Plenty of non diabetic women get UTIs so it may be totally unrelated to your diabetes too. It is just an infection. If you feel it hasn't cleared up and you have finished the course of antibiotics the hospital gave you then do go and see your GP and they will prescribe more if necessary.

There are people here on the forum who have had diabetes for 50 years and for some of that time they had no idea what their BG levels were, so almost total guess work when it came to managing their diabetes and they are still alive and kicking. There is no reason to believe this is anything to worry about. Just something that women are prone to from time to time.
Oh yes I have had that sometimes epasilly in the evenings it's started to do that random jump thing again(I thought I fingerged out). I may ask my team about the s different s faster acting insulin (simpler because sometimes I don't get chance to wait) to. got. I wasn't saying that I thou thd infection was long term complication I was just concerned it may be something different to what they said. Although some people think 10 and 12 arnt that bad it seems.
It's sometimes a bit confosing with diffent opains on hiow high is much 2 high. A few weeks ago I said this on a FB group omce and "So I was 12 last nigted corrected but realised I given more then I ment to then I was so ate somethin but guess I didn't need all that f it because I was 11.7 this morning and someone said this. . But safe l - not down to where you’d like it to be, but not too high either". But other people will say that is much too high(what do I believe and who's asvice should I follow). However yes the last few days haven't been great and have seen higher possibly because of some higher numbers(perherps because I'm not completely well or another reason I won't go into detail with).
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If you were 12 before bed, corrected then were 11.7 this morning, then you needed more insulin not less
Your range is 3.9-10. If you were above 10 all night which you may have been, then that is a big percentage of time out of range. Yes it isn't desperately high but you wouldn't want that to happen on a regular basis. How much insulin did you inject and what is your correction factor?
injecting an insulin correction and then eating to counteract it is obviously a waste of time, so next time, just take a bit more time to think before you do the injection and work out how much insulin you need to get you back down to about 8 to go to bed, assuming there is no other fast acting insulin in your system and then have the courage of your conviction to stick with it..... Obviously if you accidentally injected too much ie. more that you calculated you needed, then you would need to think about how many carbs you would need to soak up the extra.
Do you have half unit pens?
If you are still worried that you might have taken too much, set an alarm to wake up a couple of hours later and check.
I do plam
If you were 12 before bed, corrected then were 11.7 this morning, then you needed more insulin not less
Not this morning I was trying shoe different advice. I was showing the comfofatim this was a few weeks back when the comment about the comment about not needing that much was the food I ate when I realised I gave myself more then I meant to. I was just trying to show how comfictly advice is confusing sometimes. Ill try editing the post to make it more understandble
I edited the post. To try and make more understandble. And when referring thid time I might acdeitdentlly eat much but wasn't talking about now I was just trying to show how compeflativy advice can sometimes show(I sometimes now think when I still high when I wake up and think my corrections haven't worked that might not be the case from what I said on my another post). I remember when I had nastery cough for some reason my who I spoke to wasn't even worried that spent most of the week above 10(because of this I'm reluctant to trust to her this was a Dsn) and also some people on my team try to get to test less(it's frustrating when I always have reasons for the test. Keeping an eye on things at work for example. Two hours after eating to get an idea of partens on another in middle of night either to make sure a correction has come down or because I had radmolly worken up.(obviously having more data to what's happened at night would be useful if things actually worked and could stop myslef getting overwhelmed by the data and what's happening)(perhaps in fucture I could convince my team to let me try something else if the new guidelines get picked up).
Not that I do Facebook but I not sure I would take my health advice from what somebody says on Facebook, Twitter or any other non moderated source.
Sorry should I should have speficrd this was in a type 1 group so simlerly to forums.
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