LibreLink with iOS 16?

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Hi all

Just got off the phone to Abbott. Apparently the October/November App update, that usually occurs without warning is not suitable for some phones so they will now stop reading the sensor. I am very unhappy about this as, like many of you, I rely on the quick reading when I feel myself going low and especially on the alarms which inform me of hypos when sleeping. Surely Abbott know this is going to exclude certain phones, but rather than letting the user decide if they want the update or not, they automatically make the decision, rendering the system useless. They will provide a reader, but that definitely lacks the convenience of the phone. There is no guarantee that a replacement phone will be covered on the next update.
This is noticeable by the lack of alarms and the minute plus it takes for a reading. I hope that helps some people.
Just want to say that I find the reader better than a phone for Libre so hope you will be happy with that arrangement when you get used to it, even if it does mean carrying a bit of extra kit around. That said I can totally understand your frustration over the phone situation.
Updated to iOS 16.1.2 last night and very relieved and pleased to report that the Librelink app is still ok and scanning the sensor - phew!
Updated to iOS 16.2 and happy to report that everything is working ok with Librelink.
I use the Libre reader but also read from my iPhone 8 with iOS 16 (+ updates). No problems encountered other than reminders are silenced if reader is charging. So no problems.
Just to add a further update, I am now on iOS 16.3 on iPhone XS Max and pleased to say that Librelink is scanning and working correctly. Just a heart stopping moment when I first scanned after the update and it took a while to scan that I thought it wasn’t going to. Quick restart of Librelink and tried again now it is back to scanning straight away.
Now on iOS 16.3.1 and pleased to report everything working ok with scanning and alarms on Librelink.
Now on iOS 16.3.1 and pleased to report everything working ok with scanning and alarms on Librelink.
My Libreview system asked me if I wanted to update my reader when I downloaded my data to my PC the other day.
I am totally paranoid about updates of any kind after reading all the problems people here have had with their phone updates and Libre, so I declined. It is a brand new Libre 2 reader. Why would it need an update? It works absolutely fine just as it is!
I have an iPhone SE 2020; last week, I updated it to 16.3.1. Thursday evening all worked okay at 23:05 when I did my scan before bedtime. Through the night had an alert on my Apple watch that I was low. Scanning would not work. I couldn't be bothered to get up to do a blood test. Just had some glucose tablets I keep by the bedside. In the morning had another alarm on the watch, this time that I was high. Scanning still not working. Blood test said 8.2. Put a new sensor on. Would not scan to start. Frustrating. Called Abbot's helpline. They were really helpful, but nothing suggested sorted out the problem of the scanning not working. This also happened last May after an update. Turned out the Apple update had somehow fried the NFC. Apple back then replaced my iPhone under warranty. So this time I went back to the Apple store. Their checks showed again the NFC had been fried. Thankfully they replaced the iPhone for free again!! All working now. So if anyone is having a problem with scanning after updating an iPhone check if Apple Pay is working. If it is it's probably not your phone. If you can't make Apple Pay work on your phone it's very likely the NFC has been fried and I'd recommend a visit to your nearest Apple store. Hope this helps.
Just updated to iOS 16.5 and pleased to report Librelink scans ok. Not tried alarms though as I find bluetooth flakey at best and having continual loss of signal alerts so have given up on them.
Just updated to iOS 16.5 and pleased to report Librelink scans ok. Not tried alarms though as I find bluetooth flakey at best and having continual loss of signal alerts so have given up on them.
The high low alarms seem to have a better range than the loss of signal alarm, so I turn that off as it just drains the battery but leave the high and low alarms on. I leave it in the other room charging occasionally and it indicates that I am out of range when I go back to it but I still get the high or low alarms when I am in the next room. I would recommend you disable the out of range alarm and just keep the high and low ones and see how you get on with that.
The high low alarms seem to have a better range than the loss of signal alarm,
I think technically that's not true. I think the sensor doesn't know which signals are alarms and which aren't so they're all the same: it's just sending out a value every minute which receiving devices interpret.

The difference is just that whatever's receiving them will give an alarm when it receives a single message which should trigger the alarm, but for the "signal lost" one it requires fairly regular signals. So it's quite possible to have a situation where you get a "signal lost" message but where you can still get enough messages to give alarms (just less reliably).
@rebrascora and @Bruce Stephens thanks for this! I’ve switched on low and high alarms and left signal loss alarm off. I’ll see how that goes, it would be useful to have the low alarm particularly (even if reliability isn’t 100%).
With iOS 16 just released has anyone tried updating to it and can confirm whether Librelink still works? I’m a bit hesitant to update the iPhone as I really don’t want to lose Librelink! I read some mixed results with people updating to a beta release of iOS 16 and reporting the Librelink app crashing on launch.
Just bought I phone 12 to replace I phone 7 that would not scan, has version IOS 16.4.1 and it works fine with Libre Link
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