LibreLink with iOS 16?

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Hi, ever since I have updated iOS 16 my Libre 2 vocal readings and alarms have stopped working. I have rung Freestyle LibreLink and have been told that they know nothing about the problem. This is extremely stressful as Apple cannot revert back to iOS 15.7.

I’ve asked for a manager from Abbott to talk to me on Monday but I’m concerned at the lack of failure to resolve this problem as it has a huge impact on our lives.

Has anyone had any luck knowing when this issue will be resolved?
I saw this on the Libre Geeks FB group :

Text of an email I received today (I am in the US)
If you rely on our “Text to Speech” feature, we don’t recommend updating to iOS 16 at this time
iPhone Text to Speech Screen

During pre-release testing of Apple’s iOS 16 with our FreeStyle LibreLink* and FreeStyle Libre 2 app†, we discovered that the “Text to Speech” setting was not operating as expected. We are working on a fix, but in the meantime, we don’t recommend updating your iPhone to iOS 16 if you rely on the “Text to Speech” feature.

If you do choose to update your iPhone to iOS 16, you may try the following alternatives to the “Text to Speech” feature offered by Apple:
Speak Screen

Note: VoiceOver and Speak Screen will read aloud your glucose value, but won’t do the same with the direction of your glucose trend Arrow. For information on how to configure “VoiceOver” or “Speak Screen” on your iPhone, we recommend you contact Apple Care for assistance

So at least Abbott US recognise there is an issue with Text to Speech in ios16 with LibreLink. Hopefully you’ll get something positive from Abbott when they call you other than generalisations about “looking into it”, etc. ! Good luck!
I saw this on the Libre Geeks FB group :

Text of an email I received today (I am in the US)
If you rely on our “Text to Speech” feature, we don’t recommend updating to iOS 16 at this time
iPhone Text to Speech Screen

During pre-release testing of Apple’s iOS 16 with our FreeStyle LibreLink* and FreeStyle Libre 2 app†, we discovered that the “Text to Speech” setting was not operating as expected. We are working on a fix, but in the meantime, we don’t recommend updating your iPhone to iOS 16 if you rely on the “Text to Speech” feature.

If you do choose to update your iPhone to iOS 16, you may try the following alternatives to the “Text to Speech” feature offered by Apple:

Speak Screen

Note: VoiceOver and Speak Screen will read aloud your glucose value, but won’t do the same with the direction of your glucose trend Arrow. For information on how to configure “VoiceOver” or “Speak Screen” on your iPhone, we recommend you contact Apple Care for assistance

So at least Abbott US recognise there is an issue with Text to Speech in ios16 with LibreLink. Hopefully you’ll get something positive from Abbott when they call you other than generalisations about “looking into it”, etc. ! Good luck!
Thank you. This is much appreciated. This has never happened to me before. I’m a well controlled Type 1 diabetic and have been for nearly 44 years but never had a problem like this.
Hi, ever since I have updated iOS 16 my Libre 2 vocal readings and alarms have stopped working. I have rung Freestyle LibreLink and have been told that they know nothing about the problem. This is extremely stressful as Apple cannot revert back to iOS 15.7.

I’ve asked for a manager from Abbott to talk to me on Monday but I’m concerned at the lack of failure to resolve this problem as it has a huge impact on our lives.

Has anyone had any luck knowing when this issue will be resolved?
Did you have any luck speaking to a manager at Abbott?

I just changed my sensor again this morning but in range just now. Will keep checking to see if my alarms are working again. This will be my 3rd sensor since they stopped working so definitely think it's the app that's at fault.
My iphone SE has now stopped taking any readings from my Freestyle Libre 2 sensor. I have the ios 16.1 update. is anyone else having the same problem? any fixes please let me know asap
My iphone SE has now stopped taking any readings from my Freestyle Libre 2 sensor. I have the ios 16.1 update. is anyone else having the same problem? any fixes please let me know asap
Yes, same problem here! Just randomly stopped working. Changed the sensor, rebooted my iPhone SE, deleted and re-installed the LibreLink app, all to no avail. Called the Abbott helpline and all they could do is replace my last two sensors. Anyone else? I'm running the latest iOS, 16.1.1.
Yes, same problem here! Just randomly stopped working. Changed the sensor, rebooted my iPhone SE, deleted and re-installed the LibreLink app, all to no avail. Called the Abbott helpline and all they could do is replace my last two sensors. Anyone else? I'm running the latest iOS, 16.1.1.
I’m still on 16.0.2 on an XS Max and all working ok. Feeling a bit nervous about updating to 16.1.1 now though!
Yes, same problem here! Just randomly stopped working. Changed the sensor, rebooted my iPhone SE, deleted and re-installed the LibreLink app, all to no avail. Called the Abbott helpline and all they could do is replace my last two sensors. Anyone else? I'm running the latest iOS, 16.1.1.
Get back in touch with Abbott and ask for a reader for your Libre 2 sensors because otherwise I believe the sensors are useless until they fix the update problem.
Do I take this to mean the problems are still ongoing? I’m on an iPhone 13 mini, latest iOS, want to use a sensor in December and debating whether to buy just a couple of libre or 3 months worth of dexcom one.
Just seen reports on a Libre FB page that with iOS 16.1.1 on an iPhone 12, scanning just beeps but does not come up with the scan result, several attempts are needed to get a reading. One user reported a significant improvement with getting readings by using the top right scan icon rather than the blue scan button. Doesn’t sound right as I would have thought both would call the same code to initiate a scan, but may be worth a try for those having issues?
Just seen reports on a Libre FB page that with iOS 16.1.1 on an iPhone 12, scanning just beeps but does not come up with the scan result, several attempts are needed to get a reading. One user reported a significant improvement with getting readings by using the top right scan icon rather than the blue scan button. Doesn’t sound right as I would have thought both would call the same code to initiate a scan, but may be worth a try for those having issues?
Thanks for the suggestion - hadn't thought to do this. No luck yet but will keep trying. My problem is I can't even get the app to go beyond the first screen, the one you get when you start a new sensor.
Get back in touch with Abbott and ask for a reader for your Libre 2 sensors because otherwise I believe the sensors are useless until they fix the update problem.
Ah, thank you! Didn't even know these existed. One more device to carry around - I always liked the convenience of using my phone.
The reader is pretty small and scans the sensor much more quickly and easily than a phone I believe, however getting a reader out of Abbott can be challenging. They have been in short supply but another member recently got sent one when this issue with the update meant they couldn't use their phone so effectively made the sensors useless without a reader.

I prefer using the reader to a phone, but yes, it is another bit of kit to carry around.
My iPhone is updated to iOS 16.1.1 and I have not noticed any great difference in the ability of Librelink to scan my (Libre 1) sensor. There are always instances where the scan does not work first time. I have noticed this most often when there are multiple apps open on the iPhone. My theory is that those apps are reducing available power to the NFC antenna causing difficulties scanning. My first port of call is to close any apps I am not actively using and try again and this usually works.
Updated my iPhone XS Max to iOS 16.1.1 last night and pleased to say that the Librelink app is working fine, scanning is working without any problems. Phew!
Yes, same problem here! Just randomly stopped working. Changed the sensor, rebooted my iPhone SE, deleted and re-installed the LibreLink app, all to no avail. Called the Abbott helpline and all they could do is replace my last two sensors. Anyone else? I'm running the latest iOS, 16.1.1.
Same here too with an IPhone SE. Updated to IOS 16.1.1 yesterday. Initially a lot of scan errors and then only scan errors and a failure to recognise a new sensor (which works fine with the old Abott reader). Had 4 lengthy calls with Abott customer services and its now gone to their IT folks. Done everything short of trying to reinstall the previous version of IOS but not keen on that or competent enough.
@PeacePipe10 and @Arbeadie - after some browsing I came across another suggestion for you both to try. It seems that the iPhone SE NFC reader can become locked, this has happened after releases before iOS 16.1.1 as well.

One suggestion which someone says has worked for them in regaining the ability to scan the Libre is to install the app GoToTags from the App Store (this is a tag reader that uses the phone’s NFC reader), open it and then close it. This apparently resets the phone’s NFC reader and you are now able to scan the Libre. There is a similar app, NFC Tools, which may do the same.

Anyway, thought it worthwhile mentioning this, you’ve got nothing to lose as you are currently not able to scan the Libre. Hope this is the answer for you both!
@PeacePipe10 and @Arbeadie - after some browsing I came across another suggestion for you both to try. It seems that the iPhone SE NFC reader can become locked, this has happened after releases before iOS 16.1.1 as well.

One suggestion which someone says has worked for them in regaining the ability to scan the Libre is to install the app GoToTags from the App Store (this is a tag reader that uses the phone’s NFC reader), open it and then close it. This apparently resets the phone’s NFC reader and you are now able to scan the Libre. There is a similar app, NFC Tools, which may do the same.

Anyway, thought it worthwhile mentioning this, you’ve got nothing to lose as you are currently not able to scan the Libre. Hope this is the answer for you both!
Thanks Eternal 422, it was certainly worth a try. Unfortunately it didn’t work with either of the NFC apps. Hopefully Libre will come up with a solution……The Abbott reader is working in the meantime thankfully.
Thanks Eternal 422, it was certainly worth a try. Unfortunately it didn’t work with either of the NFC apps. Hopefully Libre will come up with a solution……The Abbott reader is working in the meantime thankfully.
That’s a shame, sorry to hear it didn’t help. Let us know how you get on with Abbott, but maybe they will have to update the app which could be a while.
That’s a shame, sorry to hear it didn’t help. Let us know how you get on with Abbott, but maybe they will have to update the app which could be a while.
Just for info for anyone else with an SE2. I spent some time with Apple today who ran remote diagnostics on my phone. They assure me the phone is functioning 100% correctly, including the NFC scanner. Looks more likely that the issue is with the Librelink app / compatibility.
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