Libre 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I know loads of people have had issues with Libre 2 not scanning. My phone has just stopped scanning it. It’s an iPhone SE (2020) but I am still getting alarms.
I have a reader but this sensor has only been in use since yesterday and my meds order won’t be ready until tomorrow.

Any ideas on what to do? I’ve closed and reopened the app a couple times and restarted my phone and that hasn’t helped.

Do you think I would be fine to use Shuggah even though it is unofficial?
Hi Lily are you sure it's the phone and not just a dead sensor? There are so many reports of issues with the Libre.
My phone has been doing it for a while and was previously taking a fair few attempts to scan. I tried the sensor with the reader. I started it with the phone but wanted to be sure it wasn’t the sensor, all the reader told me was that the sensor had been started but that shows the sensor is working.

I just tried Shuggah and it won’t scan the sensor
Sorry you are having problems with your Libre, @Lily123
Have you checked that you have not accidentally switched off NFC?
I do not have an iPhone so I cannot help you how to check this but it is one of those things I have managed with my Android in the past. Although I have no idea how.
I haven’t been into settings. No idea where the setting is for that. It just won’t scan.

Instead of changing to a tick to show me it’s scanned it just does that
With my Dexcom, if it says no readings a message will sometimes come up to turn off blue tooth and turn it back on again then wait 10 mins to see if it reads ok.
Someone posted today to say that after an update to his iphone his NFC in his phone has been fried and this is the second time it has happened. He got the phone replaced the first time. If this has happened with yours, it would explain why you have alarms but it will not let you scan, because the alarms are via Bluetooth but the scans are NFC. I believe the way to test it is to see if ApplePay works but I am guessing you may not have that.. Will try to find the thread and post a link.
With my Dexcom, if it says no readings a message will sometimes come up to turn off blue tooth and turn it back on again then wait 10 mins to see if it reads ok.
I would try this but because I can get alarms it’s the NFC, but am waiting on dexcom funding so this will be good to know, thanks
Someone posted today to say that after an update to his iphone his NFC in his phone has been fried and this is the second time it has happened. He got the phone replaced the first time. If this has happened with yours, it would explain why you have alarms but it will not let you scan, because the alarms are via Bluetooth but the scans are NFC. I believe the way to test it is to see if ApplePay works but I am guessing you may not have that.. Will try to find the thread and post a link.
Thanks, I don’t have ApplePay so can’t test it.

I was trying to set up Shuggah and accidentally knocked the home button so it was on home screen and then it came up with the tick to say it had scanned but didn’t tell me anything. I think that shows the NFC is working. I would go into an Apple store for troubleshooting incase it is the phone but my nearest Apple store is 19 miles away
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I've never had any problems scanning Libre 1 or Libre 2, but I only use a reader as I can't be bothered being glued to a phone all day. The reader supplies all the data and alarms I need and uploads to LibreView quite reliably.
I do have the reader but started this sensor with my phone as it’s easier for me.

I don’t really know what to do about the sensor. Should I just bin it? It won’t read to either phone or reader, I can’t report it to Abbott either as it’s not the sensor

Meds order tomorrow with 2 new sensors
I don’t really know what to do about the sensor. Should I just bin it? It won’t read to either phone or reader, I can’t report it to Abbott either as it’s not the sensor
Would they know that?
For my G6 I have both a reader and phone so if one loses signal the other still works.
Would they know that?
For my G6 I have both a reader and phone so if one loses signal the other still works.
Probably not, the reader scans it and only tells me that because it was started with a phone the reader won’t scan it.
Probably not, the reader scans it and only tells me that because it was started with a phone the reader won’t scan it.
Well at least you now know to start the receiver first then the phone 🙂
Of course you can still report the problem to Abbott. It is a problem with their system even if it is as a result of a phone update. You can no longer use the sensor because your phone won't read it and if it is only a day or two old, all the more reason. I believe the problem is that, if you start the sensor with the reader, then you will only get alarms on the reader but you can scan with phone and reader.... assuming phone is working.... but if you start it with your phone, you can't then use the reader, so it isn't an ideal situation as many people want the alarms on their phone, so don't use the reader, but then when there is a problem with their phone they have to start a new sensor to use the reader.... assuming they are lucky enough to have one. I would definitely encourage you to ring Abbott and ask for a replacement and talk through the problem with the phone not scanning. At least you have alarms still on your phone, but will obviously have to rely on finger pricks until you get a replacement, if you don't have a spare.
Of course you can still report the problem to Abbott. It is a problem with their system even if it is as a result of a phone update. You can no longer use the sensor because your phone won't read it and if it is only a day or two old, all the more reason. I believe the problem is that, if you start the sensor with the reader, then you will only get alarms on the reader but you can scan with phone and reader.... assuming phone is working.... but if you start it with your phone, you can't then use the reader, so it isn't an ideal situation as many people want the alarms on their phone, so don't use the reader, but then when there is a problem with their phone they have to start a new sensor to use the reader.... assuming they are lucky enough to have one. I would definitely encourage you to ring Abbott and ask for a replacement and talk through the problem with the phone not scanning. At least you have alarms still on your phone, but will obviously have to rely on finger pricks until you get a replacement, if you don't have a spare.
I’ll ring them tomorrow. Meds order should be ready to pick up tomorrow and that’ll include 2 sensors but until then, sensorless
Can you try logging into your libre account on someone else’s phone and scan the sensor? That might help you find out if it’s the sensor or the phone
Good idea thanks @Lucyr

I might try it with my mum’s phone tomorrow, if I can remember the password for my account
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