Libre 2 signal loss

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I also poke out the inserted white triangle with the sometimes bloodied filament and put that in the sharps bin, rest in the battery bag
It isn’t sharp so doesn’t need to go in the sharps bin
It's clinical waste, possibly infected. That goes in the sharps bin to be incinerated. Says so right on the box so that's what I do. Not asking anyone else to do so
It's clinical waste, possibly infected. That goes in the sharps bin to be incinerated. Says so right on the box so that's what I do. Not asking anyone else to do so
Shall I start putting my used plasters and used tampons in the sharps bin then, if a libre sensor filament needs to go in?
Really ? You want to discuss how to dispose of your feminine sanitary products on a diabetes forum ?
If you don't have a big enough sharps bin, perhaps get some clinical waste bags ?
You are a joke. Conversation over. Out.
Really ? You want to discuss how to dispose of your feminine sanitary products on a diabetes forum ?
If you don't have a big enough sharps bin, perhaps get some clinical waste bags ?
You are a joke. Conversation over. Out.
A bigger sharps bin and clinical waste bags? I just put used plasters and tampons in the bin, like every other person that uses them. My point was “it’s been inside me” doesn’t mean “it needs to go in a sharps bin”. Otherwise everyone would have one because it’s not just libre sensors that go inside you and are exposed to bodily fluids. So the filament on your libre sensor doesn’t need to go in the sharps bin.

Also if you check the rules of this forum it doesn’t ban questions on how to dispose of sanitary products so I can ask that here if I want to.
OK, as I said in my dm to you, if you have HIV, Ebola, M-Pox or some other unpleasant infectious disease, not saying that you do, you should be very careful how you dispose of blood products and, treat them with caution and respect. Of course you won't know that you have any of them for some time. The sensor goes in battery recycling, do you really think you have no responsibility for the health of the people handling the sensors ? Now blocking you
OK, as I said in my dm to you, if you have HIV, Ebola, M-Pox or some other unpleasant infectious disease, not saying that you do, you should be very careful how you dispose of blood products and, treat them with caution and respect. Of course you won't know that you have any of them for some time. The sensor goes in battery recycling, do you really think you have no responsibility for the health of the people handling the sensors ? Now blocking you
So everyone in the country needs a clinical waste disposal bag or sharps box just in case they’ve developed HIV, Ebola or M-Pox and haven’t realised this, and need to dispose of a plaster, sanitary product, or other item that’s come in contact with blood? I do know the battery part goes in battery disposal, it was only your mention of having to remove the filament to put that in the sharps box that I was correcting.

I don’t think your threatening PM with replies blocked was called for either.
A bigger sharps bin and clinical waste bags? I just put used plasters and tampons in the bin, like every other person that uses them.
I think it's natural to hope that these various things make sense, but I think much of the time they just don't. The rules for what to do with "medical waste" like Libre sensors can (and probably is) just in a different universe (decided by different people) to the normal household rules for plasters, tampons, and so on. Trying to make them make sense is probably not going to work.
Different places may have local regulations about medical waste items from domestic properties and certainly where I live they go into general domestic waste even things like catheters and related items, incontinence pads etc.
I think it's natural to hope that these various things make sense, but I think much of the time they just don't. The rules for what to do with "medical waste" like Libre sensors can (and probably is) just in a different universe (decided by different people) to the normal household rules for plasters, tampons, and so on. Trying to make them make sense is probably not going to work.
It literally says on the Abbott website that used sensors are not sharps


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Re the ''signal loss' messages. Have recently had to send back 4 sensors that lost Bluetooth for CGM and Alarms. No ifo from Abbott on cause but presumably a bad batch or a change in internal Bluetooth aerial. Early ones had a circular Ring around the edge of the circle. Now it is the small aerial on the right of the sensor.
I think I've got one of these ... purposefully came back on here after a break to look for some info on this. My last sensor is fine. This one has lost the plot and constantly loses signal. Someone on a facebook forum mentioned the weather could affect it (storms etc) - surely this can't be a thing :rofl:
I believe it is to do with solar flares, rather than our actual weather, which are apparently capable of knocking out all sorts of electronic appliances. I had persistent problems with it last week but much better this week. The sensor should reconnect if you scan it and download any missing data within 8 hours of connection loss in the process, so you should not need to replace the sensor.
I think I've got one of these ... purposefully came back on here after a break to look for some info on this. My last sensor is fine. This one has lost the plot and constantly loses signal. Someone on a facebook forum mentioned the weather could affect it (storms etc) - surely this can't be a thing :rofl:
BlueTooth is a radio signal so could be affected by lightning or excessive static electricity, however think it is very unlikely. More likely manufacturing defects
I believe it is to do with solar flares, rather than our actual weather, which are apparently capable of knocking out all sorts of electronic appliances. I had persistent problems with it last week but much better this week. The sensor should reconnect if you scan it and download any missing data within 8 hours of connection loss in the process, so you should not need to replace the sensor.
Do you have the same sensor on as last week?

The only reason I would replace the sensor is the lack of alarms (didn’t realise how much I relied on them 😱) - but I see your point. Perhaps better not to waste!

PS. Thanks for the reply and hope you’re well!
I believe it is to do with solar flares, rather than our actual weather, which are apparently capable of knocking out all sorts of electronic appliances. I had persistent problems with it last week but much better this week. The sensor should reconnect if you scan it and download any missing data within 8 hours of connection loss in the process, so you should not need to replace the sensor.
My faulty sensors failed well before the current solar storms. I appreciate the argument but it is incorrect
Do you have the same sensor on as last week?

The only reason I would replace the sensor is the lack of alarms (didn’t realise how much I relied on them 😱) - but I see your point. Perhaps better not to waste!

PS. Thanks for the reply and hope you’re well!
No, it is a different sensor this week, but the previous one settled down a day or two before it naturally ended and was replaced on Sunday.
Do you actually "rely" on the alarms or does not having them make you feel vulnerable, which is not necessarily the same thing. When I used to have breaks from using Libre, I would feel horribly vulnerable the first night, going to bed without that "safety net" but I am not actually more vulnerable, it's just that not having it makes me feel less safe. It is a confidence thing!
I believe it is to do with solar flares, rather than our actual weather, which are apparently capable of knocking out all sorts of electronic appliances. I had persistent problems with it last week but much better this week. The sensor should reconnect if you scan it and download any missing data within 8 hours of connection loss in the process, so you should not need to replace the sensor.
I personally wouldn’t discount the whole “EMP” thing? Recently I’ve been getting disconnections & gaps in data from the Libre with librelink. But not from the 3rd party app I also use on my phone.
Lol, in the recent hot spell either working in the garden or sat in the conservatory. I’ve had “sensor too cold” warnings. It runs out on Sunday.
I can’t even retrieve the data, filling the gaps when scanning. It seems to lose about 45 minutes worth when scanning with NFC. I’ve personally had no issues before the current sensor.
No, it is a different sensor this week, but the previous one settled down a day or two before it naturally ended and was replaced on Sunday.
Do you actually "rely" on the alarms or does not having them make you feel vulnerable, which is not necessarily the same thing. When I used to have breaks from using Libre, I would feel horribly vulnerable the first night, going to bed without that "safety net" but I am not actually more vulnerable, it's just that not having it makes me feel less safe. It is a confidence thing!
Probably a bit of both really. I did/do feel vulnerable without the alarm safety net … but equally I’ve been in the red far more since the signal went than I am usually. I am hypo aware, but use the alarm (as many do) to “catch” hypos before they happen and ward them off. So yes, I would say I that I have come to rely on them too! 🙂
I am getting sick and tired of this loss of alarms and frequent loss of signal. Buying a second phone just for Libre is pointless as any update could lose functionality. I am also hypo aware but with my rapidly moving BGs and early warning would be useful. I have been skirmishing with hypos all afternoon and now have a headache. Grr! (mr angry emoji).
Probably a bit of both really. I did/do feel vulnerable without the alarm safety net … but equally I’ve been in the red far more since the signal went than I am usually. I am hypo aware, but use the alarm (as many do) to “catch” hypos before they happen and ward them off. So yes, I would say I that I have come to rely on them too! 🙂
I’m fully hypo aware. But what I’ve noticed with my phone is even of the signal has been lost, the trigger set picks up the signal? (If my reading has hit it.) count on or try this at home.
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