Keeping the weight off and low-carb vegetarian diets

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Hi Annette,

Is this really possible? surely you would need some sort of carbohydrates in your diet during the day? O_O, it would be like being an actual normal person
Yes it is, No I don't, maybe a normal person on a LCHF type diet... 😛
There is no dietary requirement to eat carbohydrates.

Your body and muscles can run quite happily on fat. That's what fat is for.

It is true that your blood needs to maintain a minimum concentration of glucose as your brain cannot run on fat. However, that does NOT mean you need to eat carbohydrates.

You know how insulin converts glucose into fat? The process can of course be reversed. Your body can convert both fat and protein into glucose (without insulin) so provided you eat enough fat and protein, and you've adjusted your insulin intake to account for your carbohydrate intake and basal can quite happily eat 0g of carbs a day and theoretically encounter no problems.

There is of course a big 'if' over all of this as manually matching your insulin for this can be challenging (as you've already found with your basal), and it's worth pointing out that just because you can go without carbs for the entire day doesn't mean you must. But I would say that one of the more successful approaches to managing T1 is based on a maximum intake of 24g of carbs a day with no more than 12g in one meal and there are people in their 80s who've been following that regime for decades.

So, as a T1, it is really up to you how many carbs you want to eat. You can have 0, you can have 500, you can have anywhere in between - but the more carbs you add, the more action you need to take and the less control you will have. Again, to rehash the driving analogy, more carbs = driving faster, with all the risks that entails.
Low carb hi protein and fat is something I keep on seeing. I feel that it would take a massive leap be of faith for me which if it went right would potentially pay whopping dividends for me. I am however super nervous about getting it all harris about face and landing myself in trouble. I am however considering it 🙄
Low carb hi protein and fat is something I keep on seeing. I feel that it would take a massive leap be of faith for me which if it went right would potentially pay whopping dividends for me. I am however super nervous about getting it all harris about face and landing myself in trouble. I am however considering it 🙄
Well you don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water, you could start with small changes, or tackle one meal at a time, or something, til you see how things are going.
Well you don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water, you could start with small changes, or tackle one meal at a time, or something, til you see how things are going.

Hmmmmmm..........if only it were that straightforward. When first diagnosed 32 years ago I was put on Humulin - S and Humulin - I which I was told to take twice daily mixing in the proportions they gave me. I soon found that by altering the mixes and taking addition stabs of fast acting I could achieve a management regime to better suit my lifestyle. So far so good. Some years after this I got myself into martial arts in a major way which at the time involved stupid amounts of fitness training. I lost a big chunk of timber which I absolutely loved. The downside then was that I was in a state of almost permanent hypoglycaemia. I saw my doctor who referred me to a clinic where it was suggested that adopting a basal bolus system with the same insulin that I had been taking was the way to go. Almost overnight i developed a rather insane appetite for food and gained about 3st in weight in a very short period of time. Diabetic control became most unsatisfactory and I went back to my old regime. The 3st that I had gained took me forever to lose again and I felt a little bit bitter about the whole sorry affair. The upshot now is as I went back on twice daily injection with infills of fast acting I think that LCHF might take a lot of changes for me before I could adopt seriously enough for it to have any real chance of working for me. I have some fairly substantial fears about what happens if it doesn't work that well.
Be RUDDY hard to go entirely carb free - you couldn't eat salad for starters since even cucumber, lettuce, celery etc have carbs! OK, eaten in normal amounts they are 'negligible' - but they ARE there!

Bernstein's famous 30g CHO a day diet plan involved eating masses of lettuce at lunch every day - wasn't it expressed as '5 litres' - that's a BUCKET-ful! I'd still be there at teatime eating that!

It's possible you could have carb withdrawal symptoms if you go berserk and cut them down massively in one fell swoop - so I should cut em a bit gradually if I were you.
I don't do salad because rabbits have sex in it!!!!!! Spuds and naan bread and tandoori roti bread and Shredded Wheat I would really, really miss. What the hell am I signing myself up to here :(
The upshot now is as I went back on twice daily injection with infills of fast acting I think that LCHF might take a lot of changes for me before I could adopt seriously enough for it to have any real chance of working for me. I have some fairly substantial fears about what happens if it doesn't work that well.

Your fears are well-founded. You can't do this with fixed dosed mixed insulins.
Low carb hi protein and fat is something I keep on seeing
It took me a month or so to get my head around the LCHF thing, to expand it a little it's Low Carb/Moderate Protein/High Fat.... One of the biggest mistakes for people starting LCHF is to not balance their proteins with the rest of the macronutrients, excess proteins are metabolized into (guess what) carbs!!!
I did wonder how LCHF would work for T1's but this board has educated me a little in that it should be relatively easy given adjustments in basal rates (I suspect that you could not go all-in). As for T2's on sulfonylurea's a word of caution..... Cut/reduce the drug depending on how the body is reacting, I had a lot of hypo's while gradually descending into heresy..... I then cut the Glyburide & went all-in.
Your fears are well-founded. You can't do this with fixed dosed mixed insulins.

i think I have mislead you possibly. The doses are not fixed mixed. I have 2 separate insulin(s) a fast and a slow acting. I mix them in the syringe which offers versatility in how I dose them. It was sold to me as being the most versatile system currently available. Having said this it was 3 decades ago. Do you not feel I could have a crack at LCHF using my own regime?
i think I have mislead you possibly. The doses are not fixed mixed. I have 2 separate insulin(s) a fast and a slow acting. I mix them in the syringe which offers versatility in how I dose them. It was sold to me as being the most versatile system currently available. Having said this it was 3 decades ago. Do you not feel I could have a crack at LCHF using my own regime?

I should add that I am free to take just a fast or slow acting independently of each other or mix them kinda pina colada stylee
i think I have mislead you possibly. The doses are not fixed mixed. I have 2 separate insulin(s) a fast and a slow acting. I mix them in the syringe which offers versatility in how I dose them. It was sold to me as being the most versatile system currently available. Having said this it was 3 decades ago. Do you not feel I could have a crack at LCHF using my own regime?
It seems to me that you are actually doing a version of basal bolus similar to those using levemir twice a day.
I think that you could in fact do LCHF in a version of your own (I use my own version which is slightly higher carbs, lower fats than standard - as I dont metabolise fats very well so have to be careful with them) - reduce carbs and increase fats on a gradual level, reducing your fast acting to compensate, and keep going until you are happy or it starts to wobble-then step back a level and stick there. Just test test test as you do it!
It seems to me that you are actually doing a version of basal bolus similar to those using levemir twice a day.
I think that you could in fact do LCHF in a version of your own (I use my own version which is slightly higher carbs, lower fats than standard - as I dont metabolise fats very well so have to be careful with them) - reduce carbs and increase fats on a gradual level, reducing your fast acting to compensate, and keep going until you are happy or it starts to wobble-then step back a level and stick there. Just test test test as you do it!

Test, test now there's a thing. If I actually admitted to you just how many tests I get on prescription each month I suspect you would think that I am drunk or lying. I do periodically get drunk and sometimes when absolutely necessary I tell lies to my customers. On this matter however I am unusually sober and even more unusually honourable. It has been a 30 year pitched battle with the NHS to convince them that lots of tests are necessary for better management. Some of them now actually agree with me. Bless 'em

Thank you for your advice which I will give long hard consideration to. It will be help me form a final decision as to whether LCHF or a derivative is for me. It obviously works and works very very well for a number of people on this forum and I believe sharing ideas is a lot of what we are here for. If you don't mind too much I may be asking more stupid annoying questions. I apologise uppfront for this 😉
i think I have mislead you possibly.

Ah, my mistake - sorry, I thought you said you'd gone back onto a two injection a day system so I assumed you meant Mixtard.

Which insulins are you on? If your basal is one of the older isophane ones, you can alter your carb intake within limits but you'll still need carbs during the day as the action profile has quite a pronounced peak.

I'm assuming you're not on Lantus or Levemir because mixing those with another insulin in the same syringe would be incredibly dangerous.
Test, test now there's a thing. If I actually admitted to you just how many tests I get on prescription each month I suspect you would think that I am drunk or lying. I do periodically get drunk and sometimes when absolutely necessary I tell lies to my customers. On this matter however I am unusually sober and even more unusually honourable. It has been a 30 year pitched battle with the NHS to convince them that lots of tests are necessary for better management. Some of them now actually agree with me. Bless 'em

Thank you for your advice which I will give long hard consideration to. It will be help me form a final decision as to whether LCHF or a derivative is for me. It obviously works and works very very well for a number of people on this forum and I believe sharing ideas is a lot of what we are here for. If you don't mind too much I may be asking more stupid annoying questions. I apologise uppfront for this 😉

I whole heartedly agree with you. Information is key and the more you have, the more you can base your judgement's upon. I receive 100 test strips per prescription and they never last me until the next one, 200 would be nice. Even if you have a doubt in the back of your mind about your glucose level, bang a test strip in!
I whole heartedly agree with you. Information is key and the more you have, the more you can base your judgement's upon. I receive 100 test strips per prescription and they never last me until the next one, 200 would be nice. Even if you have a doubt in the back of your mind about your glucose level, bang a test strip in!

I do fully appreciate that the NHS is under ever increasing strain. I think as patients we have expectations which sometimes overstretch the health service and our expectations are increasing. The thing is though I have never yet met a doctor who was able to look me directly in the eye and tell me that you can test too often. At least not one who looked as if he or she actually believed what they were saying. Some of the stories people on here suggest that they have been quoted by doctors or nurses are really heartbreaking. At the centre of it all it is a group of people who want to take better control of their own condition. How else can any diabetic build up a framework to enable themselves to make life enhancing changes?
If I actually admitted to you just how many tests I get on prescription each month I suspect you would think that I am drunk or lying.

Go on then, I'll ask - how many do you get? 🙂
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