just the nurse

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You know, that is one of the reasons I wanted to test - I've got so stuck having the same food day in day out I daren't try anything new in case my bloods get worse without me knowing. My diet consists of special K for brekkie (skimmed milk, throw excess milk away when I've finished cereal), wholegrain bread sandwich for dinner, chicken (or Quorn home made bolognese/chili made with WW sauce and tinned toms) and sweet potato and veg for tea. Fruit in between if I'm hungry. Water or coffee (skimmed milk, sweetener) to drink. That's the same every day. No sins - I darent!

Plus 6 monthly checks when you're first diagnosed seems really unfair. I feel a bit like they said "yes you have diabetes, now eat less and come back in a month" then when I did they said "well your HbA1c was really good, you're doing it right, now bugger off, take these cholesterol pills and we'll see you in 6 months". No support, no more diet advice other than the sheet, and no way of knowing if my bloods will continue to go up, no more information.

One thing I did wonder - when the nurse said they wont prescribe testing strips or lancets for unmedicated diabetics - is that a UK wide rule, an area (West Yorks) rule, or a practise (eg this specific doctors practise) rule? Is it something I could get round by changing doctors, or is it just the same for everyone?
You know, that is one of the reasons I wanted to test - I've got so stuck having the same food day in day out I daren't try anything new in case my bloods get worse without me knowing. My diet consists of special K for brekkie (skimmed milk, throw excess milk away when I've finished cereal), wholegrain bread sandwich for dinner, chicken (or Quorn home made bolognese/chili made with WW sauce and tinned toms) and sweet potato and veg for tea. Fruit in between if I'm hungry. Water or coffee (skimmed milk, sweetener) to drink. That's the same every day. No sins - I darent!

Plus 6 monthly checks when you're first diagnosed seems really unfair. I feel a bit like they said "yes you have diabetes, now eat less and come back in a month" then when I did they said "well your HbA1c was really good, you're doing it right, now bugger off, take these cholesterol pills and we'll see you in 6 months". No support, no more diet advice other than the sheet, and no way of knowing if my bloods will continue to go up, no more information.

One thing I did wonder - when the nurse said they wont prescribe testing strips or lancets for unmedicated diabetics - is that a UK wide rule, an area (West Yorks) rule, or a practise (eg this specific doctors practise) rule? Is it something I could get round by changing doctors, or is it just the same for everyone?

Looking at your diet I can understand your point of view better Lisa.

If I do a Bolognaise sauce I just use a tin of tomatoes, herbs and let it reduce on the stove. And some lemon juice reduces the GI of it. Cheaper than WW and you know what's in it. Have you thought about porridge for breakfast? Make it in the ding with water. (Ask for the instructions if interested) Lower GI than Special K and cheaper too.

I don't like the 6 month wait between appointments. I print out my diabetes diary and send it to the doctors every month so they can see how things are. I let the diabetes nurse spot the trends. My doctor is of the old school - don't test. When I showed her my BGs after I started testing I got strips on prescription.

I feel that not testing is like being in a hurry in the car without a working speedometer going past some avarage speed gatso cameras.

I feel far more in control of my diabetes since I started testing.

Most doctors won't hand out strips on prescription to non insulin dependent T2s as they are constrained by the PCTs to save money. There is a thread by Wallycorker about his petition to the government. I've signed it. It's at http://www.diabetessupport.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?t=1622&highlight=petition
I've got a nano too. The lancets last forever - you can use them many times. I got a box full when I was diagnosed 18 months ago and I'm still only half way through them.

Many dmers on alt.support.diabetes change the lancet annually on St. Swithuns Day.
Just weighed myself. I've only lost 3-4kg since the beginning of December. Well unchuffed. I lost 7kg (over a stone) the month before!

Mind you, it does cover Chrimble, when I ate what I wanted. But at this rate I'll still be on a diet in a decade lol.
Just weighed myself. I've only lost 3-4kg since the beginning of December. Well unchuffed. I lost 7kg (over a stone) the month before!

Mind you, it does cover Chrimble, when I ate what I wanted. But at this rate I'll still be on a diet in a decade lol.
well done!!
remember you are still loosing!! remember steadily and slowly and it will remain off...i dont have scales at home & only use the same one at the docs
Thanks - I know its still a loss, I should be happy - I guess just with eating being so limited at the moment (especially with current wisdom tooth abcess - no lunch or tea today as it's too sore), I expected it to be quicker like the month before. I should be happy and it might be that it was the different scales (last two times I was weighed at the docs).
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