Just a little theary about seasor placement.(that I find interesting)

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Libre don't provide you with that, so you just think it's a duff sensor. G6 allows that. I don't think it's a feature of the Dexcom One
Apparelly it is in the dexcom one app but I only I have a reciver.
Apparelly it is in the dexcom one app but I only I have a reciver.
I'm afraid calibration is not in the Dexcom One even with the phone app. I used it for several months before I self-funded the G7.
I'm afraid calibration is not in the Dexcom One even with the phone app. I used it for several months before I self-funded the G7.
I believe it may be now with a recent app update. I am sure I read something on the forum about it.
I believe it may be now with a recent app update. I am sure I read something on the forum about it.
Yes I'm in a Facebook of dexcom one users and there was a post about there being an update to the app aliasing calibration. But so far in my case it hasn't seemed to need it anyway.
It's not crazy to believe what you did. I was a bit surprised when LibreLink was updated to allow Libre 2 to be used as a rtCGM, and one of the important restrictions on the Dexcom One compared to the G6 was calibration.

I'm not sure what the decision making was in either case but I think a consistent story would be competition: Abbott made Libre 2 into a CGM because it felt competition from Dexcom One, and then Dexcom added calibration so that the Dexcom One still has an advantage over Libre 2.
When they are able to do something, i wonder why they don't...i mean, lots of people were using libre as a real time system via 3rd party apps, but someone who was less techy/ not keen on using unofficial apps would miss out.

I supppose for dexcom it would be to give a reason why to go for the more expensive options eg g6/7
When they are able to do something, i wonder why they don't...i mean, lots of people were using libre as a real time system via 3rd party apps, but someone who was less techy/ not keen on using unofficial apps would miss out.

I supppose for dexcom it would be to give a reason why to go for the more expensive options eg g6/7
Might be some regulatory issue, or it might be market segmentation as you suggest. In both cases, since Abbott also has Libre 3, though it's not widely available in the UK.
When they are able to do something, i wonder why they don't...i mean, lots of people were using libre as a real time system via 3rd party apps, but someone who was less techy/ not keen on using unofficial apps would miss out.

I supppose for dexcom it would be to give a reason why to go for the more expensive options eg g6/7
I have frequently wondered why the tech is so often mediocre rather than providing the potential that exists in the latest tech. I know that the different manufacturers are in this for the financial return and aren't philanthropists.

I also appreciate that with so many different phone manufacturers and numerous operating systems at different versions it is a real challenge to keep their apps compatible to a majority of users. But in other markets manufacturers do seem to strive to use the latest tech to best effect and in doing so end up being competitive and successful. Or they wither and die.

I think the main UK client, the NHS, should play a much more active part in this. We users are effectively handcuffed to whatever is prescribed and have no real voice. HCPs can be out of touch (and this is a bit unkind since I know they are potentially overwhelmed by demand for their expertise) with the finer points of mediocrity, thinking the patient has got the tech so all is fine; a position reinforced by NICE, still saying that CGM should greatly reduce finger pricking - oblivious to the obvious little matter that users will only reduce fps when they have tech that they trust. Will the NHS ever reach out to users for feedback? Does rhe NHS even reach out to HCPs for feedback? Or is this gargantuan just trundling along because it can't pause and look around at the view?

One way forward would be for manufacturers to provide a standard but slick Reader / Receiver that provides a Rolls Royce comprehensive service and then they can stop chasing ever-moving phone hardware with their software. I know many people would also be unhappy to need a 2nd device as well as their phone - and such a way forward is now probably no longer competitive, so not viable. It certainly would need decent marketing and it does bring extra responsibility for service delivery back into the Manufactuers - which is now outsourced.

Meanwhile I can't find a way of proffering my feedback. Am I missing some obvious route?
I supppose for dexcom it would be to give a reason why to go for the more expensive options eg g6/7
I think if someone had completely free choice they are still reasons already to go for G6/G7. The extra and padictive alerts for example which might be useful to some people plus the being able to log insulin doses and carbs(I understand that you can with these correct me if I'm wrong anybody) which I can't do with dexcom one
Yes, you can log doses and carbs on g6...the only thing you can't do is notes, which you can on libre. That was really useful in the early days so i could record what i ate and see what resulted in spikes etc. Now i am more experienced its not so crucial, but i still log insulin so i can tell when i should be free of bosus insulin, and to give me an idea of insulin on board
Yes, you can log doses and carbs on g6...the only thing you can't do is notes, which you can on libre. That was really useful in the early days so i could record what i ate and see what resulted in spikes etc. Now i am more experienced its not so crucial, but i still log insulin so i can tell when i should be free of bosus insulin, and to give me an idea of insulin on board
Do you know if that's on the receiver or just the app.
The app..i have a receiver but just for backup. Mind you i used the 'build your own app' about 9 months ago so the offical app may have moved on and have more functionality now
The app..i have a receiver but just for backup. Mind you i used the 'build your own app' about 9 months ago so the offical app may have moved on and have more functionality now
So you can't log stuff on the receiver with the g6?
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