Joining 'team pump'

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Thanks All

Phil - did you find much reduction in TDD? Was your proportion of TDD as basal:bolus roughly the same on MDI as it is now? How about insulin:carb ratios and correction factors - does *everything* change or have some things stayed the same?

Thanks All

Phil - did you find much reduction in TDD? Was your proportion of TDD as basal:bolus roughly the same on MDI as it is now? How about insulin:carb ratios and correction factors - does *everything* change or have some things stayed the same?


Hi Mike,

My TDD didn't reduce if anything it has increased, I know that is unusual but maybe my TDD wasn't correct on MDI.

The proportion of basal:bolus ratio is about the same as MDI at the moment mine is 40:60, I need to look at this in a lot more detail and suspect I will probably move to a 50:50 ratio (it is just so time consuming and....hard work!)

My correction factor is 1 unit will lower my bs by 1 mmol....obviously personal to me but the same as MDI.

My carb/insulin ratio however is now very different on the pump compared to MDI....FOR THE BETTER!

Morning 2.7 units per 10g carb (higher than MDI)
Lunch 2 units per 10g carb (Same as MDI)
Evening 2.5 units per 10g carb (higher than MDI)

Also Multi wave bolus is excellent for Pizza, Pasta, Takeaway, high carb and high fat meals.....better than splitting with two jabs! 🙂

Starting on the pump also made me really concentrate on getting things right, I was almost certainly getting slightly complacement on MDI with a 'that will do' attitude.
Thanks Phil - that's very helpful. From what I've read 40% TDD as basal is not unusual - so that might just be what you need.

I'm currently on approx 45% TDD as basal, and it seems like it's easier to make an estimate of starting pump TDD/basal/ratios if you have an idea of that.

Suck it and see I guess!
Thanks Phil - that's very helpful. From what I've read 40% TDD as basal is not unusual - so that might just be what you need.

I'm currently on approx 45% TDD as basal, and it seems like it's easier to make an estimate of starting pump TDD/basal/ratios if you have an idea of that.

Suck it and see I guess!

Yep, absolutely.........get ready for night time fasting testing!! :(
Oh eduad, you're finally going for it, I will watch your progress with great interest as I am still considering (none of my diabetes team are though...) In particular I am interested that you are still up fpr the CGM, life's dream as far as I am concerned!

You might want to give a quick report on the general message board when you've had it awhile, sometimes think some of us (who, me??) don't look at the pumpers because we're not doing it, so aren't persuaded how much beter it could be (although I accept that it might not always be so, and there's a lot of work to do)

Best of luck!!
Medtronic veo

Hi mike

I'm also starting the medtronic veo tomorrow after 25 yrs of mdi so will be very strange for me to switch over lol but very much looking forward to it. I'm starting on saline tomorrow then insulin on the 31st oct as it's my week off work so can get used to it at home, hope all goes well with urs il keep u updated how I'm getting on :D

Strangley you don't take much notice not inject the bolus injections when you eat, I suspect this is because you are taking a BG and pressing buttons, so doing something with your hands..

It was my two basal injections that took a week or so to adjust to, every 11.30am and 11pm I would looking to inject... Getting use to wearing the pump took only days..

I was lucky I went straight onto insulin, handed my pump at 11am by 12 I was pumping... Had a 2 day training session where when we played with the controls we just detached the pump..

Then told by the DSN not to be afraid of detaching the pump for 30 minutes or so and just play with the controls..
Have been moving toward it for 2 years I think (I had significant pump-aversion). While I realise they are still not perfect, I've come to the point where I recognise that pumping is the most subtle/tweakable system available and that whatever I try on MDI I will still have problems, but that these might be severely reduced/eliminated by pumping.

We shall see.

If all goes to plan I'll be pumping insulin around 8th November 😱

I'm a bit late I see but I wanted to say congratulations that's great news! I recognise what you are saying above so much, I used to be the same. Didn't even want to think about a pump, but after years and years of trying everything on MDI I realised that it was getting to the point where it was the only option left. Been on it since March now and things are going so much better, I really can't believe I never wanted to try it earlier.

Best of luck with everything, the first few weeks/months are going to be challenging but it's definitely worth it!
great news about the pump hope it all goes well for you.
I think I must be very lookey as I only went on the Dafne 1 year gone Sep.And had never been told about the pump but now I am getting one.
Was to get it on18th Aug but something about bloods not back and Doctor going on holiday, managed to get anothe appointment and I now have to go on 3rd Nov. so hope that its the day for the pump.
Im a but confused about it all and I gess I will need a lot of help from you lot on hear. The only thing they did in Aug. was show me how it went on ,all the bits and not mutch else just said it was pink and that was that come back in 2 week and nothing else.
Ill let you know what happens in Nov. so if I do get one as I think then its been quick havent had to wate like you lot.🙂
Good luck tomorrow Mike! 🙂 See how long it takes before you forget you have it on! 🙂
Yep, best of luck with it. Will be watching it all with great interest. Even the bits where you shout and scream at it and wish it was a pen. :D

Best of British from tomorrow onwards Mike
Ooops - I'd forgotten it was tomorrow!

And tomorrow we can all start betting how long it will take him to do his first set change, can't we? :D
Good Luck , hope all goes well for you .I went straight onto insulin on the first day but i know a lot of places like to to get use to a pump with saline first .
Good luck Mike. I'm sure you wont need it though as suspect you will take to pumping like a duck to water. :D
Thanks all 🙂

Surprised how 'significant' it has felt over the last 24 hours or so. Have been willing the days to pass for the last month and now it's all a bit 😱😱😱

Yes 'first set change' will be an interesting one... I'd guess at an hour from what others have said!

Depending on how many goodies I get to experiment with on my saline week I'm hoping to do a few changes in the first 7 days though, so that I have a chance to see what various different sites are like to live with.... sit on.... sleep alongside...

I should be a dab-hand at changes by Friday!
Best of luck Mike! 🙂
Thanks all 🙂

Surprised how 'significant' it has felt over the last 24 hours or so. Have been willing the days to pass for the last month and now it's all a bit 😱
Yes 'first set change' will be an interesting one... I'd guess at an hour from what others have said!

Depending on how many goodies I get to experiment with on my saline week I'm hoping to do a few changes in the first 7 days though, so that I have a chance to see what various different sites are like to live with.... sit on.... sleep alongside...

I should be a dab-hand at changes by Friday!

Hi Mike, those cannula's cost ?10 a time so you won't be to popular doing un- needed changes. 😱
Just do as would be expected whilst on a pump. Stick to your belly for the time being as it's easier. Take your time with the changes etc there is no prize for the shortest change over lol.
Hi Mike, those cannula's cost ?10 a time so you won't be to popular doing un- needed changes. 😱
Just do as would be expected whilst on a pump. Stick to your belly for the time being as it's easier. Take your time with the changes etc there is no prize for the shortest change over lol.

Good point... I will try to behave myself 🙂
Mike!! - don't care how much they are. They won't give you ever so many anyway but if they do give you different types, then they expect you to play in any case. Not like you are likely to use a million, just for the hell of it!

At the first sign of it hurting even if it's only just gone in, watch it like a hawk and in any event, if you see any blood - always remove it and start again.

I thought you had said your tummy has quite a few 'iffy' areas? - in which case you certainly will need to experiment with thighs, bum etc, won't you?

You want to make sure you are comfy with it before you go live - and that is precisely what this week is for .......
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