Jamie's food revolution

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When that american doctor was talking about diabetes it depressed me a bit speaking about all the complications, eg liver failure losing limbs, losing eyesight i no all this dont need to hear from a stupid american yank
cant take anything he says seriously ,
after his advice to the gov they brought in the new school meals that to be honest are and were a mess ,dont know about other school but my children's school have brought back better meal choices and some of the old menu and its winning the battle of the kids leaving the school to buy food from the shops,if he had kept his nose out children would not have been put at risk walking along busy streets full of motors
cant take anything he says seriously ,
after his advice to the gov they brought in the new school meals that to be honest are and were a mess ,dont know about other school but my children's school have brought back better meal choices and some of the old menu and its winning the battle of the kids leaving the school to buy food from the shops,if he had kept his nose out children would not have been put at risk walking along busy streets full of motors

well said my sons school has an absolutly brilliant choice of food really is healthy,alas he continues to want to be packed lunch im almost jealous and want to go in and try the food for myself lol.
cant take anything he says seriously ,
after his advice to the gov they brought in the new school meals that to be honest are and were a mess ,dont know about other school but my children's school have brought back better meal choices and some of the old menu and its winning the battle of the kids leaving the school to buy food from the shops,if he had kept his nose out children would not have been put at risk walking along busy streets full of motors

It's not really Jamie's fault if children dont want to eat healthy choices. If children are sneaking out to buy other food - then perhaps the parents and the children need more advice on what is healthy and what is junk food. Given the choice, a lot of children would opt for the less healthy food, so its up to parents to steer them in the right direction.

I think Jamie has done a brilliant job and should be thanked. If it wasnt for him there would still be rubbish like 'turkey twizzlers' on the school menu's!😱

We were lucky at our school (primary) as a group of parents had already taken on the catering and used only organic healthy produce and still managed to keep it within the price range of junk food. However, now Alex has moved to secondary school we are shocked that the catering there offers pizza's for mid-morning snack and stodgy white panini's filled with fatty cheese etc. The do offer a healthier range at lunchtime - but so far Alex has chosen to take packed lunches as he cant guarantee what will be left after he has queued.

I dont know why people are 'blaming' Jamie for educating people on what is healthy to eat? There were parents on the UK programme who fed their children chips and burgers through the gates as their little ones 'wouldnt eat' pasta etc - how pathetic. What on earth are they teaching their children?

We should all be grateful that Jamie has brought this to the government's attention and remember not to shoot the messenger.

Having said all this - I do wish they had got it right between type 1 and type 2 diabetes on the programme.😱Bev
I cant recall them going into detail about diabetes, just that they took an HbA1c test and it wa negative, it was obvoously a test for type 2 as if he was type 1, he wouldnt be overweight, he would be skin and bone........

It really does boil down to the parents broadening thier childrens pallet and I was supsrised he waited this long to get the parents involved, the parents are at the helm of every school.......

Good luck to him...............look forward to seeing what the other schools in the area are like........
I used to be really cynical about The Oliver until I saw one of his programmes about the '19' restaurant....Bill Clinton was coming to dine there and his chefs (all previously unemployed) were excited and had worked really hard on a special menu.

The Clinton entourage turned up and announced they were all on the South Beach Diet and just wanted plain steaks...Jamie went berserk and refused to serve them, he said his staff had worked really hard and he wasn't having them treated like this by ANYONE...then he went home despite being chased by some CLinton staff member who wanted him to meet Bill, he refused!

I was really impressed with him after that!

Also I spend a lot of time in the Southern States of America and its incredibly hard to get fresh veg, or ANY veg in restaurants, even the salad is covered with fat filled dressings...I once went to a restaurants where you could order 'Fried Chicken and 2, 3 , 4 or 5 vegetables'...the 'vegetables' were actually anything that wasn't chicken!! Ie...Biscuits, Mash, Fried Okra and Beans fried in bacon grease!!! The supermarkets are much better than they used to be though...but not Walmart!
I only caught the last part as id been out. I almost cried when Jaime had tears in his eyes, he couldnt believe they had no knives. Frightening stuff, glad i wasnt born in the USA.

ps i love Jaime x:D
cant take anything he says seriously ,
after his advice to the gov they brought in the new school meals that to be honest are and were a mess ,dont know about other school but my children's school have brought back better meal choices and some of the old menu and its winning the battle of the kids leaving the school to buy food from the shops,if he had kept his nose out children would not have been put at risk walking along busy streets full of motors

In my school we weren't allowed to leave at lunchtime, but i think parents could give permission for their kids to leave. The parents of the kids shouldn't have let them leave. Doesn't sound like a great reason to serve unhealthy food.
I must defend some kids leaving school at dinner time. I lived very close to school and got fed up of being teased for working hard (comprehensive 1977 - 82), so some terms I came home to eat (no fast food outlet anywhere near the school, but wasn't interested, anyway), instead of hanging around at school. Parents had to fill in a form about children's dinner intentions each term.
I must defend some kids leaving school at dinner time. I lived very close to school and got fed up of being teased for working hard (comprehensive 1977 - 82), so some terms I came home to eat (no fast food outlet anywhere near the school, but wasn't interested, anyway), instead of hanging around at school. Parents had to fill in a form about children's dinner intentions each term.

yep, that's exactly the reason that people were allowed to leave at lunchtime when I was at school.

If children go to the shops to buy junk food at lunchtime, it is the parent's fault, not Jamie Olivers 🙄😱
Pack them a lunch, dont give them money..........result...........

and pre paid lunches are good as well, only heard that happening at private school though..........
just a reminder programme started 5 mins ago or maybe 6 for those following it
Interesting take on the whole school meals issue here


Thanks oskar. Whilst I would agree with the writer that giving good school meals isn't a cure-all, I do think that it is a valuable thing to do and the only way to open people's eyes in this day and age appears to be via the cult of celebrity. In the case of the American schools, the strict adherence to patently stupid rules ( a burger and chips qualifies as 'good' vegetables, but a freshly cooked vegetable stir fry is 'bad') needs challenging so that common sense is applied. The writer speaks about parental responsibility, but quite often this is lacking or the parents are poorly educated about nutrition, so they do need help and intervention to help them understand and motivate them to change.
Dont forget its on tonight for anyone thats interested.🙂Bev
Oh I am ready and tuning in Bev! Enjoy! 🙂
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