Jamie's food revolution

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Admin (Retired)
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Type 1
Looks like he's having the same, if not worse problems than he had in the UK! PIZZA for breakfast! And chicken nuggets for lunch! How can people possibly think that is a good diet for little schoolchildren?

When I was at school I really enjoyed the dinners - they weren't perfect and had a fair bit of stodge, but much healthier than what these American kids are getting. :(
Looks like he's having the same, if not worse problems than he had in the UK! PIZZA for breakfast! And chicken nuggets for lunch! How can people possibly think that is a good diet for little schoolchildren?

When I was at school I really enjoyed the dinners - they weren't perfect and had a fair bit of stodge, but much healthier than what these American kids are getting. :(

I have fond memories of rissoles and winter salad (grated carrot beetroot and savoy cabbage) followed by apple pie which needed a hammer and chisel to break through the pastry!😛
Could you believe that Radio DJ?????? What an ignorant man!

I love Jamie!
Could you believe that Radio DJ?????? What an ignorant man!

I love Jamie!

I used to dislike him at first, but now appreciate that he is being genuine and not publicity seeking like Ramsay, so I think he's a bit of a hero!
Northener- Im serious- I think Jamie should be knighted.

Perhaps that should be our next Downing Street petition!
Northener- Im serious- I think Jamie should be knighted.

Perhaps that should be our next Downing Street petition!

He's certainly done a helluva lot to educate people about food and that makes him more deserving of a knighthood than many who get them.

Perhaps we should let him loose on some 'bad' diabetics next! 😉

edit: So unfair -showing a Lindor chocolate advert in between! They are gorgeous!!!!!
That nice young teen who was overweight, its so sad to see a teen with no confidence or self esteem. Hope he manages to do well at this.

They showed Jamies kids at the begining....can someone please explain to me why his children dont get any older??? 🙂
I was tricked into watch this (I thought the inbetweener's would be on channel 4 and not E4, doh!).

I think he's great and Lou you are right, should be knighted. Who cares if he has done all this for money, it's still more than the government can seem to manage 🙄

Pizza for breakfast = crazy!
I dont think he's doing it for money! He is a family man and this is reall intesnse time away from his family (that never grow up anyway) but he is compromising all that so thats good enough for me.

I wish there were other people in this country willing to put themselves out there like he does- plus Id really like to have his babies 😉
Um, please dont cry Jamie, its not necessary....
I don't think he is either, but no harm done if he is 🙂

I don't want him babies though, you're welcome to them lol.
IM taping it i take it its good then

I'd say similar to the British one, but the Yanks are a lot more hostile to him - they hate being told what they are doing is wrong and confuse what he is saying about the goverment's guidlelines as him blaming them. It will be interesting to see if he 'turns' the chief dinner lady! 😱
I think Jamie Oliver is trying very hard to get his message across, even thoe I think he is a bit of an idiot.

Soem Americans struggle with portion size. My American friend likes something she can relate to, so things like an apple the size of a tennis ball is one portion for example, she knows what a tennis ball looks like.
From what I seen he has little chance of changin anything long term.....he will struggle to actually get them to eat the food he prepares, but hopefully, next week when his food is all that is there they will have no choice to or starve, then they might open thier minds......

The cooking staff dont really care about the food or the kids, they just want to get the food out on time then go home.........and as for government guidlines, what a load of rubbish......jamie couldnt give them rice becuase they were not getting 2 bread units???? rice is the same as bread......

The statistics are there, they are in denial over there state of health.....

Fingers crossed he get some where...........
From what I seen he has little chance of changin anything long term.....he will struggle to actually get them to eat the food he prepares, but hopefully, next week when his food is all that is there they will have no choice to or starve, then they might open thier minds......

The cooking staff dont really care about the food or the kids, they just want to get the food out on time then go home.........and as for government guidlines, what a load of rubbish......jamie couldnt give them rice becuase they were not getting 2 bread units???? rice is the same as bread......

The statistics are there, they are in denial over there state of health.....

Fingers crossed he get some where...........

Well said - you got it all in a nutshell! Although the kids probably wouldn't know what a nutshell was...

That bit about the rice and bread was pure pantomime - none of them could see just how ridiculous they were being! The guidelines were obviously written for stupid people with no knowledge (or capacity to learn) about nutrition. Things are tough in this country in the fight against obesity, but in the US they just refuse to acknowledge it, it seems, and get all up in arms whaen someone challenges their 'American Way'. Such a shame for the kids - what chance do they have if they're being served pizza for breakfast, with no other choice?
I don't know why people think this is just an American problem.. As I recall, there were the same problems in this country when they tried this same thing, and parents were passing fast foods through the school fence to the children during lunch breaks.

I dont think people think its just America..............maybe it started there though.........🙂
I don't know why people think this is just an American problem.. As I recall, there were the same problems in this country when they tried this same thing, and parents were passing fast foods through the school fence to the children during lunch breaks.


I think the problem is worse there, and not just a US problem of course. Part of the problem here is no doubt due to following the US model of schooling. At least over here, as I recall, the kids had some sort of choice in what they ate (even if they chose junk, mainly!). From the eveidence of that programme the children were offered no choice, just whatever was offered, and what was offered simply had to meet some guidelines which resulted in box ticking. The chief dinner lady accepted the foods provided based purely on theri 'main' ingredient - if the food was 11% chicken, for example, then to her it was the same as serving fresh chicken, ignoring the other 89% of stuff in it.
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