I've Lost My Dog!!

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is the dog chipped? if it has a tag are the details on there, im sure she has not gone far , if you live in a little town they may look out for it but if you live in major city the odds of the police looking are low they will probs just say put posters up etc etc and give us a pic and we can keep an eye out, has she ever done it before, maybe also contact the local dog pound if you have one
How awful for you sharpwaa! There's no harm in phoning the police. Is there a local dog's home that she might be taken to? Or perhaps the RSPCA?

Hope you get her back soon!
Hand out a few posters in local area? If your dog is chipped, she will get back to you when someone scans her. Please keep us informed.
Hi Sharpwaa - phone your local police station and your local vet surgeries. People always used to bring strays in to us when i was a vet nurse.

Is she chipped?
I don't think they'll be much help unless she's chipped, though it would be worth asking them anyway. You also could call the RSPCA, the local animal rescue and your local vet to keep a look out. Could she find her way home on her own? I really hope you get her back soon, I'd be devastated if Judy went missing. Keep us posted won't you?
I hope she is found soon but 1 idea i had was if you have a pc which of course you do, then print off a load of leaflets and go to your local newsagent and see how many paperboys they have working there and how many houses they deliever to and just say a little incentive of a quid or sumit and they could post the leaflets through doors , you want as many people as poss to know she is missing .
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That's a great idea Steph.
I hope you find her soon!

Usually dogs find their way home so hopefully she will turn up on your doorstep x
Oh no, poor Sharpie and poor doggie. I hope she's home safe and sound very soon.

Bugger, it's completely dark now and I've been down to our 'river walk' every half hour. She hasn't appeared. She's old, deaf and cranky and has a gammy leg, never been out over night. Awe crap!

Hey sharpwaa, dogs are extremely hardy. Chances are shes found somewhere warm by now to hole up till morning.

Keeping everything crossed that she turns up soon. Did you leave your details with lots of your local animal related places?

Aww, do you have any friends/neighbours/rellies who are maybe a tad more mobile and could help you look, praps a bit further afield?

poor ole doggy , but they are very resliant even at 14 and collies are not stupid! we got a 15year old and if she ever goes missing we always check the bins or local takewaway as she is so obessed with food!
keep us posted
Hope your dog turns up, I'd try all the usual places, local vets, the police pet rescue places,posters etc... Good luck.
Have you found your dog yet, or has it come back? I hope all is OK. Let us know how you get on.
What's the latest? Has Sharpy been heard from?
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