Is there a needle clipper available in the UK?

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I have always clipped and never used the cumbersome yellow boxes or had to carry something to put used needles in. The BD Safe Clip was fine, however they have discontinued it. I have contacted Diabetes UK to find out more and to lobby BD to resume production, or to find an alternative supplier.
Maybe you could also contact Diabetes UK about this, then they are aware of this problem.
The yellow boxes are safer, when you clip a needle it’s still sharp. Just put the used needles in whatever you carry the unused ones in and decant into a yellow sharps bin at home
Unused needles are just carried in the bottom of a pocket/handbag, being sealed. Can't do that with a used one!
Unused needles are just carried in the bottom of a pocket/handbag, being sealed. Can't do that with a used one!
With due courtesy I would argue "not so, generally".

With only the slightest of extra care a used needle pushed fully into its original protective cover and even without the bit of paper covering the open end, is barely a hazard or risk in a pocket, handbag etc. In the circumstance that the pocket or whatever is very precious and you don't want that marked or scratched in any way at all, then a simple wrap in a scrap of paper would be more than enough to remove that last risk. Or if this is a possible frequent requirement, an empty container (such as those small flattish rectangles that come with mini-sweets, throat lozenges, or similar) could live permanently in a pocket or handbag.

Its like everything with D - it's all a certain amount of hassle; yet for most of that hassle a work-around can be found and become part of the standard D "S**t" we just have to take with us wherever we go. I would simply not go further than my garden without hypo response treatments, my CGM Reader, insulin pens and needles; its all part of my way of life and I certainly don't think an unclipped needle is in any way a fundamental problem or hazard for carrying home.

@Ray Howes, even if needle clippers could be sourced, my life is far too short to get sucked into "clipping" used needles.
I’m have been diabetic for years with Type2. I also take insulin too along with my tables. What I would like to ask has anyone else who does injections have problems getting the BD Safe-Clip needle clipper. I’ve been trying for over a year to get one, as my doctors pharmacist said to me they are no long available. I had tried Amazon but not available either.Anyone with suggestions I can try. Thank you sorry for the rant.
Unused needles are just carried in the bottom of a pocket/handbag, being sealed. Can't do that with a used one!
Yes you can, just put the outer cap back on until you get home. Get a pencil case to keep your meter, insulin pens and needles in if you don’t want loose needles in your bag.
Thank you all for responding to my question.

I merged your thread with this older conversation @Southernstar

Hope you manage to get a sharps bin (various sizes are available) so that you can dispose of your used needles safely.

Your local authority or county council are often a good first port of call to ask about sharps disposal in your area. 🙂
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