Is it dangerous?

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.... I know if I drink more than a small amount of diet drink I get a stinking headache- which I can only attribute to the aspartame!
Me too. I have never been able to tolerate aspartame - migraine grade headaches ensue with as much as a glass of sugar free squash. I have tried every sweetener on the market - stevia tastes foul, sucralose is OK in cooking, polyols have embarrassing side effects (see reviews here). I now stick to water, or occasionally a glass of fruit squash without sweeteners for a treat.
I was in a Wetherspoons a while ago and asked for a mineral water, and the barman said 'you can have a glass of tap water for free instead if you'd like' 🙂 So I did!

I ALWAYS get tap water in pubs and bars(except down south... Their water doesn't taste nice!) I can't remember when I last bought bottled water in an establishment. I normally just go "can I just get a glass of water please" and they hand you a glass of tap water for free
A group of us went to a local Turkish restaurant for lunch yesterday, and jugs of iced water were brought straightaway without us even asking, so it can be done 🙂
it does cause all those things medical journals say so and so do ALL the independent tests
the only ones that call it safe are connected in some way maybe even neighbours but a connection has been found in all of them.
I have PKU and I have researched the subject thoroughly and what it causes in healthy people is just a milder version of what untreated PKU causes. Its common sense that it would do that anyway and the medical evidence proves it. There is no urban myth
Aspartame IS dangerous!
Hello @daxsmith05 , you happen to be picking up on a thread originating in 2016; nothing wrong with that, per se.

You clearly have a very strong view; since I drink quite a lot of non-alcoholic ginger beer that has aspartame in it I'd like to see a little more evidence to support your otherwise somewhat bald opinion.

Its hard to find very low carb drinks other than plain water that one can drink in largish quantities, to stay fully hydrated, particularly in this weather.
Its hard to find very low carb drinks other than plain water that one can drink in largish quantities, to stay fully hydrated, particularly in this weather.
I make my own ice tea to keep me cool in this weather.
I add a (usually herbal) teabag to a mug and pour enough boiling water to cover the bag. I leave it for 30 minutes, remove the bag and top up with cold water and ice.
I find the fruit teas work best for me - berry or lemon and ginger.
I was at a presentation by a diabetes consultant where a question about artifical sweeteners came up. He pointed out to get an equivalent dose to that the mice had received you would need to drink 30 gallons a day. He also pointed out you would be hospitalised or dead well before that and joked "Don't try this at home"!
Perhaps you haven't hear that someone who said aspartame was safe to a regulator said to one of their friends "taking extra phenylalanine supplements in excess of diet is dangerous it can cause"... etc when asked about Phenlalanine supplements , so he lied and knew he was lying and I suggest you look closely at how regulators are manipulated or bribed to allow sale of a carcinogenic toxic substance that one of my dieticians said "worse for diabetes than sugar!!".

I believe an earlier reply from amity island goes into much more detail. I could give you many examples if I had the time.

Also you can have a PAH deficiency below the threshold for PKU and nobody would inform you as you were below the threshold as with my diabetes my HbA1c reached 41 before diagnosis, in the US etc that would be prediabetes and I take several meds that lower blood sugar so really it was higher but nobody told me because it was below the NHS cut off

(which incidentally is far too high. Clinical definition of prediabetes is above average blood sugar due to impaired glucose regulation and by definition depends on the individual and can be as low as 35!! in some people)
Hello @daxsmith05 , you happen to be picking up on a thread originating in 2016; nothing wrong with that, per se.

You clearly have a very strong view; since I drink quite a lot of non-alcoholic ginger beer that has aspartame in it I'd like to see a little more evidence to support your otherwise somewhat bald opinion.

Its hard to find very low carb drinks other than plain water that one can drink in largish quantities, to stay fully hydrated, particularly in this weather.
The brands Dash and Loveau are sparkling water with natural fruit in them which are zero carbs and no sweeteners. If I want a treat type drink I buy a box of them. They are in aluminium cans and cardboard so the packaging is properly recyclable as well.
I always order tap water with meals, but feel guilty ordering it in a pub!
It's pubs and other establishments that serve alcohol that are required to serve free tap water!
The brands Dash and Loveau are sparkling water with natural fruit in them which are zero carbs and no sweeteners. If I want a treat type drink I buy a box of them. They are in aluminium cans and cardboard so the packaging is properly recyclable as well.
The brand Ugly is too.

I try to mostly avoid artificial sweeteners because they are an IBS trigger for me. Thus far, since I'm newly on this journey with diabetes, that's meant I've been resisting the temptation to have sweet things other than the occasional fruit, but long term I'll be aiming towards low carb/low sugar treats that don't have sweeteners. I have long wished that manufacturers would look to gradually reduce sugar and sweetness in the "standard" versions rather than add sweeteners to maintain the sweetness, given they usually do a sugar-free version already which is available for people looking to avoid sugar altogether
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