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In the Garden

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
I luvs Iris. 🙂

Does anybody know what this is please?
wot is this.jpg
And this tree?
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We had / have one of those top ones in a planter @Ditto,
but I can’t remember the name of it

One of those that needs free drainage - we initially put it on the ’green roof‘ of the rabbit hutch

Might the tree be an elder?
I've had it yonks, really neglected for years and now I'm watering it it'll pop off! 🙂

How come 40litres bag of compost from Aldi is so heavy I can't pick it up, but 40litres bag of compost from Quality Save I can pick up with one hand? Mind you, the latter was a nicer compost I think, not so clumpy.

It's either an Ash or an Elder I think. 🙂

I used to have a white Lychnis in 2015 but it disappeared. Got tons of purple ones though. I wish plants would stop popping off, it's very disconcerting.
Lychnis white 2015.jpg
Definitely absolutely no question about it, it's an Ash. Literally grow like weeds round here but there again it is AKA Ash Green !
I've had it yonks, really neglected for years and now I'm watering it it'll pop off! 🙂

How come 40litres bag of compost from Aldi is so heavy I can't pick it up, but 40litres bag of compost from Quality Save I can pick up with one hand? Mind you, the latter was a nicer compost I think, not so clumpy.

It's either an Ash or an Elder I think. 🙂

I used to have a white Lychnis in 2015 but it disappeared. Got tons of purple ones though. I wish plants would stop popping off, it's very disconcerting.
View attachment 14073
I have had compost from well known top brand makes that has been rubbish, and cheaper brands that are good. In normal circumstances I try to stick to the makes I like.
Will stick with the Quality Save one then as long as it's available.

Quite glad it's an Ash Tree then, hope it doesn't get the virus. I got told off for having one for sale on ebay, you're not allowed to sell the seedlings any more. When I lived at my last house and garden, I had a couple of Ash Trees and used to hear this noise in the garden every spring. It got louder by the year, sounded like in the film Zulu when they're coming to get the red coats and the running/marching sounds like a train. I finally figured it out it was caterpillars chomping! Nobody believes me. :D The Ash Trees would be denuded, bit it didn't seem to do them any harm in the long run.
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My ‘garden’ pales into insignificance compared to the veritable country estates you lot have but here’s my balcony all planted up (eucalyptus, olive, fatsia planted this morning). I’m in need of something to pop the lavender in but other than that I think it might be done for a while.F006C38D-B3AC-4429-A770-5774BF08AA1A.jpeg
My ‘garden’ pales into insignificance compared to the veritable country estates you lot have but here’s my balcony all planted up (eucalyptus, olive, fatsia planted this morning
Beware Eucalyptus can grow pretty quick.
It’s in a pot that’s quite restrictive and the plan is to nip out the top when it’s the height I want. That way I can keep it nice and small. Hopefully 🙂
It’s in a pot that’s quite restrictive and the plan is to nip out the top when it’s the height I want. That way I can keep it nice and small. Hopefully 🙂
Good luck. I have never had an joy in keeping them small.
Gorgeous balcony Colin. So neat and precise, our garden is a tip, gonna take me all summer to get it anywhere near right but I'm pleased with one of my fave Clems, Miss Bateman, she finally went up the Hawthorns like I wanted. MissBateman.jpg

We have a Eucalyptus, this is taken in 2015, it's even bigger now, self-seeded!!
Eucalyptus 2015.jpg
Managed another.
It is good to be able to load up photos again with the increased size of files.
I had not been back in this thread for a while as I had given up with the complexity of uploading.
Happy to be able to do this again as spring has most definitely sprung.
My ‘garden’ pales into insignificance compared to the veritable country estates you lot have but here’s my balcony all planted up (eucalyptus, olive, fatsia planted this morning). I’m in need of something to pop the lavender in but other than that I think it might be done for a while.View attachment 14122
Nice balcony @ColinUK
If things get too big they can be replaced.
I will avoid a close up of our lawn @Ditto. It is indeed springy, but that is due to a large amount of moss. We are working on it.
Eucalyptus trees are notoriously unstable in high winds, cos they are not deep rooted however enormous and far reaching the branches have grown. We were terrified about the one 2 doors away from us, 'in case' cos the branches went across the back garden next door and ours (approx. 60-70 ft away from the trunk) - having at the time recently been to Oz and learning about them from the horses mouth as it were. One evening I'd just pulled onto our drive after work when neighbour from said house also pulled in, we each got out and he called across that he needed a word. Came and told me a tree surgeon was coming tomorrow to remove it and he hoped it wouldn't cause any inconvenience. At this point I silently walked over to him, threw my arms round him and kissed him!

He was pretty surprised. What a relief - took 3-4 days and shedloads of skips. God knows how much it cost.
I will avoid a close up of our lawn @Ditto. It is indeed springy, but that is due to a large amount of moss. We are working on it.
Lawn sand kills moss. Sprinkle it on and leave for 3 days use a rake to remove dead and dying moss. There will be a lot of it and just keep raking every day until it's gone. You will have a very unsightly lawn for a while but well worth the effort in the end.
Lawn sand kills moss. Sprinkle it on and leave for 3 days use a rake to remove dead and dying moss. There will be a lot of it and just keep raking every day until it's gone. You will have a very unsightly lawn for a while but well worth the effort in the end.
Thanks Sue
Nice balcony @ColinUK
If things get too big they can be replaced.
They can be coppiced a another option. The olive and the acer will take years to get large enough to warrant that but the eucalyptus may well need a room in a couple of years. The oleander I’m leaving alone to settle but I know how robust they are (and how poisonous they are) because I’ve grown them in pots many times before. Same goes for the fatsia albeit that’s been in pots that took a minimum of 150ltrs of compost rather than this small one. 🙂
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.