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In the Garden

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Well just enter RHS plant details into your search engine then - the RHS website surely must be freely accessible to us all?

And then type snakes head fritillary into that - and you're right - that link doesn't work - but the RHS is still going to be there anyway! It's a flippin Royal Institution - and if those disappear then OMG, the whole Royal family must have been wiped out …..
Those white snakesheads are gorgeous. I only have a few of the purple and I'd lose those if I didn't have them in a tub. 🙂
I'm gonna give these a whirl. My ocd makes me number all my plants. Dunno why, they usually pop off anyways. :D


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My mother used to do flower arranging and was a huge fan of dried heliopsis so aaarrgghh I had more than my lifetimes fill of them back then along with more than enough displays.

They do normally grow very well in the garden without too much attention though @Ditto so that's got to be good news!

Often mis named sunflowers, they are really a type of Ox-eye daisy.
Two garden tales today. I received a tomato plant kit for my birthday. Bucket, compost, seeds. What could go wrong? Follows instructions to the letter. Happy with it all. Had a quick look at the care instructions. See photos!
Garden tale number 2: I have a very old variegated sage bush. It usually produces leaves all year, unlike my non variegated one which decided to die last year. That was old too.Variegated just looks dead but I noticed some tiny leaves appear, so decided to cut the dead bits off to give the new growth some space. I went a bit mad and cut off the only bit with any growth! Numpty! Is it too late do you think? Pic of gnarled old roots.


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Two garden tales today. I received a tomato plant kit for my birthday. Bucket, compost, seeds. What could go wrong? Follows instructions to the letter. Happy with it all. Had a quick look at the care instructions. See photos!
Garden tale number 2: I have a very old variegated sage bush. It usually produces leaves all year, unlike my non variegated one which decided to die last year. That was old too.Variegated just looks dead but I noticed some tiny leaves appear, so decided to cut the dead bits off to give the new growth some space. I went a bit mad and cut off the only bit with any growth! Numpty! Is it too late do you think? Pic of gnarled old roots.
I hope you enjoy the strawberries you harvest from your tomato plants!
With the sage, I’ve got an old gnarled one, and it keeps putting up shoots from several feet away, so it must travel underground. I’d wait to see if anything comes up from one of the roots. Then pull it all out when it doesn’t!
Another plant question. I know these are snakes head fritillary, were here when we moved in in 1986 along with a lone purple one elsewhere in the garden. That just disappeared one year. From what I’ve read they are wild flowers and in decline. What I want to know is has anyone split the bulbs successfully? Can’t find hardly any advice at all, when you google them you just get adverts for buying them. We don’t want to loose them but honestly don’t have a clue how old they are and would like them to survive. We may just have to buy some but apparently they aren’t easy to grow.
I used to have lots in one pot and split bulbs very successfully. The courtyard garden I used to have ended up with snakes head frits in every mixed pot we had and they’ve all done really well.
It’s such a beautiful flower.
I used to have lots in one pot and split bulbs very successfully. The courtyard garden I used to have ended up with snakes head frits in every mixed pot we had and they’ve all done really well.
It’s such a beautiful flower.
Thanks Colin. I think we’ll have a go. Fingers crossed.
I hope you enjoy the strawberries you harvest from your tomato plants!
With the sage, I’ve got an old gnarled one, and it keeps putting up shoots from several feet away, so it must travel underground. I’d wait to see if anything comes up from one of the roots. Then pull it all out when it doesn’t!
I’ll keep out for that. Touch wood. I do use a lot of sage and I begrudge buying dried sage, it’s not as good.
LOL that was funny Eggy. That's the kind of thing I do, cutting off the only green bit. :D

I bought another Sage as I planted out the other into Mum's garden and it popped off. It's lasted since last year but always looks wilted.

Went Aldi this morning, very disappointed to find they'd sold out of potting compost so the BusyLizzies and the Lobelia bedding I bought will have to wait...got some lovely Fuchsias and very impressed with the packaging, like mini greenhouses and the plants were lovely and moist. Only drawback they didn't label individually so I know what Fuchsias they are but not which exact plant. I'll have to wait till they come up.
LOL that was funny Eggy. That's the kind of thing I do, cutting off the only green bit. :D

I bought another Sage as I planted out the other into Mum's garden and it popped off. It's lasted since last year but always looks wilted.

Went Aldi this morning, very disappointed to find they'd sold out of potting compost so the BusyLizzies and the Lobelia bedding I bought will have to wait...got some lovely Fuchsias and very impressed with the packaging, like mini greenhouses and the plants were lovely and moist. Only drawback they didn't label individually so I know what Fuchsias they are but not which exact plant. I'll have to wait till they come up.
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Oh I was so annoyed with myself then I saw the funny side. That is why Mr Eggy makes the magic and I do the donkey work! Green fingers moi? Non!
I just realised our lilac is in flower. Over the years, it’s been overshadowed by trees growing taller, and now it always hangs over next door’s fence, giving them the benefit. I sneakily pulled a branch back over, and cut a few branches off for the house. O bother, I can’t get the image the right way up unless I email it to myself and use the one that’s come through the ether. I'm about to take a cuppa out onto the bench and enjoy the sun. You’ll just have to crane your necks.7B846ED1-DA06-482C-A369-0B9ABF6CC592.jpeg
I luvs Lilac. I helped myself to some seedlings from the park a couple of years ago and they've taken well but no flowers yet. There's a lovely purple Lilac on the main road, might help myself to a few sprigs for a vase. It's not like May is it? Bad luck? Got loads of that in the garden. 🙂 It's not out yet so no chucking all the togs off.
My cucumber is growing very fast, outside during the day inside at night at the moment.

I don't know why this went in the wrong place!!!

That looks super healthy. How come you've only got the one. Did you have just one seed?
Been in the garden all afternoon, lying on my sun lounger watching Mr Eggy cut the grass. The numpty! It was far too hot! @Robin our lilac just beginning to come out. It’s taken some stick over the years lost count of how many times it’s been blown over. It’s a funny old lopsided thing now but still flowers year after year. Also lettuce and broad beans started to come through. No sign of the tatties yet though. Another couple of weeks the Head Gardener reckons!


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"How far should you plant a Sycamore away from the house?"
Alan Titchmarsh "France." :D
This spring I have decided that rather than going for a grass lawn, I have gone for a dandy-lawn 😱 :D Also, I have a crop of fresh triffids that should be ready to march on the world in a couple of weeks 😱 :D


Any neighbours with guinea pigs? They love dandelion leaves.

Tulips and aubretia looking lovely!
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