The accordion player at practice last night showed me a photo of her 'new pet' a huge bumble bee.
She found it outside in the cold and brought it inside to defrost. It seems to be happily visiting her flowers in the conservatory now, and hopefully will survive until the warmer weather comes - a few hours of warmth must have woken it from hibernation, but the cold night almost finished it off.
Talking about Dahlias, I’ve just committed a grave error, we always lift our dahlias because we can get a lot of frost and low temperatures, but I just went to hang the washing out, saw something thuggish looking at the back of the border and gave it a yank...turned out to be half a dahlia, by the look of the attached tuber! It was mild this winter, and it was in a sheltered spot. I’ve quickly potted up the bit that broke off, and hopefully it will take as a cutting.I am in the South East, and have been growing them and overwinter them in the garden for a few years. I originally grew them from seed.
I still look I have not given up on mine yet. I have a couple that are more sheltered spot that are under stuff that is romping away at the moment.Talking about Dahlias, I’ve just committed a grave error, we always lift our dahlias because we can get a lot of frost and low temperatures, but I just went to hang the washing out, saw something thuggish looking at the back of the border and gave it a yank...turned out to be half a dahlia, by the look of the attached tuber! It was mild this winter, and it was in a sheltered spot. I’ve quickly potted up the bit that broke off, and hopefully it will take as a cutting.
I’ve seen quite a few of these this year just in hedgerows on our country side walks. Today though, we saw some creamy/ white ones. I thought they looked amazing. I like the frilly ones, February Gold are so last year! 😉
Thanks. When we moved in 34 years ago, we were absolutely clueless about gardening. I still am TBF! When the kids were young it was mostly lawn, easy to maintain and room for various outdoor toys! We did dabble in veg a few times but not very successful and then life got in the way. When we retired three years ago Mr Eggy was determined to start a veg patch again. Last year it came to fruition. He jokes he did the raised beds so he can still garden if he ever needs a wheelchair! He really enjoys it. I just pull weeds out and chop dead stuff down!Eggy that's a 'proper' garden. 🙂
Mum's Ornamental Cherry is gorgeous every year.
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February Gold are so last year!
I’d go with periwinkle too or Vinca Major if you’re being posh or buying it from a garden centre. It creeps, and layers itself down. Ours comes under the fence from next door.heh!
Does anybody know what this flower is? Not a great pic of it but it's looking gorgeous this year. I have some in Mum's garden too. Never had a clue what it is. I used to do that garden but my sister swapped with my son and she's chopped down the 'dwarf conifer' that was in a tiddy pot and grew to 50foot! They're going to be doing a lot of gardening this year. 😉
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Unfortunately they grow in a small patch of soil at the edge of the garden path! But I will take your advice and see if I can get the seeds to fly over the path to a proper border! Looking at where they naturally grow, meadows and marshes, where mine grow, is dry and very un meadow like!Hi @eggyg
Re your snakes head fritillaries, mine seem to self seed. I give them a little shake once they’ve “gone over” and ruffle the soil a bit. Although, I guess, we are at different ends of the country. The trick is to remember what they are when the new leaves appear in the spring and not pull them out 🙂.
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