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In the Garden

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
Our tropical garden border, it has taken about a year, a bit hit and miss, but generally small at the front large at the rear. I will expand along the full border both sides when I have a bit more time, which was the original plan. garden - Copy.jpg
Our tropical garden border, it has taken about a year, a bit hit and miss, but generally small at the front large at the rear. I will expand along the full border both sides when I have a bit more time, which was the original plan. View attachment 23793
I’d throw a few echiums in the back for phenomenal height maybe
Eucalyptus dug up and gone. Cypress skyrocket cut down. Acer trimmed back into shape. Olive given a tidy.
Daffodil bulbs shoved in anywhere.

It all looks tidier now.
Wow! Thanks a great idea, I have just Googled them, 3m purples and reds maybe. 🙂
As long as the soil is well draining, which I’m guessing it is, then they’re spectacular.
Some are massive. They don’t need staking and in winter they’re reduced to an almost skeletal framework and it’s full of seeds.

Not the easiest website but certainly one of the better suppliers… https://www.echiumworld.co.uk/
Wish we'd dug up Mum's Eucalyptus back in the day. It's now HUGE and the housing association say it's my responsibility! It's lopsided too, one of these days it's going down and probably on top of me! Agh. #81) EUCALYPTUS TREE Situ B7 behind smaller shed Acquired selfseeded back in day img2019.jpg
Wish we'd dug up Mum's Eucalyptus back in the day. It's now HUGE and the housing association say it's my responsibility! It's lopsided too, one of these days it's going down and probably on top of me! Agh. View attachment 23805
WOW! That is massive Ditto! You don't happen to know a tree surgeon do you? Its worth contacting one for advice if nothing else. WL
Wish we'd dug up Mum's Eucalyptus back in the day. It's now HUGE and the housing association say it's my responsibility! It's lopsided too, one of these days it's going down and probably on top of me! Agh. View attachment 23805

Well overgrown, won't be cheap getting that removed but shop around & don't take first quote Ditto.
It's bigger than it looks on that photograph and that's 2019 I think. I can't afford to do anything with it. The housing association have tried to tackle it a few times in the past, sent proper tree people who just lopped off a few branches and you couldn't even tell it had been touched. One housing association lady was a tad worried as she said properties on both sides of the fence belong to them and if or I'll say when it goes down somebody is going to be on the receiving end. They now refuse to deal with it, same with the gas fire, they're leaving it to me who has exactly 11p in the bank until next pay day. :rofl: It's proper wonky as it's self-seeded and not supposed to be there and is fighting for space with the other trees. For a little garden there are a lot of trees! Good job I luv trees. 🙂
It's bigger than it looks on that photograph and that's 2019 I think. I can't afford to do anything with it. The housing association have tried to tackle it a few times in the past, sent proper tree people who just lopped off a few branches and you couldn't even tell it had been touched. One housing association lady was a tad worried as she said properties on both sides of the fence belong to them and if or I'll say when it goes down somebody is going to be on the receiving end. They now refuse to deal with it, same with the gas fire, they're leaving it to me who has exactly 11p in the bank until next pay day. :rofl: It's proper wonky as it's self-seeded and not supposed to be there and is fighting for space with the other trees. For a little garden there are a lot of trees! Good job I luv trees. 🙂

Trees like other plants compete for light so that is main reason why they bend towards it.

As suggestion look for local traders who sell kiln dried logs, they may may not come round & cut it down for nowt if they can keep wood, worth try anyway if you get stuck.
We had one that size when we moved into our house @Ditto - it had to go! It was almost taller than the house, and we have 3 floors!

The RSPB are promoting The Big Garden Birdwatch 27-29 this month.

I really miss the number of birds we used to get :(

The cat population in the street went through the roof about 8 years ago, and the flock of house sparrows we had at the time moved on. Most of the other birds went with them.

Used to be a daily treat watching blue tits, great tits, blackbirds, wrens, goldfinches, plus the rarer visitors (sparrowhawk, redwings, fieldfares, long tailed tits) flitting about.

We’re lucky if we get one a week now :(
I really miss the number of birds we used to get :(

The cat population in the street went through the roof about 8 years ago, and the flock of house sparrows we had at the time moved on. Most of the other birds went with them.

Used to be a daily treat watching blue tits, great tits, blackbirds, wrens, goldfinches, plus the rarer visitors (sparrowhawk, redwings, fieldfares, long tailed tits) flitting about.

We’re lucky if we get one a week now :(
I'm in a rural area. next door is a farm, the other next door is a forest. 2022 for birds was notable by their absence and like you we'd get all sorts usually. I think it's the effects of bird flu (you might already know, might not but in case you weren't aware: there's still an epidemic, see https://www.gov.uk/government/news/...-latest-situation-in-england#latest-situation )
We have squirrels back in garden, have been for few weeks now. Put up squirrel feeder last year & fill with nuts, when they don't eat them they take them & bury in garden, entertaining to watch but dog goes nuts at patio door, squirrels just ignore him & carry on regardless.
We have squirrels back in garden, have been for few weeks now. Put up squirrel feeder last year & fill with nuts, when they don't eat them they take them & bury in garden, entertaining to watch but dog goes nuts at patio door, squirrels just ignore him & carry on regardless.
This is the best squirrel feeder around.

Anybody recognise this variety of apple, scrumped from a box of apples in a church porch yesterday.
The flavour and texture is a bit like a russet

I think I have an identification on my mystery apple. I think it is an Adam's Pearmain, suggested by Pomona Fruits
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The garden centres are selling them pregrown in pots at the moment but you could then plant them in the garden or in bigger pots for this year.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.