I'm a LADA!

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Numbers are down already, I haven't been above 9.5 all day. Also, none of the plumbing upsets or nausea I was having until now. Happy me.

See thats great news hun amazing what can happen in 24 hours x
That's geat - hope it continues. 🙂
As for going onto insulin, we discussed it and the idea terrifies me, silly though that may be and I want to give the meds a fair chance first. It's an emotional not a logical response and it'll take me a while to move past that. The new pills may yet do the job, it's only been a day or two so far, I'll see where I am in three months time and then decide.

I'm glad to hear there's someone else feeling like me about going onto insulin ! I know it's probably the long-term solution for me but I don't want it yet.......I'm now on the top daily doses of Glucophage and Gliclazide and my levels have gone back to the mid 6s-anywhere in the 7s, and my Diabetic Nurse at the surgery says she's happy for me to go on like this until the figures rise a bit then I know it's insulin.

I don't want to inject - although others say it is virtually painless (virtually ? that means sometimes it's not ....!) but mostly it's because I know there's no getting back off it once I'm there and that feels like a failure on my part not to keep control. I know it's really my pancreas that's giving up but I am one of those control freaks who thinks they can go it alone - even though I know that's not likely.

Blasted Diabetes........😡
...I don't want to inject - although others say it is virtually painless (virtually ? that means sometimes it's not ....!) but mostly it's because I know there's no getting back off it once I'm there and that feels like a failure on my part not to keep control. I know it's really my pancreas that's giving up but I am one of those control freaks who thinks they can go it alone - even though I know that's not likely.

Blasted Diabetes........😡

Faith, I nearly died because I refused to give in when I got ill, so I know how stubborn people can be! Eventually, I realised that I wasn't going to recover from the 'stomach bug' and called an ambulance. Luckily, you're being monitored so won't get to that stage, but like me, no willpower in the world will work, only insulin. In a way, I was lucky, it was a 'short, sharp shock' - the problem you and Alison have is that you are being given time to worry about it! The injections DO NOT HURT!🙂 Pricking your finger is a gazillion times more OUCH!😱
I know, I know, Northie - you are right in that, when thinking about injections, it rears its head like a monster to me. When I get to the point where my Care Team (and you know I think my lot are VERY good) say I've got to give in, I really will. I'm more scared of the complications which could arise if I don't I assure you !

Hand holding will, unfortunately, be necessary as and when.....and this Forum is very good at doing that.🙂
Don't worry, we'll be here!
Don't worry, we'll be here!

Thanks Runner - BTW - "Happy Birthday" seems to be in order (can't do any of the clever cartoons the youngsters do - but hope you've had a happy day anyway).🙂
I woke up this morning (sounds like blues song eh?) at 6.1. The lowest I've been in yonks, I'm starting to feel really encouraged that things are going to get better at last.

That's exactly how I feel too Faith, when the day comes that my medical team says it's time to go on insulin because the drugs aren't working I'll do it. I know the day will come but I prefer to postpone it as long as possible.
I woke up this morning (sounds like blues song eh?) at 6.1. The lowest I've been in yonks, I'm starting to feel really encouraged that things are going to get better at last.

That's exactly how I feel too Faith, when the day comes that my medical team says it's time to go on insulin because the drugs aren't working I'll do it. I know the day will come but I prefer to postpone it as long as possible.

a) you're doing really well with those levels - long may it continue !
b) OK, so we're cowards together, but will be sensible in the end !
a) you're doing really well with those levels - long may it continue !
b) OK, so we're cowards together, but will be sensible in the end !

Yep, that's about the size of it. Though, I don't think we're doing ourselves a disservice by avoiding insulin until it's really needed.
Thanks Runner - BTW - "Happy Birthday" seems to be in order (can't do any of the clever cartoons the youngsters do - but hope you've had a happy day anyway).🙂

Thanks Faith. That looks great Alison. I hope it continues.
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