I'm 29 and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic. urgent need to gain weight

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Welcome to the forum. Sorry, I can't help with gaining weight as I am struggling to lose it.
Thanks everyone. I have tried to add more olive oil, coconut oil, cheese to my meal and I cant believe that I'm able to gain 1.5 kg within two weeks :D. But I haven't monitor my BG since I'm always stressed watching these figures. I decided to ignore that for a while until my body is stabilised.
Thanks everyone. I have tried to add more olive oil, coconut oil, cheese to my meal and I cant believe that I'm able to gain 1.5 kg within two weeks :D. But I haven't monitor my BG since I'm always stressed watching these figures. I decided to ignore that for a while until my body is stabilised.
Pleased you managed to gain weight , but please, please monitor BG, don't let your glucose levels go up too high or for too long as it's damaging ..

p.s Test it now !
Thanks Martin. I assume that eating less carb will be okay no? My BG before also never over 10 after eating and now i cut more carb so it should be okay?
Are you going to replace the less carbs with healthy fats and proteins, and what's your BG levels before meals..?
Thanks Martin. I assume that eating less carb will be okay no? My BG before also never over 10 after eating and now i cut more carb so it should be okay?
Ahh just seen you're in Australia , what blood measure do you use down under - is it m.mol/l or mg/dl ...?.?
Yeah . We use mmol. And Hba1c is %. My most recent test (2 weeks ago) is 5.9% hba1c (from 6.9% 3 months ago)
Are you going to replace the less carbs with healthy fats and proteins, and what's your BG levels before meals..?
Yeah. In a day i dont eat any rice or bread or pasta kind of. Some day i eat just 2 spoon of rice.
Yeah my bg before meal is my problem since i come back to aus. Normally my Bg before meal is less than 6. But after the trip it’s around 6.5. After meal will be around 8-9. I dont know if after 2 weeks changing diet again my body is getting back to balance or not yet . I dont have my monitor here so could not use until the end of this month.
Yeah . We use mmol. And Hba1c is %. My most recent test (2 weeks ago) is 5.9% hba1c (from 6.9% 3 months ago)
Seems you doing well, so you can cut more carbs, but to make sure you don't lose weight, which I assume you don't replace them with healthy fats & proteins..
Is this number ok? Im not on any medication and advice for the one like me is to keep bg as normal people. And it’s not yet back to normal. I hope it will when i monitor again!
Yeah but what im worried is my bg level now. Cos it just changed after my trip. Im worried if it doesnt get back to normal even though i changed my diet again :(
Cutting more carbs will help, how do you know your BGs are high without your meter..?
Cutting more carbs will help, how do you know your BGs are high without your meter..?
I really hope so. Cos i measured when i got back from the trip for few days only. Maybe at that time my body still needs time to adapt (hopefully )
Thanks so much Martin 🙂
My most recent test (2 weeks ago) is 5.9% hba1c (from 6.9% 3 months ago)
That's great progress, congratulations
I really hope so. Cos i measured when i got back from the trip for few days only. Maybe at that time my body still needs time to adapt (hopefully )
Thanks so much Martin 🙂
No probs, take care..M.
That's great progress, congratulations
Thanks Martin 🙂. I saw your profile. So u just also follow lchf & can discontinue the medicine ya?
Correct, @genie though it wasn't that simple.... Glyburide, I had a really tough time with... Almost constant Hypo's as my control was getting better so that was the first to go..... Metformin, I was taking it religiously(ish) & suffering the occasional "Metformin" day (when venturing too far from the Bathroom was not an option)... I mislaid my Metformin one day I never took it again....
As for the LCHF, it was a direction I was heading towards independent of whether I was taking medication or not; I firmly believe that it contributes toward my good control.
So i’ve tested my bg in this morning before eating and it was 7.2 :(. I ate 1/4 cup of sticky rice and chicken yesterday tho. But still it shouldnt be this high. I wonder if i have dawn phenomenon or my sugar level is just high.
No matter what and how much carb i cut down it’s still quite high. Don’t really know what to do now. Maybe i should go to doctor and start taking metformin :(
Yesterday when i checked my bg before and after gym it was 8.2 for both before and after. I dont know what really happens with my body
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