I'm 29 and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic. urgent need to gain weight

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, i have been diagnosed type 2 diabetic on February this year. My random blood glucose was 15 and the next day after eating is 12.8. My fasting blood glucose was 7.8 and Hba1c is 6.9%. Back then i drank canned juices everyday instead of water.

The GP said that I should change my diet and if it is not reduced I'll have to take metformin.
Then I cut a lot of carb on my diet, avoid all kind of canned juices, and soft drink. I bought the glucose monitor and my fasting is always from 5.3 to 6; after meals from 6.5 - 8.4. I just had a test and my Hba1c is 5.9%. I'm not on any medications.

My problem is that I'm very skinny and I want to gain weight. Reducing carb makes me loose around 2 kg. I really need to gain back 3-4 kg now without striking my blood glucose. Any advice here will be so much appreciated especially with a newbie like me. Thanks a lot! 🙂
I am also a type 2skinny I try to keep my weight up and my bgs down I eat scrambled eggs with butter ,lots of veg also with butter ,full fat yoghurt ,double cream ,cheese, nuts which I snack on between meals (walnuts and blue cheese yummy ) crackling made with the fat off a joint (gammon beef chicken pork ),avocado,peanut butter (check the carbs )There are lots of things to enjoy ,use your meter to check how certain foods affect you personally because we are not all the same !
Happy eating
I agree with @chaoticcar - sounds like you need more good fats to increase the energy content of your diet in a more BG friendly way
Thanks a lot Carol and Mike 🙂. I'm trying adding cheese and eating nuts now. But people said cheese and full fat dairy stuffs might not also be good for diabetic?
Do you think my blood glucose level is ok to add some more carb?
Hi @genie welcome..
tips for gaining weight, it's not a great idea to add carbs but eating more snacks between meals will help , you need to add more of the healthy fats like avocado, nuts, peanut butters, olive ols, also boost up more proteins, chicken,beef, eggs, turkey, salmon, tuna & other oily fish etc.
* suggestions above are not for anyone with kidney probs
Thanks a lot Carol and Mike 🙂. I'm trying adding cheese and eating nuts now. But people said cheese and full fat dairy stuffs might not also be good for diabetic?
Do you think my blood glucose level is ok to add some more carb?
Full fat...high fat or good fats it really depends what you want to call them...I never have low fat products which tend to be higher in carbs than full fat...when they remove the fat from foodstuffs they tend to add sugar or other flavour enhancers to increase the flavour...the term full fat is referring to good fats...unsaturated fats as opposed to the trans fats that do tend to clog up the arteries...so in answer to your question...I personally would not increase the carbs...I would include the good fats in your diet...they are suitable for T2 diabetics....cheese & full fat diary are also fine for T2's as long as you have no other medical conditions which prohibit them.
Welcome to the forum Genie from a fellow T2
Thanks a lot Carol and Mike 🙂. I'm trying adding cheese and eating nuts now. But people said cheese and full fat dairy stuffs might not also be good for diabetic?
Do you think my blood glucose level is ok to add some more carb?
Cheese is a diabetic's best friend.🙂
Thanks so much everyone. I'm confident to consume more cheese and full fat after this. The low-carb really helps to reduce sugar in my blood but reading too many sources also makes me wonder if consuming excessive meat & fat instead of carb to gain weight and fulfill your stomach might lead to insulin resistance.
Talking with all of you who have many years experiences dealing with diabetic is really helpful for a newbie like me. Thanks a lot guys :D
I have another question and would be grateful if someone experienced the same? My job needs travelling sometimes. I've just been back home 1 week ago from a trip. During that 2-week trip my fasting glucose is always higher than normal (normal is around 5.5 tp 5.8 and during the trip is always 7.5 - 8.5). i dont know whether different temperature and environment affects your blood glucose? i'm back for a week now and my fasting one is getting lower but still not yet back to normal range before the trip :(

Any advice or experiences about it? I'm not sure whether my problem is getting worse and I should take medicine or should wait for few weeks.
I have another question and would be grateful if someone experienced the same? My job needs travelling sometimes. I've just been back home 1 week ago from a trip. During that 2-week trip my fasting glucose is always higher than normal (normal is around 5.5 tp 5.8 and during the trip is always 7.5 - 8.5). i dont know whether different temperature and environment affects your blood glucose? i'm back for a week now and my fasting one is getting lower but still not yet back to normal range before the trip :(

Any advice or experiences about it? I'm not sure whether my problem is getting worse and I should take medicine or should wait for few weeks.
Are you eating differently on your 2 wk trips, I suspect you may well be, its hard to maintain proper diets when in hotels etc, also are you perhaps a bit more stressed when on the trips as stress can cause fluctuations in BG levels...?
Are you eating differently on your 2 wk trips, I suspect you may well be, its hard to maintain proper diets when in hotels etc, also are you perhaps a bit more stressed when on the trips as stress can cause fluctuations in BG levels...?
Hi Martin. Yes I couldn't sleep well as the temperature is very hot there and yeah I did eat more carb while i was there cos there's not so many choices. But I come back to my diet when I come back home but my blood glucose is not back to normal yet. I guess I need more time for my body to adapt?
Sleep is very important for BG levels,to bring levels down quickly afterwards might need a day of almost fasting or very low carbs afterwards to bring down levels quicker, just a thought as we are all different tho '
consuming excessive meat & fat instead of carb to gain weight and fulfill your stomach might lead to insulin resistance
These won't lead to Insulin Resistance, however, excessive carbs will... I think that moderation is the get & listen to what your body is telling you (might take some time to work out what your body is saying but with experience in this lifestyle it will happen)
Hi everyone, i have been diagnosed type 2 diabetic on February this year. My random blood glucose was 15 and the next day after eating is 12.8. My fasting blood glucose was 7.8 and Hba1c is 6.9%. Back then i drank canned juices everyday instead of water.

The GP said that I should change my diet and if it is not reduced I'll have to take metformin.
Then I cut a lot of carb on my diet, avoid all kind of canned juices, and soft drink. I bought the glucose monitor and my fasting is always from 5.3 to 6; after meals from 6.5 - 8.4. I just had a test and my Hba1c is 5.9%. I'm not on any medications.

My problem is that I'm very skinny and I want to gain weight. Reducing carb makes me loose around 2 kg. I really need to gain back 3-4 kg now without striking my blood glucose. Any advice here will be so much appreciated especially with a newbie like me. Thanks a lot! 🙂
Diabetes is a strange thing at times. I am T1 & the heaviest I have been in my life. Its because my body is happy with its self & running right. It does not work that way for T2. Exercise is a good thing 🙂
Welcome genie. I know the feeling about weight. I was not overweight either when I was diagnosed pre-diabetic a couple of years ago (got back to normal, now gone up again). I changed my diet by cutting carbs and ended up underweight.

I am now BMI around 18.8 which is fine I believe as it is over 18.5. I had been as low as BMI 17.9. I eat lots of nuts and use olive and coconut oil for cooking, not loads and loads though. Something seems to have worked. I am a cheese addict too.
Just for the record my cholesterol levels came down when I lowered carbs and upped fats
Wow. I have been more fat too (trying to keep to the good fat although I am a cheese addict). My last overall cholesterol had risen but my GP said they are no longer interested in "overall" only good cholesterol and ratio good to bad. My good cholesterol had risen, bad had decreased and ratio good to bad was better too.
Wow. I have been more fat too (trying to keep to the good fat although I am a cheese addict). My last overall cholesterol had risen but my GP said they are no longer interested in "overall" only good cholesterol and ratio good to bad. My good cholesterol had risen, bad had decreased and ratio good to bad was better too.
It seems that when the Trigs are good, the LDL is no longer an issue (within reason), Low trigs are key to good heart health. My DSN was only interested in my low Trigs. She typed my ratios into some converter thing on her computer & it came up with low heart disease risk.
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